What I believe we should do to cut emissions and grow the economy


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What I believe we should do to cut emissions and grow the economy....

1. Mandate all new homes to have there roof tops covered within solar panels(3-5kw). Panels, windows, etc. There's no reason our homes can't use the natural environment. ;) What Area of Solar Panels for 1kw - Ask.com

2. Install solar "windows" in buildings with solar on the roofs.

The government did this for light bulbs, fuel standards and digital t.v! So it is possible...:eusa_whistle:

3. Nuclear power, hydro, geo-thermal and wave to power our cars, trucks and planes.

China just mandated all new cars within a decade be hybrids. Let's do the same and better ;) Let's show the world. Once we do this we cut off all coal, oil and gas!
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What I believe we should do to cut emissions and grow the economy....

1. Mandate all new homes to have there roof tops covered within solar panels(3-5kw). Panels, windows, etc. There's no reason our homes can't use the natural environment. ;) What Area of Solar Panels for 1kw - Ask.com

YEAH BABY!! Bet your butt!!!

My main beef is with the word "mandate", otherwise known as some government twerp or another writing yet more rules and regulations to dictate how I use the panels that are already on my roof. Seems like letting the markets iron this one out, as solar installs continue to become cheaper and compete with grid power, they are installed by people who truly will appreciate them, versus just another "forced to do it by the government at gunpoint" routine. We have enough of that already.

Matthew said:
3. Nuclear power, hydro, geo-thermal and wave to power our cars, trucks and planes.

and natural gas and crude oil and hydrates and tar sands and oil shales as well of course. No point in listing all the things which DON'T currently power much of the transport fleet without showing that stuff we have plenty of and which has been doing a good job for a century now isn't to be discounted.

Matthew said:
China just mandated all new cars within a decade be hybrids. Let's do the same and better ;) Let's show the world. Once we do this we cut off all coal, oil and gas!

Goodness, why would we ever want to do that? It is like saying, "free cars for everyone, as long as they use square wheels!". Quite illogical. And who cares what China does anyway, the environmental destruction they are doing to their country becomes an economic advantage for everyone else, let them run with that ball and chain around their ankle as long as they want to.
What I believe we should do to cut emissions and grow the economy....

1. Mandate all new homes to have there roof tops covered within solar panels(3-5kw). Panels, windows, etc. There's no reason our homes can't use the natural environment. ;) What Area of Solar Panels for 1kw - Ask.com

2. Install solar "windows" in buildings with solar on the roofs.

The government did this for light bulbs, fuel standards and digital t.v! So it is possible...:eusa_whistle:

3. Nuclear power, hydro, geo-thermal and wave to power our cars, trucks and planes.

China just mandated all new cars within a decade be hybrids. Let's do the same and better ;) Let's show the world. Once we do this we cut off all coal, oil and gas!

Go live in China then, seeing as how you clearly want to live in an oppressive, authoritarian regime with little freedom. I imagine they share your opinion of blacks too, so I'm sure you'll fit right in.
Matthew just can't wait to start his new solar biz...


Maybe --- if he lived in Germany, he could get HUGE commercial accounts for sweeping snow off these "government mandated" white elephants..

Dear gawd save us from these idiots

scratch a liberal/Progressive/environmentalist find a FASCIST
I think that basic economics is going to start driving solar in overdrive, as the price on the panels continues to rapidly decline, and the grid price of energy continues to climb. Large warehouses often have truck fleets attached to them, delivering within the urban environment the goods they handle. I am seeing more of these trucks either EV's or hybrids. With cheap panels, the warehouses can supply most of the energy needed for the operations of the trucks themselves.

We use the most electricity during daylight hours, so the solar panels on commercial businesses could supply a major portion of the energy used then, offsetting their use of grid energy to charge their vehicles at night. Win-win for everybody.
Weak ass excuses for the bad ideas that YOU NEED TO MANDATEby govt force. That alone ought to set off the alarm bells in your head. You act as tho the govt is an omnipotetent toy for you to use. Instead of relying on math, science, reason to actually field winning ideas...
I think that basic economics is going to start driving solar in overdrive, as the price on the panels continues to rapidly decline, and the grid price of energy continues to climb. Large warehouses often have truck fleets attached to them, delivering within the urban environment the goods they handle. I am seeing more of these trucks either EV's or hybrids. With cheap panels, the warehouses can supply most of the energy needed for the operations of the trucks themselves.

We use the most electricity during daylight hours, so the solar panels on commercial businesses could supply a major portion of the energy used then, offsetting their use of grid energy to charge their vehicles at night. Win-win for everybody.

Have you ever done the math for that? From memory, I believe a chevy volt burns off about 1KWHr every 4 minutes at 60 mph. Think that gets better for a UPS truck with a ton of goodies in the back? Think UPS has done the math? Why do think this has not happened?

Just the price of solar PV? Its on fire sale right now. Dont think thats the reason GoldiRocks.
They oppose energy they don't like because they're pons for the oil cats.
Matthew, oceanic acidification due to carbolic acid (Carbon Dioxide plus water plus energy) can fully explain all the symptoms that are attributed to global warming and is easily proven but it never gets mentioned just the AGW bullshit. If you wish to address that real danger of carbon dioxide then do so but cut the BS.

Solar has been 10 years from commercial viability for 50 years. Talk about tide or current generators or Ocean Thermal Systems that were proven commercially if marginally competitive back in the 1920s. Who is interested in pie in the sky by and by?

That's why the past two years have seen doubling in the rate of growth of solar. Nearly 8gw of solar in 2012 from 4gw in 2011 for America.

The world has over 100 gw of solar with just over 200 gw of wind. Solar is going to blow past wind over the next 5 years at this rate.
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From memory, I believe a chevy volt burns off about 1KWHr every 4 minutes at 60 mph. Think that gets better for a UPS truck with a ton of goodies in the back? Think UPS has done the math? Why do think this has not happened?

Easy. Because they have already committed to these. Turns out, we've got LOADS of natural gas, and it makes a great fuel as well. Just noticed last week that the one servicing my neighborhood runs on the elixir of CH4.


flacaltenn said:
Just the price of solar PV? Its on fire sale right now. Dont think thats the reason GoldiRocks.

It isn't, this is true. But it is nice to cut down what we use off the grid for sure!! I feel that my contribution to distributed electrical generation during the day justifies, in some small way, what I then pull off the grid to charge the car later during the evening hours.

That's why the past two years have seen doubling in the rate of growth of solar. Nearly 8gw of solar in 2012 from 4gw in 2011 for America.

The world has over 100 gw of solar with just over 200 gw of wind. Solar is going to blow past wind over the next 5 years at this rate.

As long as they keep using the natural gas to run their factories and as a chemical feedstock to build other goodies with, I will have no complaints from now to retirement.
That's why the past two years have seen doubling in the rate of growth of solar. Nearly 8gw of solar in 2012 from 4gw in 2011 for America.

The world has over 100 gw of solar with just over 200 gw of wind. Solar is going to blow past wind over the next 5 years at this rate.

Matthew ---get a clue to the math son... Wind hardly PRODUCES 1/3 of its placarded power at BEST locations.. Solar struggles to PRODUCE about 1/4 of the "installed power rating as a 6 hr/day generator.

No buyers are gonna be impressed by meaningless marketing numbers like that. Solar is now an old mature tech where pricing is now a bloodbath for vendors and advances in labs are not likely to translate to breakthrus on your roof.

With all the intellectual investment youve made tracking these technologies, youve lost an ability to analyze the implications of their real life implications. Which is why you insist their failure to catch market momentum must be some kind of political conspiracy.. Its not a conspiracy bud.....

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