What is the GOP in the House doing?

I hear nothing about what the GOP is doing after winning the House.

Why is that Republicans? Is there nothing to do? If it were democrats, they would be pounding the drums of impeachment, but I hear nothing.

That is why I have begun to attack the entire Swamp. I don't see much of a difference in either party anymore.

Just grab a club and start swinging. No matter what you hit, it's all good.
I don't understand the impeachment mentality. If impeached, is the US senate going to convict and remove Biden from office? If Biden is successfully impeached will anything change? No, because it really has nothing to do with Biden. If he's gone for whatever reason we've still got the same old shit, maybe even worse. And, I don't want Kamala Harris as president.
The GOP is moving quickly to tackle inflation....they passed the Rein In Inflation Act....which requires the Communist Socialist Biden admin to give reports to Congress on the inflationary impact of his tyrannical Executive Orders......yea, his admin already gives those reports out anyway, but it looks good if you pass a law saying you are demanding it...

That’s a plan?


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