What if You Held a Class War and No One Showed Up?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
What if You Held a Class War and No One Showed Up?

Today is one of those days where I hardly know how to react to things anymore. Part of me shrugs at this stuff: politics is politics. Of course Republicans are going to call a Democratic president a failure. What else would they do?

But then, for about the thousandth time, my mind wanders over the past ten years. Republicans got the tax cuts they wanted. They got the financial deregulation they wanted. They got the wars they wanted. They got the unfunded spending increases they wanted. And the results were completely, unrelentingly disastrous. A decade of sluggish growth and near-zero wage increases. A massive housing bubble. Trillions of dollars in war spending and thousands of American lives lost. A financial collapse. A soaring long-term deficit. Sky-high unemployment. All on their watch and all due to policies they eagerly supported. And worse: ever since the predictable results of their recklessness came crashing down, they've rabidly and nearly unanimously opposed every single attempt to dig ourselves out of the hole they created for us.

But despite the fact that this is all recent history, it's treated like some kind of dreamscape. No one talks about it. Republicans pretend it never happened. Fox News insists that what we need is an even bigger dose of the medicine we got in the aughts, and this is, inexplicably, treated seriously by the rest of the press corps instead of being laughed at. As a result, guys like Marco Rubio have a free hand to insist that Obama — Obama! The guy who rescued the banking system, bailed out GM, and whose worst crime against the rich is a desire to increase their income tax rate 4.6 percentage points! — is a "left-wing strong man" engaged in brutal class warfare against the wealthy. And Rubio does it without blinking. Hell, he probably even believes it.
From the vague and generally off topic replies from the left lately one thing is obvious:
Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" must have finally been released in an audio version.
So, no blame at all for the Dems, huh? I assume you have no pretentions of being unbiased.
Spell out that blame - be specific.

The Great Recession was originally started by the Clinton Administration who threatened banks with a Congressional Inquisition if they didn't make more loans to marginal buyers (sub prime). They loaned them government money and underwrote massive numbers of the loans. And Barney Frank who was supposed to oversee it saw nothing coming and was a pom pom cheerleader.

Now did the Republicans do anything more then the Democrats to help us get out of it? No they did not, but the housing market collapse was directly caused by Democrats and everything else collapsed because of that. You can spin all you want, that's the fact.
Can we use this turdish thread to get rid of one repeated lie????


They got the financial deregulation they wanted.

You MEAN the deregulation that let the banks get into investment banking? Like THIS ONE?

Who Caused the Economic Crisis? | FactCheck.org

The bill in question is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which was passed in 1999 and repealed portions of the Glass-Steagall Act, a piece of legislation from the era of the Great Depression that imposed a number of regulations on financial institutions. It’s true that Gramm authored the act, but what became law was a widely accepted bipartisan compromise. The measure passed the House 362 - 57, with 155 Democrats voting for the bill. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 90 – 8. Among the Democrats voting for the bill: Obama’s running mate, Joe Biden. The bill was signed into law by President Clinton, a Democrat. If this bill really had "stripped the safeguards that would have protected us," then both parties share the blame, not just "John McCain’s friend."

The truth is, however, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act had little if anything to do with the current crisis. In fact, economists on both sides of the political spectrum have suggested that the act has probably made the crisis less severe than it might otherwise have been.

Passing the SENATE by 90 to 8 is NOT a republican thing. Being signed by Clinton is NOT a republican thing. ANd having Joe Biden vote for it is --- well ---- doesn't mean much...

You got something else we missed here Mr Synth? Or can we put that puppy to bed for good?
Rubio is a punk.

He certainly represents the worst the TPM has to offer: a blind partisan motivated by dogma, not what’s best for the nation.

So, no blame at all for the Dems, huh?

In Florida, sure – because of Florida Democrats’ incompetence and inability to recruit and field viable candidates, partisan TPM hacks like Rubio and Scott can hold office; the Democratic candidate for Senate in 2010 was a pathetic joke.
Dems will do anything other than run on their record.

Let's review.

Record Number of people in Poverty
Record Number of people on Food stamps
Record Budget Deficit, has to be expressed in scientific notation
Record Debt
Record Unemployment, 9% + and never BELOW 8% in spite of Obama promise that Stimulus was needed
USA losing its AAA Credit rating
Record Foreclosures

That's quite a record, Dear
So, no blame at all for the Dems, huh? I assume you have no pretentions of being unbiased.
Spell out that blame - be specific.

The Great Recession was originally started by the Clinton Administration who threatened banks with a Congressional Inquisition if they didn't make more loans to marginal buyers (sub prime).

False. That was Bush, with his "Ownership Society":

End of the ‘Ownership Society’
Was Bush's 'ownership society' cause of world economic meltdown?
What "Ownership Society"? Bush's major economic idea goes bust.

They loaned them government money and underwrote massive numbers of the loans. And Barney Frank who was supposed to oversee it saw nothing coming and was a pom pom cheerleader.

How was Barney Frank supposed to oversee it when the Republicans controlled the House from 1995-2007?

Now did the Republicans do anything more then the Democrats to help us get out of it? No they did not, but the housing market collapse was directly caused by Democrats and everything else collapsed because of that. You can spin all you want, that's the fact.

Your 'facts' suck! :lol:

Come back with some facts that are based on actual facts.
What if You Held a Class War and No One Showed Up?

Today is one of those days where I hardly know how to react to things anymore. Part of me shrugs at this stuff: politics is politics. Of course Republicans are going to call a Democratic president a failure. What else would they do?

But then, for about the thousandth time, my mind wanders over the past ten years. Republicans got the tax cuts they wanted. They got the financial deregulation they wanted. They got the wars they wanted. They got the unfunded spending increases they wanted. And the results were completely, unrelentingly disastrous. A decade of sluggish growth and near-zero wage increases. A massive housing bubble. Trillions of dollars in war spending and thousands of American lives lost. A financial collapse. A soaring long-term deficit. Sky-high unemployment. All on their watch and all due to policies they eagerly supported. And worse: ever since the predictable results of their recklessness came crashing down, they've rabidly and nearly unanimously opposed every single attempt to dig ourselves out of the hole they created for us.

But despite the fact that this is all recent history, it's treated like some kind of dreamscape. No one talks about it. Republicans pretend it never happened. Fox News insists that what we need is an even bigger dose of the medicine we got in the aughts, and this is, inexplicably, treated seriously by the rest of the press corps instead of being laughed at. As a result, guys like Marco Rubio have a free hand to insist that Obama — Obama! The guy who rescued the banking system, bailed out GM, and whose worst crime against the rich is a desire to increase their income tax rate 4.6 percentage points! — is a "left-wing strong man" engaged in brutal class warfare against the wealthy. And Rubio does it without blinking. Hell, he probably even believes it.

Excellent post!!!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

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