What is Aqua Buddha?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
What is Aqua Buddha?

Was there really a secret society that called the Holy Bible “a hoax,” and was banned at a university for mocking Christianity? If so, does it qualify as a religion.

How can I find out more about this secret society? What are it's tenets and beliefs?


Conway ‘Lying’ About ‘Aqua Buddha’? | FactCheck.org


all I can find (so far) is this tidbit "in "GQ" magazine. So the picture was from Baylor equivalent of the "Harvard Lampoon" which is a kind of a group of college pranksters. It was a secret society apparently called the "Noze Brotherhood", spelled n-o-z-e." -

CNN.com - Transcripts
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but seriously, how is teh seceret brotherhood of Aqua Buddha, if it exists, any different than say -- Islam, Christianity, ... from Baptist sects or Mormonism (space angels and other weird things)?

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