What is Europe going to do when America can no longer aford to support them financially and with innovation?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The foolish Europeans, who gave us all the types of socialism, from communism to nazism and fascism...........who gave the world Imperialism, brought African slaves to America, both World Wars, genocide and ethnic cleansing...

What are you guys going to do when America can no longer afford to finance your lifestyles....which what will now happen with the democrats in charge. No more national healthcare, cuts to your welfare state...hell....you guys are actually going to have to serve in your own military as Russia moves west...

Do you have Russian language programs to get ready for that? Or you guys are going to start killing each other again..........since you weren't able to keep killing each other before America became a super power.......
I think that first of all the Americans should decide what the US they want to have and what the future of the US is.
Russian army would easily obliterate the EU in a few months

Few months? They British can't float a ship, the continent can't even pay for their own armies.........they would likely surrender rather than fight...

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