What is the difference between "Absentee voting" and "Junk Mail-in voting"

All you need to know is this:

With absentee ballots ID's must be checked / verified. The identity of the voter does not have to be checked and / or verified with mail-in voting.

That is why one state has made it / is trying to make it legal for people to vote for elderly people in nursing homes without any proof of consent./ signature from the elderly person for whom they are casting the vote.

I will go as far to say that if the Democrats do NOT win in a landslide it is because they are worse than Hillary Clinton, the dumb crooked bitch who could not win a rigged Presidential election in 2016.

The Democrats have already been fixing the election with this mail-in voting bullshit, the most openly criminal attempt to rig / steal an election since Hillary was GIVEN the 2016 nomination, she was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could stay on the ballot, and Barry & Joe's coup attempt failed.


Mail in voting is not fixing a election. There is no criminality involved. Apparently you agree with Trump. The higher the turnout, the greater chance Trump will lose. Clinton should not have been indicted as she committed no crime. The espionage act is called that for a reason.
So for those of you that STILL don't understand the MAJOR difference between "Absentee" voting and "Junk Mail-in Voting" process think of it this way:

Below are the actual regulations regarding Absentee voting in Florida.

First you have to request to vote Absentee and comply with these requirements:

Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot

  • Requests for vote-by-mail ballots must be received in your local Supervisor of Elections office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day before an election.
  • Contact your local Supervisor of Elections to request a vote-by-mail ballot.
  • You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone.
  • Only the voter or a designated member or his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request a vote-by-mail ballot for the voter.
  • Immediate family means the designee’s spouse, parent, child, grandparent or sibling of the designee or of the designee’s spouse.
  • As a voter requesting a vote-by-mail ballot you must provide your:
    • name
    • address
    • date of birth
    • signature (written requests only)
    • If an immediate family member or legal guardian is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for you, that person must provide above information about the voter as well as the following:
      • Requester's name
      • Requester's address
      • Requester's driver's license number (if available)
      • Requester's relationship to voter
      • Requester's signature (written requests only)
      • Now once you have qualified for an Absentee vote:
The Voting a Mail Ballot Procedures
  • Your marked ballot must be mailed or delivered in person, reaching the Supervisor of Elections’ office not later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.
  • Do not return your voted mail ballot to a polling place.*
  • You may designate someone to pick up your vote-by-mail ballot on Election Day or 9 days before Election Day.
  • The designee may only pick up 2 vote-by-mail ballots per election, other than his or her own ballot or ballots for members of his or her immediate family.
  • Designees must have written authorization from the voter, present a picture I.D. and sign an affidavit.
  • Candidates may pick up vote-by-mail ballots only for members of their immediate family.
  • If you decide to go to the polls to vote instead of voting by mail, you should bring the vote-by-mail ballot (marked or not) with you so that it can be cancelled at the polls.
  • If you come to the polls without the vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote a regular ballot if the Supervisor of Elections' office can confirm that it has not received the vote-by-mail ballot. If it is confirmed that the Supervisor of Elections office has received the vote-by-mail ballot or it cannot be determined, you cannot vote a regular ballot at the polls.
  • However, if you believe that you have not already voted, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.
  • A vote-by-mail ballot can be dropped off at designated secure drop boxes located at early voting sites during the election.
  • Please contact your local Supervisor of Elections or refer to their website for the locations of all the vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in your county.

NOW how the "Junk Mail-in Voting " works.
  • All registered voters get a ballot mailed to the address originally registered.
  • Regardless if they live at that address.
  • Meaning anyone can get the ballot and can sign the ballot and return.
  • (By the way I received a ballot at my address... put it back into outgoing mail box.)
State of Nevada is going to mail 100% of their voting roles ballots. No verification of addresses, recipients , nothing. Just a mass mailing. Junk mail.

Now how "JUNK Mail-in Voting" has worked already.

What Happened in New York’s Primary Could Happen to You in November
When Jada Yuan of the Washington Post tried to figure out what happened, she found two major problems:
  • the length of time it’s taking to count the votes, and the
  • high number of votes that are getting thrown out.
In the 12th District, 19 to 28 percent of ballots were invalidated, according to the preliminary numbers.

Compare that with 1.8 and 3 percent for Wisconsin and Georgia, respectively, which also held disastrous elections during the pandemic.

Do you people in favor of "JUNK MAIL-In Voting" understand the massive problems that will come from this?

I have news for you we only have mail in, no absentee in Florida. So what's the difference? No

I also receive a mail in every election since I checked I wanted mail in and I have not gone into the election site to request a ballot for years, yep they come whether I'm living here or not. So I guess you can put us into that June Mail. Oh, I'm in Florida.
I lived in FL for 25 years and voted Absentee from 2004 - 2018 so I know the difference.
AGAIN... NV, NY, et.al. that are using "MAIL-in" are using Junk mail techniques... i.e. they have the addresses of previous voters and mailing to those
addresses. But the problem with "JUNK-Mail-in" is like "JUNK Mail" you have hundreds of thousands of addresses of which in the case of NY primary,

The first large-scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.
More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes. In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes.
In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day.
It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.

So while registered voters requesting ABSENTEE ballots are not as risky as the "JUNK Mail-IN" voting procedure, there are still risks as the above points out!

NY has counted the votes. The only question is whether ballots that were thrown out shou;ld be counted.
So for those of you that STILL don't understand the MAJOR difference between "Absentee" voting and "Junk Mail-in Voting" process think of it this way:

Below are the actual regulations regarding Absentee voting in Florida.

First you have to request to vote Absentee and comply with these requirements:

Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot

  • Requests for vote-by-mail ballots must be received in your local Supervisor of Elections office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day before an election.
  • Contact your local Supervisor of Elections to request a vote-by-mail ballot.
  • You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone.
  • Only the voter or a designated member or his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request a vote-by-mail ballot for the voter.
  • Immediate family means the designee’s spouse, parent, child, grandparent or sibling of the designee or of the designee’s spouse.
  • As a voter requesting a vote-by-mail ballot you must provide your:
    • name
    • address
    • date of birth
    • signature (written requests only)
    • If an immediate family member or legal guardian is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for you, that person must provide above information about the voter as well as the following:
      • Requester's name
      • Requester's address
      • Requester's driver's license number (if available)
      • Requester's relationship to voter
      • Requester's signature (written requests only)
      • Now once you have qualified for an Absentee vote:
The Voting a Mail Ballot Procedures
  • Your marked ballot must be mailed or delivered in person, reaching the Supervisor of Elections’ office not later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.
  • Do not return your voted mail ballot to a polling place.*
  • You may designate someone to pick up your vote-by-mail ballot on Election Day or 9 days before Election Day.
  • The designee may only pick up 2 vote-by-mail ballots per election, other than his or her own ballot or ballots for members of his or her immediate family.
  • Designees must have written authorization from the voter, present a picture I.D. and sign an affidavit.
  • Candidates may pick up vote-by-mail ballots only for members of their immediate family.
  • If you decide to go to the polls to vote instead of voting by mail, you should bring the vote-by-mail ballot (marked or not) with you so that it can be cancelled at the polls.
  • If you come to the polls without the vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote a regular ballot if the Supervisor of Elections' office can confirm that it has not received the vote-by-mail ballot. If it is confirmed that the Supervisor of Elections office has received the vote-by-mail ballot or it cannot be determined, you cannot vote a regular ballot at the polls.
  • However, if you believe that you have not already voted, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.
  • A vote-by-mail ballot can be dropped off at designated secure drop boxes located at early voting sites during the election.
  • Please contact your local Supervisor of Elections or refer to their website for the locations of all the vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in your county.

NOW how the "Junk Mail-in Voting " works.
  • All registered voters get a ballot mailed to the address originally registered.
  • Regardless if they live at that address.
  • Meaning anyone can get the ballot and can sign the ballot and return.
  • (By the way I received a ballot at my address... put it back into outgoing mail box.)
State of Nevada is going to mail 100% of their voting roles ballots. No verification of addresses, recipients , nothing. Just a mass mailing. Junk mail.

Now how "JUNK Mail-in Voting" has worked already.

What Happened in New York’s Primary Could Happen to You in November
When Jada Yuan of the Washington Post tried to figure out what happened, she found two major problems:
  • the length of time it’s taking to count the votes, and the
  • high number of votes that are getting thrown out.
In the 12th District, 19 to 28 percent of ballots were invalidated, according to the preliminary numbers.

Compare that with 1.8 and 3 percent for Wisconsin and Georgia, respectively, which also held disastrous elections during the pandemic.

Do you people in favor of "JUNK MAIL-In Voting" understand the massive problems that will come from this?

I have news for you we only have mail in, no absentee in Florida. So what's the difference? No

I also receive a mail in every election since I checked I wanted mail in and I have not gone into the election site to request a ballot for years, yep they come whether I'm living here or not. So I guess you can put us into that June Mail. Oh, I'm in Florida.
I lived in FL for 25 years and voted Absentee from 2004 - 2018 so I know the difference.
AGAIN... NV, NY, et.al. that are using "MAIL-in" are using Junk mail techniques... i.e. they have the addresses of previous voters and mailing to those
addresses. But the problem with "JUNK-Mail-in" is like "JUNK Mail" you have hundreds of thousands of addresses of which in the case of NY primary,

The first large-scale test of mail-in voting in the pandemic has left one in five New Yorkers with their votes tossed out.
More than a month after New York’s June 23 primary elections, state election officials are still counting votes. In some legislative districts, they haven’t even started counting absentee votes.
In the best-case scenario, election officials hope to declare winners by the first Tuesday in August—six weeks after Election Day.
It might take a lot longer than that. Election officials in New York City have already invalidated upwards of 100,000 absentee ballots—about one of every five that were mailed in from the five boroughs. And furious candidates are already filing lawsuits charging discrimination and disenfranchisement.

Between 2012 and 2018, 28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for, according to data from the federal Election Assistance Commission. The missing ballots amount to nearly one in five of all absentee ballots and ballots mailed to voters residing in states that do elections exclusively by mail.

So while registered voters requesting ABSENTEE ballots are not as risky as the "JUNK Mail-IN" voting procedure, there are still risks as the above points out!

NY has counted the votes. The only question is whether ballots that were thrown out shou;ld be counted.
Don't believe you.
So for those of you that STILL don't understand the MAJOR difference between "Absentee" voting and "Junk Mail-in Voting" process think of it this way:

Below are the actual regulations regarding Absentee voting in Florida.

First you have to request to vote Absentee and comply with these requirements:

Request a Vote-by-Mail Ballot

  • Requests for vote-by-mail ballots must be received in your local Supervisor of Elections office no later than 5:00 pm on the 10th day before an election.
  • Contact your local Supervisor of Elections to request a vote-by-mail ballot.
  • You may request a vote-by-mail ballot in person, by mail, email, fax or by phone.
  • Only the voter or a designated member or his or her immediate family or legal guardian can request a vote-by-mail ballot for the voter.
  • Immediate family means the designee’s spouse, parent, child, grandparent or sibling of the designee or of the designee’s spouse.
  • As a voter requesting a vote-by-mail ballot you must provide your:
    • name
    • address
    • date of birth
    • signature (written requests only)
    • If an immediate family member or legal guardian is requesting a vote-by-mail ballot for you, that person must provide above information about the voter as well as the following:
      • Requester's name
      • Requester's address
      • Requester's driver's license number (if available)
      • Requester's relationship to voter
      • Requester's signature (written requests only)
      • Now once you have qualified for an Absentee vote:
The Voting a Mail Ballot Procedures
  • Your marked ballot must be mailed or delivered in person, reaching the Supervisor of Elections’ office not later than 7:00 pm on the day of the election.
  • Do not return your voted mail ballot to a polling place.*
  • You may designate someone to pick up your vote-by-mail ballot on Election Day or 9 days before Election Day.
  • The designee may only pick up 2 vote-by-mail ballots per election, other than his or her own ballot or ballots for members of his or her immediate family.
  • Designees must have written authorization from the voter, present a picture I.D. and sign an affidavit.
  • Candidates may pick up vote-by-mail ballots only for members of their immediate family.
  • If you decide to go to the polls to vote instead of voting by mail, you should bring the vote-by-mail ballot (marked or not) with you so that it can be cancelled at the polls.
  • If you come to the polls without the vote-by-mail ballot, you can vote a regular ballot if the Supervisor of Elections' office can confirm that it has not received the vote-by-mail ballot. If it is confirmed that the Supervisor of Elections office has received the vote-by-mail ballot or it cannot be determined, you cannot vote a regular ballot at the polls.
  • However, if you believe that you have not already voted, you will be allowed to vote a provisional ballot.
  • A vote-by-mail ballot can be dropped off at designated secure drop boxes located at early voting sites during the election.
  • Please contact your local Supervisor of Elections or refer to their website for the locations of all the vote-by-mail ballot secure drop boxes in your county.

NOW how the "Junk Mail-in Voting " works.
  • All registered voters get a ballot mailed to the address originally registered.
  • Regardless if they live at that address.
  • Meaning anyone can get the ballot and can sign the ballot and return.
  • (By the way I received a ballot at my address... put it back into outgoing mail box.)
State of Nevada is going to mail 100% of their voting roles ballots. No verification of addresses, recipients , nothing. Just a mass mailing. Junk mail.

Now how "JUNK Mail-in Voting" has worked already.

What Happened in New York’s Primary Could Happen to You in November
When Jada Yuan of the Washington Post tried to figure out what happened, she found two major problems:
  • the length of time it’s taking to count the votes, and the
  • high number of votes that are getting thrown out.
In the 12th District, 19 to 28 percent of ballots were invalidated, according to the preliminary numbers.

Compare that with 1.8 and 3 percent for Wisconsin and Georgia, respectively, which also held disastrous elections during the pandemic.

Do you people in favor of "JUNK MAIL-In Voting" understand the massive problems that will come from this?

You have no clue what you are talking about as usual. You assume that the state of Nevada has no checks to keep people from voting frauduantly. I am sure that the state has been dointg absentee ballots for a long time.

The bottom line is that mail in voting has to start somewhere. The only JUNK MAIL is your post. It is so off-base.

FACTS because YOU provided NONE! How can anyone believe your personal, unsubstantiated opinion?


Nevada Governor Signs Universal Mail-In Voting Law

Democratic Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak on Monday signed a bill that will have each registered voter in the state receive a ballot in the mail for November's election instead of having to request one, a move President Donald Trump says he will contest in the courts.
Critics of universal mail-in voting say it can lead to fraud via "ballot harvesting," the practice by which campaign or party operatives collect large numbers of ballots and submit them. The belief is many of the ballots are from those who would not use them and the operatives vote instead.
All you need to know is this:

With absentee ballots ID's must be checked / verified. The identity of the voter does not have to be checked and / or verified with mail-in voting.

That is why one state has made it / is trying to make it legal for people to vote for elderly people in nursing homes without any proof of consent./ signature from the elderly person for whom they are casting the vote.

I will go as far to say that if the Democrats do NOT win in a landslide it is because they are worse than Hillary Clinton, the dumb crooked bitch who could not win a rigged Presidential election in 2016.

The Democrats have already been fixing the election with this mail-in voting bullshit, the most openly criminal attempt to rig / steal an election since Hillary was GIVEN the 2016 nomination, she was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could stay on the ballot, and Barry & Joe's coup attempt failed.


Mail in voting is not fixing a election. There is no criminality involved. Apparently you agree with Trump. The higher the turnout, the greater chance Trump will lose. Clinton should not have been indicted as she committed no crime. The espionage act is called that for a reason.

ONCE again people like you hyperbolate! Exaggerate. And are plain stupid.
Because you don't use FACTS to substantiate your exaggerations you just plain show your dumbness!

FACTS not my opinion FACTS!

Critics of universal mail-in voting say it can lead to fraud via "ballot harvesting," the practice by which campaign or party operatives collect large numbers of ballots and submit them. The belief is many of the ballots are from those who would not use them and the operatives vote instead.

In Orange County, an estimated 250,000 harvested ballots were reportedly dropped off on Election Day alone. County Republican Chairman Fred Whitaker claimed the 2016 law “directly caused the switch from being ahead on election night to losing two weeks later.”
One interaction caught by a Santa Clarita family’s doorbell camera suggested how harvesting can work in practice. A harvester, identifying herself as Lulu, asks for Brandi, and says she is there to collect her ballot, explaining that there is “this new service, but only to, like, people who are supporting the Democratic Party.” How Ballot-Harvesting Became The New Way To Steal An Election

Is "ballot harvesting" illegal?

Dangerous and Foolish’: How Legal Vote Harvesting Prompts Illegal Conduct by Political Operatives
Mayor Anthony Grant was elected in Eatonville, Florida, in a close 2015 race thanks to absentee ballots. Grant was convicted on charges of voter fraud in 2017 that included coercing absentee voters to vote for him.

The Heritage report also notes that ballot harvesting was a concern in Orange County, California, after a registrar of voters said individuals were
“dropping off maybe 100 or 200 ballots” at a time.

Texas enacted a law in September 2017 to make it a first-degree felony to engage in organized election fraud. The law includes a clause specifying “with the intent to establish, maintain or participate in a vote harvesting organization.”
All you need to know is this:

With absentee ballots ID's must be checked / verified. The identity of the voter does not have to be checked and / or verified with mail-in voting.

That is why one state has made it / is trying to make it legal for people to vote for elderly people in nursing homes without any proof of consent./ signature from the elderly person for whom they are casting the vote.

I will go as far to say that if the Democrats do NOT win in a landslide it is because they are worse than Hillary Clinton, the dumb crooked bitch who could not win a rigged Presidential election in 2016.

The Democrats have already been fixing the election with this mail-in voting bullshit, the most openly criminal attempt to rig / steal an election since Hillary was GIVEN the 2016 nomination, she was protected from indictment / prosecution so she could stay on the ballot, and Barry & Joe's coup attempt failed.


Mail in voting is not fixing a election. There is no criminality involved. Apparently you agree with Trump. The higher the turnout, the greater chance Trump will lose. Clinton should not have been indicted as she committed no crime. The espionage act is called that for a reason.

ONCE again people like you hyperbolate! Exaggerate. And are plain stupid.
Because you don't use FACTS to substantiate your exaggerations you just plain show your dumbness!

FACTS not my opinion FACTS!

Critics of universal mail-in voting say it can lead to fraud via "ballot harvesting," the practice by which campaign or party operatives collect large numbers of ballots and submit them. The belief is many of the ballots are from those who would not use them and the operatives vote instead.

In Orange County, an estimated 250,000 harvested ballots were reportedly dropped off on Election Day alone. County Republican Chairman Fred Whitaker claimed the 2016 law “directly caused the switch from being ahead on election night to losing two weeks later.”
One interaction caught by a Santa Clarita family’s doorbell camera suggested how harvesting can work in practice. A harvester, identifying herself as Lulu, asks for Brandi, and says she is there to collect her ballot, explaining that there is “this new service, but only to, like, people who are supporting the Democratic Party.” How Ballot-Harvesting Became The New Way To Steal An Election

Is "ballot harvesting" illegal?

Dangerous and Foolish’: How Legal Vote Harvesting Prompts Illegal Conduct by Political Operatives
Mayor Anthony Grant was elected in Eatonville, Florida, in a close 2015 race thanks to absentee ballots. Grant was convicted on charges of voter fraud in 2017 that included coercing absentee voters to vote for him.

The Heritage report also notes that ballot harvesting was a concern in Orange County, California, after a registrar of voters said individuals were
“dropping off maybe 100 or 200 ballots” at a time.

Texas enacted a law in September 2017 to make it a first-degree felony to engage in organized election fraud. The law includes a clause specifying “with the intent to establish, maintain or participate in a vote harvesting organization.”

I love it when you idiots destroy your own positions. From your own link about fraud by ballot harvesting...

The latter is suspected in North Carolina, where uncharacteristic Democratic charges of vote fraud prompted an investigation into whether Republican-paid political operatives illegally collected and possibly stole absentee ballots in a still-undecided congressional race.

That involved a case regarding absentee ballots being harvested in North Carolina. A state which requires registered voters to request a ballot they could mail in.

That has absolutely nothing to do with states blasting mail-in ballots to all registered voters, which is what Impeached Trump is bitching about. He himself voted in the past with an absentee ballot.

Which means according to your own link, for the sake of reducing voter fraud, there should be no mail-in ballots allowed in any state. Not even absentee ballots. Which is absurd.

And the cherry on top in that case is the suspected fraud was committed by ... Republicans.

Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.

Yep, those damn republican's in Florida sent those sucker's out the 3rd week of July. I voted and mine was received by the local election's office on July 22nd. Damn those people for sending them out before bogus trump debates.
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Sitting presidents don't leverage their office to get re-elected? LOL that was some funny shit right there. :auiqs.jpg:
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?
OH YUP he knows the polls are saying he is behind. Frankly, I'd rather he be behind, because I as one of 50 million people that are either relatives or are LEGAL immigrants KNOW that the MSM has been working to defeat Trump. FACTS are something people like you don't seem to like to use.
But the facts are specifically with us 50+ million... Trump is NOT against immigrants as neither are we 50 million who have relatives or are LEGAL immigrants. But it is a simple search of Google showing "Trump anti-immigrant" with 71,000 results is a total lie told by the MSM. You can not
refute the MSM's position when only 2,540 results! As a result IT IS AN INSULT to us 50+ million to call us with relatives or are LEGAL immigrants!
To me that points out not only how stupid the MSM is but here which YOU will ignore because YOU don't deal with FACTS is the REASON
the dumb ass MSM does this totally bogus premise!


  • 96%donateHillary.png
    400.8 KB · Views: 58
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?

LMAO if by rigging you mean Republicans whooped your ass in 30 states storming to victory with over 300 EC votes then yes.
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?

LMAO if by rigging you mean Republicans whooped your ass in 30 states storming to victory with over 300 EC votes then yes.
No, I don't mean that. What I mean is that before winning, Impeached Trump claimed the election was rigged.
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?

LMAO if by rigging you mean Republicans whooped your ass in 30 states storming to victory with over 300 EC votes then yes.
No, I don't mean that. What I mean is that before winning, Impeached Trump claimed the election was rigged.

The election was rigged against Trump, he whooped their ass in spite of that stunning Dems on election night. Millions of Dems cried and wailed, Hillary was too distraught to face her supporters. Gawd it was glorious! :auiqs.jpg:
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?

LMAO if by rigging you mean Republicans whooped your ass in 30 states storming to victory with over 300 EC votes then yes.
No, I don't mean that. What I mean is that before winning, Impeached Trump claimed the election was rigged.

The election was rigged against Trump, he whooped their ass in spite of that stunning Dems on election night. Millions of Dems cried and wailed, Hillary was too distraught to face her supporters. Gawd it was glorious! :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, suuuure... it wasn't Republicans cheating to win .... it was Democrats cheating to lose. What a nut you are.

Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?
OH... OK you mean like this using his power as President???
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.
(QUO...Obama has more flexibility...)
President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?

LMAO if by rigging you mean Republicans whooped your ass in 30 states storming to victory with over 300 EC votes then yes.
No, I don't mean that. What I mean is that before winning, Impeached Trump claimed the election was rigged.

The election was rigged against Trump, he whooped their ass in spite of that stunning Dems on election night. Millions of Dems cried and wailed, Hillary was too distraught to face her supporters. Gawd it was glorious! :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, suuuure... it wasn't Republicans cheating to win .... it was Democrats cheating to lose. What a nut you are.


Dems cheated and we still won. Are you slow or malnutritioned or something?
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?

LMAO if by rigging you mean Republicans whooped your ass in 30 states storming to victory with over 300 EC votes then yes.
No, I don't mean that. What I mean is that before winning, Impeached Trump claimed the election was rigged.

The election was rigged against Trump, he whooped their ass in spite of that stunning Dems on election night. Millions of Dems cried and wailed, Hillary was too distraught to face her supporters. Gawd it was glorious! :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, suuuure... it wasn't Republicans cheating to win .... it was Democrats cheating to lose. What a nut you are.


Dems cheated and we still won. Are you slow or malnutritioned or something?
Maybe the MSM is trying this again... and they will have the same results!!!
Here's one BIG problem with vote by mail...mark my words Dems will mail out the ballots and try to get voters to complete them BEFORE the presidential debates and race is over.
That's a political issue, not a government or legal issue. And Trump needs to stop this shit of him using his govt power as President, to make him have a better shot at winning.....

Only LOSERS want more debates..... tell tale sign, Trump knows he's losing, no?

Translation, Dems are trying to RIG the election again.
You mean like Republicans did in 2016?

LMAO if by rigging you mean Republicans whooped your ass in 30 states storming to victory with over 300 EC votes then yes.
No, I don't mean that. What I mean is that before winning, Impeached Trump claimed the election was rigged.

The election was rigged against Trump, he whooped their ass in spite of that stunning Dems on election night. Millions of Dems cried and wailed, Hillary was too distraught to face her supporters. Gawd it was glorious! :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah, suuuure... it wasn't Republicans cheating to win .... it was Democrats cheating to lose. What a nut you are.


Dems cheated and we still won. Are you slow or malnutritioned or something?
Great, let's see your evidence...
Nevada Sent More Than 200K Mail-In Primary Ballots to Wrong Addresses
One-sixth of Clark County mail-in ballots were sent to outdated or undeliverable addresses
More than one-sixth of the mail-in ballots sent to voters in Nevada's largest county during the 2020 primary went to outdated addresses,
according to a new watchdog report.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, an election integrity group, reviewed the 1.3 million mail-in ballots Nevada's Clark County sent during the June primary. It found that more than 223,000 of the ballots were sent to outdated addresses, leading the postal service to designate them as "undeliverable." The undeliverable ballots accounted for 17 percent of all ballots mailed to registered voters. Nearly 75 percent of Nevada's total population resides in the county, which includes Las Vegas.

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