What Is It About "Obamacare" That Is Going To "Ruin America"?

Actually it a choice. You have a choice to pay the penalty or get insurance. How can you not see that is a choice?

The mob says the same thing everytime it shakes down a business owner for protection money. "You have a choice to pay the protection or get your knees broken. Which is it?"

That was insightful. Whats your point?

That your ethos is essentially that of the mugger. Brute force would seem to be all you respect or understand.
Your premise that everyone is a moocher but you is ridiculous. Every time I pay a tax that helps support our military fighting in other countries it really, really bothers me, but I have to rely on the fact that the government has made the right decision. Why do you feel unlike everyone else, you get to pick and choose what is worth supporting at a federal level? This is a law, why is this law so much worse than any other federal law that requires financial support? Why do you feel it is OK to live in a country and not care about your fellow countrymen? Why is it if someone needs help, they are moochers? What has made you so skeptical and angry?

There are laws we have that I completely disagree with, but I live and obey them for the greater good of the country and myself. How can anyone consider themselves a patriot and remain so dissident against the greater good?

Are all the elderly moochers, because they participate in SS and medicare? I'm sure when SS came alive in 1935, everyone was concerned about the moochers that just wanted a retirement, instead of having personal responsibility and saving for it.

For SS you have to work X amount of years, actually contribute, before you get any benefits. Medicare and Medicade are an issue soley because it should be the States doing it if they want, not the feds. The military is a consitutionally mandated function of the federal government, as the militas are to the states.

My dissent is that if you want the feds to be able to force me to buy healthcare, pass an amendment. there is nothing in the consitution that says the feds have such power.

The "greater good" is a term used by progressives to use other people's money to show that "they care". nothing more.
Time and time again, I hear Republican politicians saying how "Obamacare" (i.e., the Affordable Health Care Act) will "ruin the country." They hardly ever say HOW it will "ruin" our country.

So that's my question: precisely what is it about the AHCA that will ruin our country? I would like to hear from those who agree with the objecting Republicans. Tell us specifically what it is about the AHCA that is going to "ruin America."

It will be funded by borrowed money.
That's another 9 trillion owed to China.
Unrestrained borrowing leads to bankruptcy.
How do you feel about Denmark Paul? They are heavily socialist. Medicare is a socialist concept as well.

It seems socialist is OK if it has already been defined and is currently being used, i.e. SS, Medicare, etc.. etc... It is funny how a handful of crazy congressmen will use SS and Medicare and every entitlement they can gets their hands on and then refer to nationalized healthcare as a socialist agenda. We all know that socialism is one step away from communism. hint..hint... LOL If helping my fellow American in an efficient, comprehensive and consistent manner means I'm socialist, then I guess I am.
Have you ever experienced socialized healthcare?

I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!
So you didn't see the slums?
On Zealand , you know in Copenhagen?
I've spent a lot of time in Denmark , Sweden and Norway.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Have you seen the Bronx, East LA or parts of Detroit? Not sure your point?
The "greater good" is a term used by progressives to use other people's money to show that "they care". nothing more.

So your patriotic spirit makes you accountable and responsible to no one but yourself? I would like to see you drive down the interstates, if we all hadn't paid to build them. Or have a military to protect you if we all hadn't paid for it. There wouldn't be any SS if we all hadn't of put into it, regardless of how many years you have worked. You really can't separate yourself from the whole, even if you don't agree with it.

You seem to be making this a money thing.. I'm saying it is just a American thing!!
It seems socialist is OK if it has already been defined and is currently being used, i.e. SS, Medicare, etc.. etc... It is funny how a handful of crazy congressmen will use SS and Medicare and every entitlement they can gets their hands on and then refer to nationalized healthcare as a socialist agenda. We all know that socialism is one step away from communism. hint..hint... LOL If helping my fellow American in an efficient, comprehensive and consistent manner means I'm socialist, then I guess I am.
Have you ever experienced socialized healthcare?

I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!

I do as well. All of them are amazed we are going through this sideshow now and wondering why it was not done long ago.
Time and time again, I hear Republican politicians saying how "Obamacare" (i.e., the Affordable Health Care Act) will "ruin the country." They hardly ever say HOW it will "ruin" our country.

So that's my question: precisely what is it about the AHCA that will ruin our country? I would like to hear from those who agree with the objecting Republicans. Tell us specifically what it is about the AHCA that is going to "ruin America."

It will be funded by borrowed money.
That's another 9 trillion owed to China.
Unrestrained borrowing leads to bankruptcy.

You want to stop borrowing money from China, stop buying the cheapest Walmart crap you can!!!
It seems socialist is OK if it has already been defined and is currently being used, i.e. SS, Medicare, etc.. etc... It is funny how a handful of crazy congressmen will use SS and Medicare and every entitlement they can gets their hands on and then refer to nationalized healthcare as a socialist agenda. We all know that socialism is one step away from communism. hint..hint... LOL If helping my fellow American in an efficient, comprehensive and consistent manner means I'm socialist, then I guess I am.
Have you ever experienced socialized healthcare?

I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!

I have.
Your "friends" would not criticize their healthcare system to an American.
It's a weird jingoistic thing amongst Europeans and Canadiens.

They probably pal around with you when you are buying the drinks, then gobshite you behind your back.
It happens all the time.
Time and time again, I hear Republican politicians saying how "Obamacare" (i.e., the Affordable Health Care Act) will "ruin the country." They hardly ever say HOW it will "ruin" our country.

So that's my question: precisely what is it about the AHCA that will ruin our country? I would like to hear from those who agree with the objecting Republicans. Tell us specifically what it is about the AHCA that is going to "ruin America."

It will be funded by borrowed money.
That's another 9 trillion owed to China.
Unrestrained borrowing leads to bankruptcy.

You want to stop borrowing money from China, stop buying the cheapest Walmart crap you can!!!

I've never shopped at a walmart.
Have you ever experienced socialized healthcare?

I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!

I do as well. All of them are amazed we are going through this sideshow now and wondering why it was not done long ago.

You don't get it.
As soon as you are gone, these people you consider "friends" laugh at you amongst each other.
Their state owned news agencies convince them that all americans( they call you septics) are borderline retarded.
I've seen it happen.
You haven't, because you are American!!
Have you ever experienced socialized healthcare?

I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!

I have.
Your "friends" would not criticize their healthcare system to an American.
It's a weird jingoistic thing amongst Europeans and Canadiens.

They probably pal around with you when you are buying the drinks, then gob****e you behind your back.
It happens all the time.

When did you live in a socialist country? Military doesn't count..

You and I obviously have different friendships..
I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!

I have.
Your "friends" would not criticize their healthcare system to an American.
It's a weird jingoistic thing amongst Europeans and Canadiens.

They probably pal around with you when you are buying the drinks, then gob****e you behind your back.
It happens all the time.

When did you live in a socialist country? Military doesn't count..

You and I obviously have different friendships..

Since the day I was born until 2003.
I have not, have you? I have many friends in other developed countries that have nationalized healthcare and love it!!!

I do as well. All of them are amazed we are going through this sideshow now and wondering why it was not done long ago.

You don't get it.
As soon as you are gone, these people you consider "friends" laugh at you amongst each other.
Their state owned news agencies convince them that all americans( they call you septics) are borderline retarded.
I've seen it happen.
You haven't, because you are American!!


Unfortunately, the latest round of trying to deny nationalized healthcare to its citizens is yet another reason why Europe laughs at us. I can give you a slew of reasons that other countries laugh at us, had many dinners with Europeans over the subject. Most other countries see us as a joke, because unlike our government everything is not measured in military might. We have allowed our Education to drop through the floor, to stupid not to buy Chinese products, are OK with a huge percentage of our money going for defense, etc..etc..etc...
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So you didn't see the slums?
On Zealand , you know in Copenhagen?
I've spent a lot of time in Denmark , Sweden and Norway.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Have you seen the Bronx, East LA or parts of Detroit? Not sure your point?

Read the post it responds to.
A tourist visiting a nation will never get a true picture of the reality of life in that nation.
There are areas of Copenhagen that the police do not patrol.
I have.
Your "friends" would not criticize their healthcare system to an American.
It's a weird jingoistic thing amongst Europeans and Canadiens.

They probably pal around with you when you are buying the drinks, then gob****e you behind your back.
It happens all the time.

When did you live in a socialist country? Military doesn't count..

You and I obviously have different friendships..

Since the day I was born until 2003.

So you really don't know much of the US? Kind of hard to be an expert at everything..

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