What is the Obstruction of Congress law?


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Adam Schiff is making up laws.
Why hasn't this been a huge issue?
What is the Obstruction of Congress Law?
What is the Abuse of Power Law?
Why is he being allowed to get away with this epic bovine scat?

Schiff should be forced to resign for breaking our Obstruction of the Presidency Law and the Congressional Abuse of Power Law or be impeached.
You know it’s where The branches of government never get along,, democrats made that impeachable lol
You know it’s where The branches of government never get along,, democrats made that impeachable lol
The honest history books will not be kind to Lil'Adam.
This could either destroy our democracy* of it could destroy the Democratic Party.
You know it’s where The branches of government never get along,, democrats made that impeachable lol
The honest history books will not be kind to Lil'Adam.
This could either destroy our democracy* of it could destroy the Democratic Party.

This is only the 1st half of the 2020 game. The 2nd half comes when Barr and Durham start indicting members of the FBI, DOJ, and Obama admin for the biggest scandal in US history, that being Operation Crossfire Hurricane where the Obama admin setup and illegally spied on the Trump campaign, and then had their "insurance policy" of "deep state" leakers and plants to disrupt the Trump administration's term.

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