What Is Justice for McCabe?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The former deputy director’s FBI coddled Clinton and addled Trump. Now he seeks clemency . . . even as he sues the Justice Department.

Hillary Clinton checked every box for a violation of the Espionage Act. So much so that, in giving her a pass, the FBI figured it better couch her conduct as “extremely careless,” rather than “grossly negligent.” The latter description was stricken from an earlier draft of then-director James Comey’s remarks because it is, verbatim, the mental state the statute requires for a felony conviction. It wouldn’t do to have an “exoneration” statement read like a felony indictment.


the careless/negligent semantic game was a sideshow. Mrs. Clinton’s unlawful storage and transmission of classified information had been patently willful.


The crime was mishandling classified information, and she committed it. And even if motive had mattered (it didn’t), her purpose was to conceal the interplay between her State Department and the Clinton Foundation


While Clinton’s mishandling of classified information got all the attention, it was just the tip of the felony iceberg. Thousands of the 33,000 emails she withheld and undertook to “bleach bit” into oblivion related to State Department business. It is a felony to misappropriate even a single government record. The destruction of the emails, moreover, occurred after a House Committee investigating the Benghazi massacre issued subpoenas and preservation directives to Clinton’s State Department and Clinton herself.


McCabe is feeling the heat because the evidence that he made false statements is daunting. So daunting, in fact, that even he concedes he did not tell the truth to investigators.


if protocol had been followed, McCabe would not have been able to have Flynn grilled without preparation and without counsel. That put Flynn in a very different posture from Hillary Clinton.

(Excerpt) Read more at nationalreview.com .

I think 5 years in prison but having to listen to the 8 full years of the Surrender Monkey speeches played over and over again 24/7/365 would satisfy me....they can get the complete edition from the Queen of England who was gifted one on a Surrender Monkey state visit a few years ago!
The former deputy director’s FBI coddled Clinton and addled Trump. Now he seeks clemency . . . even as he sues the Justice Department.

Hillary Clinton checked every box for a violation of the Espionage Act. So much so that, in giving her a pass, the FBI figured it better couch her conduct as “extremely careless,” rather than “grossly negligent.” The latter description was stricken from an earlier draft of then-director James Comey’s remarks because it is, verbatim, the mental state the statute requires for a felony conviction. It wouldn’t do to have an “exoneration” statement read like a felony indictment.


the careless/negligent semantic game was a sideshow. Mrs. Clinton’s unlawful storage and transmission of classified information had been patently willful.


The crime was mishandling classified information, and she committed it. And even if motive had mattered (it didn’t), her purpose was to conceal the interplay between her State Department and the Clinton Foundation


While Clinton’s mishandling of classified information got all the attention, it was just the tip of the felony iceberg. Thousands of the 33,000 emails she withheld and undertook to “bleach bit” into oblivion related to State Department business. It is a felony to misappropriate even a single government record. The destruction of the emails, moreover, occurred after a House Committee investigating the Benghazi massacre issued subpoenas and preservation directives to Clinton’s State Department and Clinton herself.


McCabe is feeling the heat because the evidence that he made false statements is daunting. So daunting, in fact, that even he concedes he did not tell the truth to investigators.


if protocol had been followed, McCabe would not have been able to have Flynn grilled without preparation and without counsel. That put Flynn in a very different posture from Hillary Clinton.

(Excerpt) Read more at nationalreview.com .

I think 5 years in prison but having to listen to the 8 full years of the Surrender Monkey speeches played over and over again 24/7/365 would satisfy me....they can get the complete edition from the Queen of England who was gifted one on a Surrender Monkey state visit a few years ago!
Hard to tell till Durham is done.
I doubt he will do any time. After Hillary skated with not so much as a slap on the wrist I gave up on the 'justice' department. But since he took a job at CNN he may have to smell Don Lemon's weiner, so there's that.
Justice for McCabe is the the whole weight of the Federal Government coming down on his ass in the same way he set up Gen. Flynn for, and in the same way he tried to set up Don Trump for.

The Socialist Seditionists have already raised half a million dollars for him for legal fees to defend him against his obvious crimes...they are just waiting on the indictment and perp walk like we all are....raised the money hoping he won't wind up in the same small jail cell of the sort he conspired to put Trump supporters in...knowing that if he winds up in such a cell, they will have to Arkancide him before he sings like a canary.
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