What in the hell is wrong with people?


Yep, still blaming Bush for the God-King's mishaps;


No, I blame Bush for his own incompetence.

WHich has nothing to do with the fact that Solyndra was something that a lot of smart people in government and outside, considered a good bet.

That's the whole point of "investment", guy. YOu pick something that seems like a good bet, you invest in it.

Cylindrical solar panels seemed like a good bet in 2008. Both parties and private interests were interested.

This is not about who gets what or who has more Senators. Federal tax money shouldn't be used to take care of Illinois problems. That's the STATE'S responsibility. This is where you uneducated hicks fail in understanding Federalism. It's probably not your fault, you were probably taught by illiterate Dept. of Education public school teachers who never read the Constitution. Instead of teaching you about how our system of government works, they spent all their time teaching you to hate Southern people. Now you're a fucking bigot.

Um, I went to Catholic Schools. WHich is why I hate Religious assholes.

But to the point. Ike realized we needed FEDERAL interstates. Both for economic and militarily strategic reasons. (Both to move military assets quickly, and in case we had to evacuate the cities in a hurry.)

Here's the thing. I think the Constitution is a great starting point, but I would no more take the opinions of 18th century Slave Rapists on how to manage a colony than I would take their advice on medical treatment. (which would no doubt involve bleeding.)
You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. I bet you can't even explain what the GDP is. This nation currently holds over $100 trillion in UNFUNDED liabilities. Our deficit has been growing at an average of $1.7 trillion each year this buffoon has been in office. And YES, that money has to be borrowed, that's what DEFICIT means, dumbass! The debt was less than $10 trillion when Bush left office, it's now over $17 trillion and nothing approaching a balanced budget in sight. YOUR president has increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED! That includes Wilson and FDR who had to fund TWO World Wars.

Okay, here's the problem with your argument.

When Ronnie Reagan came to office, the National Debt, including two World Wars, was all of 990 Billion. Not even a trillion. By the time Bush-41 got run out of town on a rail, it was 4 trillion.

Clinton got ahead of the problem and finally got us tot he point where we were posting surpluses by 1999.

But Bush went back to giving tax breaks to the rich, and he had the national debt up to 10 Trillion. Totally Oedipused his old man.

The deficit for FY2014 is lower than it was when Bush left.

Uh, guy, last time I checked, folks in IL pay taxes, too. And we end up sending more to Washington than we get back. Meanwhile, dumb as shit Red States end up getting more back than they send between military contracts, building roads across great stretches of nothing and guys like Ted Stevens who are able to manipulate the system because Alaska gets just as many Senators as Illinois.

This is not about who gets what or who has more Senators. Federal tax money shouldn't be used to take care of Illinois problems. That's the STATE'S responsibility. This is where you uneducated hicks fail in understanding Federalism. It's probably not your fault, you were probably taught by illiterate Dept. of Education public school teachers who never read the Constitution. Instead of teaching you about how our system of government works, they spent all their time teaching you to hate Southern people. Now you're a fucking bigot.

No, I don't think there's "all this money" piled up in Washington. I think we have a GDP of 17 Trillion and assets in the country worth 50 Trillion and the government has found it easier to borrow than tax.

And, no, we aren't borrowing anything near 1.7 Trillion this year.

You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. I bet you can't even explain what the GDP is. This nation currently holds over $100 trillion in UNFUNDED liabilities. Our deficit has been growing at an average of $1.7 trillion each year this buffoon has been in office. And YES, that money has to be borrowed, that's what DEFICIT means, dumbass! The debt was less than $10 trillion when Bush left office, it's now over $17 trillion and nothing approaching a balanced budget in sight. YOUR president has increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED! That includes Wilson and FDR who had to fund TWO World Wars.

I applaud your efforts, but you're in a circular argument with one of the dumbest motherfuckers who has ever learned to type. It will lead to nothing but aggravation. Worse than chess with a pigeon.

Clinton got ahead of the problem and finally got us tot he point where we were posting surpluses by 1999.

Why do you keep repeating this lie? There were no Clinton surpluses.

Here are the figures from the Treasury Department which show total indebtedness as the the Data of Clinton's inauguration up until Bush was sworn in. Every single year showed an increase in total indebtedness.

So please stop lying now that you've been educated.

January 20, 1994 = $4,500,676,535,249.79
January 20, 1995 = $4,796,537,934,595.60
January 20, 1996 = $4,988,397,941,589.45
January 20, 1997 = $5,309,774,506,681.99
January 20, 1998 = $5,495,525,658,807.45
January 20, 1999 = $5,623,807,213,463.02
January 20, 2000 = $5,706,174,969,873.86
January 20, 2001 = $5,727,776,738,304.64
Clinton got ahead of the problem and finally got us tot he point where we were posting surpluses by 1999.

Why do you keep repeating this lie? There were no Clinton surpluses.

Here are the figures from the Treasury Department which show total indebtedness as the the Data of Clinton's inauguration up until Bush was sworn in. Every single year showed an increase in total indebtedness.

So please stop lying now that you've been educated.

January 20, 1994 = $4,500,676,535,249.79
January 20, 1995 = $4,796,537,934,595.60
January 20, 1996 = $4,988,397,941,589.45
January 20, 1997 = $5,309,774,506,681.99
January 20, 1998 = $5,495,525,658,807.45
January 20, 1999 = $5,623,807,213,463.02
January 20, 2000 = $5,706,174,969,873.86
January 20, 2001 = $5,727,776,738,304.64

Which means instead of tripling, like it did under Reagan, he got it under control.

But he lied about a blow job. That was the important thing.
Clinton got ahead of the problem and finally got us tot he point where we were posting surpluses by 1999.

Why do you keep repeating this lie? There were no Clinton surpluses.

Here are the figures from the Treasury Department which show total indebtedness as the the Data of Clinton's inauguration up until Bush was sworn in. Every single year showed an increase in total indebtedness.

So please stop lying now that you've been educated.

January 20, 1994 = $4,500,676,535,249.79
January 20, 1995 = $4,796,537,934,595.60
January 20, 1996 = $4,988,397,941,589.45
January 20, 1997 = $5,309,774,506,681.99
January 20, 1998 = $5,495,525,658,807.45
January 20, 1999 = $5,623,807,213,463.02
January 20, 2000 = $5,706,174,969,873.86
January 20, 2001 = $5,727,776,738,304.64

Which means instead of tripling, like it did under Reagan, he got it under control.

But he lied about a blow job. That was the important thing.

Again, you are proven wrong. Your statement was that Clinton balanced the budget. As the evidence clearly shows, he did not. Now you want to claim he "got it under control" but that is also a lie. Congress voted to count the Social Security trust fund as part of the general fund, so Clinton spent that money and still ran a $200 billion+ deficit every year. At the end of his 8 years, we were $1.2 trillion MORE in debt, plus we had spent most of the money in the Social Security trust fund.

This is not about who gets what or who has more Senators. Federal tax money shouldn't be used to take care of Illinois problems. That's the STATE'S responsibility. This is where you uneducated hicks fail in understanding Federalism. It's probably not your fault, you were probably taught by illiterate Dept. of Education public school teachers who never read the Constitution. Instead of teaching you about how our system of government works, they spent all their time teaching you to hate Southern people. Now you're a fucking bigot.

Um, I went to Catholic Schools. WHich is why I hate Religious assholes.

But to the point. Ike realized we needed FEDERAL interstates. Both for economic and militarily strategic reasons. (Both to move military assets quickly, and in case we had to evacuate the cities in a hurry.)

Here's the thing. I think the Constitution is a great starting point, but I would no more take the opinions of 18th century Slave Rapists on how to manage a colony than I would take their advice on medical treatment. (which would no doubt involve bleeding.)

And this is why I think we'll eventually have to go to war and shoot you or run you out of our country.

This is not about who gets what or who has more Senators. Federal tax money shouldn't be used to take care of Illinois problems. That's the STATE'S responsibility. This is where you uneducated hicks fail in understanding Federalism. It's probably not your fault, you were probably taught by illiterate Dept. of Education public school teachers who never read the Constitution. Instead of teaching you about how our system of government works, they spent all their time teaching you to hate Southern people. Now you're a fucking bigot.

Um, I went to Catholic Schools. WHich is why I hate Religious assholes.

But to the point. Ike realized we needed FEDERAL interstates. Both for economic and militarily strategic reasons. (Both to move military assets quickly, and in case we had to evacuate the cities in a hurry.)

Here's the thing. I think the Constitution is a great starting point, but I would no more take the opinions of 18th century Slave Rapists on how to manage a colony than I would take their advice on medical treatment. (which would no doubt involve bleeding.)

And this is why I think we'll eventually have to go to war and shoot you or run you out of our country.

No, we just need to let the whole system collapse under their weight.

Shoot them if they come and try to steal your shit after that, but otherwise they'll starve to death or dehydrate and die in less than a month.

After that we can rebuild without interference.

Another "the founding fathers were Marxists" claim. LOL, sure they were, Paint, sure they were...

It's amazing how stupid some of these bed wetters are.

Their kind founded the USSR, Cuba, North Korea. Hell holes are created by progs.

Yes, that is their heritage. The founding fathers were very much today's libertarians.

Libertarian fantasy

Actually, the founders cared about their fellow Americans
It's amazing how stupid some of these bed wetters are.

Their kind founded the USSR, Cuba, North Korea. Hell holes are created by progs.

Yes, that is their heritage. The founding fathers were very much today's libertarians.

Libertarian fantasy

Actually, the founders cared about their fellow Americans

You actually believe that?

According to most of your ilk they were all heartless slave masters, rapists, terrorists and greedy landlords.

Which is it?

Thread summary:

Boss started out butthurt that some liberals were so meeeeeeeeaaaaaaan to him.

His butthurt is escalating.

He has become the leader of a butthurt victimhood clique.

The normal people are rolling their eyes at their butthurt act.

The victimhood clique has no intention of stopping their butthurt act, since it's all they know how to do.

(Okay, they can also threaten violence, but that just makes people laugh, being the big talkers are so fundamentally dickless.)
Last edited:
Yes, that is their heritage. The founding fathers were very much today's libertarians.

Libertarian fantasy

Actually, the founders cared about their fellow Americans

You actually believe that?

According to most of your ilk they were all heartless slave masters, rapists, terrorists and greedy landlords.

Which is it?

They can't make up their insane minds, it's like everything else... whatever meme works for the moment to advance their totalitarian agenda. Doesn't matter if they completely contradict themselves in the same damn paragraph, as long as they are pushing that agenda down the road to totalitarianism. That's the goal, that's the objective, nothing else really matters. Fuck honesty and integrity, that left the tracks a LONG time ago, along with sanity!
Thread summary:

Boss started out butthurt that some liberals were so meeeeeeeeaaaaaaan to him.

His butthurt is escalating.

He has become the leader of a butthurt victimhood clique.

The normal people are rolling their eyes at their butthurt act.

The victimhood clique has no intention of stopping their butthurt act, since it's all they know how to do.

(Okay, they can also threaten violence, but that just makes people laugh, being the big talkers are so fundamentally dickless.)

Libertarian fantasy

Actually, the founders cared about their fellow Americans

You actually believe that?

According to most of your ilk they were all heartless slave masters, rapists, terrorists and greedy landlords.

Which is it?

They can't make up their insane minds, it's like everything else... whatever meme works for the moment to advance their totalitarian agenda. Doesn't matter if they completely contradict themselves in the same damn paragraph, as long as they are pushing that agenda down the road to totalitarianism. That's the goal, that's the objective, nothing else really matters. Fuck honesty and integrity, that left the tracks a LONG time ago, along with sanity!

Like I said. Let them collapse the system.

When the feds implode like the New Orleans Police Dept, these parasites will start dropping like flies and forcing us to kill them off as they attempt to steal the things they need to live.

I don't even care anymore. They should have been aborted or have killed themselves accidentally by now. There's too many safety warnings for this to be resolved fast enough for me.

You don't even know what the hell you're talking about. I bet you can't even explain what the GDP is. This nation currently holds over $100 trillion in UNFUNDED liabilities. Our deficit has been growing at an average of $1.7 trillion each year this buffoon has been in office. And YES, that money has to be borrowed, that's what DEFICIT means, dumbass! The debt was less than $10 trillion when Bush left office, it's now over $17 trillion and nothing approaching a balanced budget in sight. YOUR president has increased the national debt more than all previous presidents COMBINED! That includes Wilson and FDR who had to fund TWO World Wars.

Okay, here's the problem with your argument.

When Ronnie Reagan came to office, the National Debt, including two World Wars, was all of 990 Billion. Not even a trillion. By the time Bush-41 got run out of town on a rail, it was 4 trillion.

Clinton got ahead of the problem and finally got us tot he point where we were posting surpluses by 1999.

But Bush went back to giving tax breaks to the rich, and he had the national debt up to 10 Trillion. Totally Oedipused his old man.

The deficit for FY2014 is lower than it was when Bush left.


Apparently, you are too ignorant to even read a simple graph. 2013-2015 are estimates, it says that clearly at the top of the graph. They come from the blog site where you found this load of horse manure, and reflect the rather lofty expectations of the blog master. You can't take credit for numbers which haven't come to fruition yet. As we can see from the ACTUAL numbers, Obama's bars far surpass the 4 previous presidents, and if your graph carried on out you would see his bars far surpass ALL other presidents. IF the lofty projections turn out correct, Obama's 2015 deficit will be just slightly less than Bush's 3 worst years. But it remains to be seen if Obama is going to actually reduce the deficit.

Also, we see here that Clinton's so-called "surplus" came after the Republican's Gingrich Revolution and Contract With America, where Clinton was forced to "triangulate" and make massive cuts to spending... at that same time, he was spending up all the retirement money from the SS trust fund which had been included in the General Fund. So this was "smoke and mirrors" largely due to Newt Gingrich and Republicans. As the evidence showed, the national debt increased $1.2 trillion under Clinton. Of course, compared to Obama's average of $1.7 trillion per YEAR, that's pretty good for a 'dumb and ignernt' Southern fella, I guess.
It's amazing how stupid some of these bed wetters are.

Their kind founded the USSR, Cuba, North Korea. Hell holes are created by progs.

Yes, that is their heritage. The founding fathers were very much today's libertarians.

Libertarian fantasy

Actually, the founders cared about their fellow Americans

Well, if that's true, then you should be able to provide some content to back it up. OK, now I cracked myself up. RW providing content. LOL, now that's funny...
Yes, that is their heritage. The founding fathers were very much today's libertarians.

Libertarian fantasy

Actually, the founders cared about their fellow Americans

Well, if that's true, then you should be able to provide some content to back it up. OK, now I cracked myself up. RW providing content. LOL, now that's funny...


You laid the irony out so thick there it has it's own magnetic field.


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