What I and Trump haters have in common...


Not every time, only when graduates can't use the education to pay off the cost of said education.

I'm not the subject of the thread, kid. Regardless, I paid for my college.

"You guys"? I'm one person. Liberalism has eroded everything that made this country great, and useful idiots like yourself keep pushing.

Are you a democrat or Biden supporter?

Coherent English, please.

Indeed. If you think something is too expensive, don't be a dumbass and borrow money to purchase it.

That's my position. I don't speak for the republican party, Boobo.

I'm not running for office.
Republicans believe they were born in the house they built with their own 2 hands.

Yea, I know you don't get that.

I'm both a Democrat and Biden supporter. Much better than Trump or Bush. In fact I'm too rich now to benefit from Biden. I wish Clinton and Obama were as liberal as he is.
This thread is the evidence.
Bullshit. I make a damn good living. My Bachelors in Organizational Communication (Minor in Marketing) has open many doors.

Yes I could trash college too. Sure it was bullshit. But that's what you do in America when you want to be successful. You go to college. Or you start your own business but many who try that fail. Most people who go to college don't fail. In fact a bachelors is worth $1 million dollars. Over the course of 30 years, a person who got a college degree will make $1 million more than a person who didn't. On average. Of course there are exceptions to the rule. You're not one of them.

That's $33,000 more a year for 30 years.

I make $100K.

As of Dec 22, the average annual salary in Michigan is $50,894

So I am evidence that college pays for itself. I make DOUBLE what the average person makes in MI.
Generation X and younger people don't see it your way boomer.
YOU are right about that! A generation of people that only seem to understand emojis, etc., definitely give validation to this study!

I guess the electorate is getting smarter. We aren't blaming BIden and we certainly don't believe you're going to fix anything.

It takes 8 years for voters to forget just how bad Republicans are. Trump has only been gone for 3. Give it another 5 years maybe voters will vote GOP again. But DiSantis is going to have to stop catering to the right. They are a dying breed.
And you are definitely proof!
How hard is it to spell? Disantis
Screen Shot 2023-01-17 at 3.53.21 PM.png

note RED DOTTED LINE and you ignore it. Why do you show your laziness when it is so easy?
BUT that's how people like you that support Biden,et.al. are Lazy, ignorant and basically just plain dumb!
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis
You know NO ONE believes what you write because your comments are your personal, subjective, BIASED opinions! ZERO proof!
Here with these two articles follow the links to the proof!

"Journalists at The New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, and Houston Chronicle are among dozens of reporters, editors, and other newspeople who've given tens of thousands of dollars to political candidates and causes," said the report headlined, "Meet 39 journalists who made political contributions. They're among dozens who've together given at least $110,000 mostly to 2020 Democrats, including Biden, Bernie, and AOC."

CPI identified about 430 individuals working in journalism who contributed to either candidate between January 2015 and August 2016. Of the $396,000 they contributed, 96 percent ($382,000) went to Clinton, and 4 percent (about $14,000) went to Trump.[4]
View attachment 748262
healthmyths that first paragraph there on sealybobo was spot on,you totally nailed it,i could not have said it any better myself word for word.:thup: You win first prize for best damn post on this thread.:thup: I have said that to him as well pretty much for years now. there indeed has never been a more biased poster at these boards than this trollboy smellybozo.

if he would just take my advise and stay out of politics and stick to the sports section where he actually knows something about what he is talking about,he would be a respectable poster here.

this sad piece of shit thinks everybody else in the world is wrong and he is right.He ignores that hundreds of thousands around the country have abondoned the DEMONRAT party and switched over to the republicans because the old guard establishment of the Bushs,Murkowskis and Romneys is being phased out thanks to trump the first president sense kennedy not part of the corrupt two party system which is why the media hates him.

NOBODY should ever reply to him because of how biased he is on the Demonrats corruption,the ONLY reason he ignores fact that this past election had the most massive vote fraud in history is because Trump is a republican,everybody knows there is ten times more massive evidence of vote fraud this past election than there was when Bush stole the election both times yet he says ONLY bush stole it.:uhoh3:cant be more biased than that. the whole world knows this election was stolen,that was not the case with Bush because the evidence was not near as obvious.

Not only that the ONLY reason he hates Trump is because the name republican is attached to it,IF he was a dem,he would LOVE him,he knows it,we know it. thats the same way with policitcal chic,she gives trump supporters a bad name because she only likes him sense he is not a dem. she likes Bush,you cant like Bush and like Trump at the same time,you are a fraud if you do.

This trollboy trys to tell me that I like Trump because he is a republican never mind the fact kennedy is my favorite president and i have never liked a GOP president sense Coolidge.:uhoh3: he has alazhiemers diseace cause no matter how many times you tell him those facts he STILL accuses me of being a repulican,EVERYBODY should put mr alzheimers on ignore,he has the least credibility than any poster at this site.
Talk about being DUMB!!! NOT one link! NOT one substantiation! Almost all the comments I make have proof and here is proof that people like you are not to be believed as you make up everything!...
YOU WROTE the following with not one single line of proof!
Trump stole millions from his own charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer, Trump University stole $40 million from unsuspecting victims, and Trump Org. was convicted of tax crimes. So, don't insult our intelligence with his salary. It's gross.

Also you ignoramus, Biden didn't increase the cost of living, covid did. Did you know that roughly 500 people die in the U.S. every day of Covid, while Trump called it a hoax?

Your statement "roughly 500 people die in U.S. every day"....
Is so made up! I can't believe it.
For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate.
For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health conditions,
So while according to my daily monitoring of this web site:
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
for the last 1,022 days since 3/31/20.. proof!!!
Total deaths in USA as of 1/17/23 1,125,558... with 5% ONLY COVID... or per day 55 deaths per day due strictly to COVID!
NOW dummies like you have NO IDEA what this word means ..."COMORBIDITY".
That is important because again from the below chart JUST 1,620 deaths of kids under 18 as of 1/17/2023 and of those 5% strictly from COVID OR
81 kids under age 18 died strictly from COVID! The other 1,539 deaths just like the rest of the 1,125,558 deaths DUE TO COMORBIDITY!
Again you don't know what that word means but some clues:
Most deaths over age 65 and guess what dummy... 75% of the largest number of COMORBIDITY deaths were from Flu/pneumonia were causes of the
50% of the 1,125,558 USA deaths! AGAIN dummy those over 65 have the most risks of deaths because of their conditions!
But like all dummies like you FACTS just confuse you! YOU need simplicity!
SO DUMMY! Look at the below tables and see what age group you are in and then which of the conditions could cause you COMORBIDITY death!
BUT not 500 deaths per day of the majority of over 65 Americans. FACTS not guesses!
View attachment 748275

View attachment 748274

another paid shill for the DNC that gets his ass handed to him on a platter and gets embarrassed from telling lies.he totally has shit on his face same as smellybozo after you schooled him and checkmated him with pesky facts.:thup: he can only sling shit in defeat like the money troll he is.:thup: i think he has been taking lesson on how to lie and embarrass himself to the entire forum from USMBS;s biggest troll of them all smellybozo.:auiqs.jpg:
This thread is the evidence.

What is "COIVD"??? 16 words and you can't spell a word that do a google search and there are About 11,870,000,000 results !
So if you can't even spell the word "COVID" correctly, you definitely wouldn't be able to handle ANY facts I provide!
Learn to spell a word that has over 11 billion results and you still misspell!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
fk dude, xiden crapped on the entire country and you all love it. You seem confused. 2.25 gas vs 5.00 gas and you said fking nothing. that spiraled the economy and you said fking nothing. So spare me.
he wants to pretend that Biden is not a traiter and did not cut off the gas pipeline and that gas prices that you mentioned were not that low under trump as you pointed out and gas prices are not that high under biden as you mentioned.He wants to pretend those facts you just spoke of are theories sense these pesky facts of yours embarrasses him for not hating Biden. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: He would commit suicide first before ever admitting he is wrong on Biden and that you took him to school in this post checkmating him so badly he is doing this right now he is so embarrassed from your facts you posted on bidens corruption.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: here is sealybobo in his room right now doing this after you embarrassed him.:auiqs.jpg:

i wonder what store he got those diapers at.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::abgg2q.jpg:

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Republicans believe they were born in the house they built with their own 2 hands.
You obviously have no clue what republicans believe. Nice straw man, boobo.
Yea, I know you don't get that.
Get what?
I'm both a Democrat and Biden supporter.
That was already obvious from the ignorant emotional drivel you post.
Much better than Trump or Bush.
Everyone has an opinion.
In fact I'm too rich now to benefit from Biden.
The entire country is too rich to benefit from Biden.
I wish Clinton and Obama were as liberal as he is.
I think Obama and Biden both have better jobs numbers than Trump had. GPA about the same. And they didn't have to give away tax breaks to accomplish nothing other than putting us more into debt.

I like Biden's approach. He says, "if you give poor and middle class people the breaks it benefits everyone especially the rich because then we buy more products.

And Trump's trade war with China cost manufacturing a lot in 2019. Did you forget? His bad behavior was not helpful.

Had he not been embroiled in controversies and if he didn't purposely pick fights, he could have been a bi partisan president everyone loved. But instead he chose the extreme right, racists and people who would steal elections.

You said you're 80? Young people don't see it your way. They don't have it as easy as your generation had it. Do you have a pension?

Can we call you Sillybobo instead?

You're a silly leftist Sillybobo, just make it up as you go. Keepin' it flawed, passive and subjective, it's the best you got to support your Democracks.
an obammmy save. more interference of demofks. I said let them go to chapter whatever. That's not individuals though. apples and oranges. They had payroll and manufactured cars and trucks. They paid back the loan according to obammy lovers.

It's always different when it a corporation. Generally we just give them billions and not even pretend it's a loan.
Can we call you Sillybobo instead?

You're a silly leftist Sillybobo, just make it up as you go. Keepin' it flawed, passive and subjective, it's the best you got to support your Democracks.
I will admit I pretty much disagree with your overall philosophy yes. So even if you pass a tax break that I get, I'll argue it's not a good idea because we have debt to pay down. And it wasn't worth it. And we didn't need it. We have social programs that need funding.

So correct. No way I'll see anything your way.

Guns. We need more regulations.

Abortion should be legal

Unions are good not bad

Not all regulations are bad

Man made global warming is real

I was listening to a NPR story about Margaret Thatcher who privatized everything in England and how it was good. Free market capitalism. But as much as I want to agree with you and Ms Thatcher. Those corporations who were given or sold those business' need to be regulated. Energy companies, oil companies, prisons, voting machine companies, etc.

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