What if Hitler had won ?


Jun 25, 2009
Not fucking there !
What would the world be like ?
Would he have a para-military group that went around threatening people with ruin and prison about their taxes ?
Would he have thousands, or hundreds of thousands watching your every move, everywhere on earth, and monitoring what used to be private conversations or transactions ?
Would he have a private band of armed Nazi'd to keep you from yelling too loud ?
Would he dictate what medicines,other substances and medical treatments you were "allowed" ?
Would he be taking the revenue money and giving it to his Nazi cronies on other continents instead of using it to benefit his own people ?
Would he be using these funds to invade other nations, against your(and their) will, so he and his Nazi cronies could rob them of their natural resources and take advantage of their poor ?
Would he allow a sort of AIPAC and ADL to control foreign policy ?



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Why don't you exhume his dead ass and campaign him for the 2012 election.

What a dumb fuck.
So you support Hitler. Thanks for proving you are beyond ignorant. Wait does this mean Strollingbones will be along to defend you again?
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Why don't you exhume his dead ass and campaign him for the 2012 election.

What a dumb fuck.
No need. You idiots have been voting for his policies for 50 years.
Your so called murkin dream is exactly as he would have wanted it. It's OK though. Your leaders are murkin ! Not stinking Germans.
You stupid flag washed, uneducated dipshits are too stupid to see my point.
Just like anyone that mentions universal health care automatically receives the titles of lazy, socialist, commie, Marxist.

Enjoy your demise.......slaves.
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Why don't you exhume his dead ass and campaign him for the 2012 election.

What a dumb fuck.
No need. You idiots have been voting for his policies for 50 years.

What in the fuck are you talking about imbecile ? Don't you have a brown-shirt-pep-rally, a flag-burning, or a KKK meeting to attend to?

He is a leftist stooge that left the US cause Bush got elected the second time. he lives in Central America. The ONLY thing admirable about him is he said he would leave if Bush won again and he did.

he is brain dead and a moron.
No need. You idiots have been voting for his policies for 50 years.

What in the fuck are you talking about imbecile ? Don't you have a brown-shirt-pep-rally, a flag-burning, or a KKK meeting to attend to?

He is a leftist stooge that left the US cause Bush got elected the second time. he lives in Central America. The ONLY thing admirable about him is he said he would leave if Bush won again and he did.

he is brain dead and a moron.

So, let me get this straight - he deports himself to a third-world pisshole communist country (because he's not happy with America's government), gets an Internet account, and spends 24/7 on here ragging on Americans, in particular, American servicemen and women?

He needs to stay deported. Good riddance to that POS
What would the world be like ?
Would he have a para-military group that went around threatening people with ruin and prison about their taxes ?
Would he have thousands, or hundreds of thousands watching your every move, everywhere on earth, and monitoring what used to be private conversations or transactions ?
Would he have a private band of armed Nazi'd to keep you from yelling too loud ?
Would he dictate what medicines,other substances and medical treatments you were "allowed" ?
Would he be taking the revenue money and giving it to his Nazi cronies on other continents instead of using it to benefit his own people ?
Would he be using these funds to invade other nations, against your(and their) will, so he and his Nazi cronies could rob them of their natural resources and take advantage of their poor ?
Would he allow a sort of AIPAC and ADL to control foreign policy ?


more than likely he'd be making a lamp shade from the ample skin on your ass.
Oh, look, another individual who thinks 'politics' is flaming people for the craic of it. Ahhh, that's sweet.

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