What I and Trump haters have in common...

why? isn't the name on the loan the one at fault for not paying back their debt?
We go to school because we want to make more money. When we graduate and can't find better than $40K or $50K a year job and now you have a loan, want to buy a home, start a family, get married. Just explaining how out of wack things are for this generation. I'm in the middle. You boomers did it to them/us.
Sorry but one minute when Trump's admitting this society is not working for middle class Americans, you agree.
Quote me agreeing with that statement or be revealed as a straw man idiot.
But then we point out how and where things are getting too unaffordable, and of course you blame the borrowers, or workers, or Democrats.
"Unaffordable" is a subjective term, and a useless appeal to emotion. Also, saying "too" unaffordable is akin to saying too dead, or too pregnant. It's either unaffordable or it isn't.
My position is: If you borrow money, pay it back. No one else borrowed and spent that money, and no one else should be required to pay it back.
Never do you blame Republicans or the corporations or the Universities.
Another straw man. I certainly blame universities for delivering a sub-standard product that doesn't generate the income necessary to pay for itself.
If you were really paying attention to my posts, you would know my position is to require universities to cosign any loans that students need to attend.
Sorry, but something has to be done about the out of control price of school. Same as inflation. Both are problems. We need an educated society. Just look at the uneducated that followed Trump. That's why we need to educate America. It's important. And college should not cost $100,000. Are you insane?
My sanity has nothing to do with it, troll. If college is too expensive, don't go. If enough people stop buying an overpriced product, the price goes down. If you borrow money to attend, that's your debt.
Next you'll tell those people to become plumbers.
No, I won't.
You create fantastically weak straw men, Boobo.
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We go to school because we want to make more money. When we graduate and can't find better than $40K or $50K a year job and now you have a loan, want to buy a home, start a family, get married. Just explaining how out of wack things are for this generation. I'm in the middle. You boomers did it to them/us.
still don't see how that's anyone's problem but the name on the loan? Are you suggesting they don't pay or their car loans or house loans either?
Quote me agreeing with that statement or be revealed as a straw man idiot.

"Unaffordable" is a subjective term, and a useless appeal to emotion. Also, saying "too" unaffordable is akin to saying too dead, or too pregnant. It's either unaffordable or it isn't.
My position is: If you borrow money, pay it back. No one else borrowed and spent that money, and no one else should be required to pay it back.

Another straw man. I certainly blame universities for delivering a sub-standard product that doesn't generate the income necessary to pay for itself.
If you were really paying attention to my posts, you would know my position is to require universities to cosign any loans that students need to attend.

My sanity has nothing to do with it, troll. If college is too expensive, don't go. If enough people stop buying an overpriced product, the price goes down. If you borrow money to attend, that's your debt.

No, I won't.
You create fantastically weak straw men, Boobo.
Did you go to college? Then how do you know they deliver a sub standard product? Or did you get a degree and you're butt hurt because you couldn't find a good job?

See every step of the way, since Reagan, you guys have been defending and arguing for things that have made the middle class smaller and poorer. Then you turn around and blame liberals.

Are you a Republican or Trump supporter? Then when I say you I'm lumping you in with all the other idiots you vote with.

If college is too expensive don't go? Is that the Republican position on education? I hope so. You'll lose elections with that slogan.
That's what intelligent people do.
That's what I did too. Only back then it was $5000 and STILL it was difficult to do. Now you're telling people it's $20,000 a year instead of $5000. That's a big difference. And you're attitude is, "if you can't afford it don't go"? No wonder America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore. Or soon won't be. Not with your attitude.

Today I heard millenials are very liberal and they will vote out any right wing idiot who talks like you. And every day more and more of you boomers are dying thank the lord.

Did the numbers come down due to Trump's few miles of walls or due to COIVD?
Did the numbers come down due to Trump's few miles of walls or due to COIVD?
What is "COIVD"??? 16 words and you can't spell a word that do a google search and there are About 11,870,000,000 results !
So if you can't even spell the word "COVID" correctly, you definitely wouldn't be able to handle ANY facts I provide!
Learn to spell a word that has over 11 billion results and you still misspell!
What is "COIVD"??? 16 words and you can't spell a word that do a google search and there are About 11,870,000,000 results !
So if you can't even spell the word "COVID" correctly, you definitely wouldn't be able to handle ANY facts I provide!
Learn to spell a word that has over 11 billion results and you still misspell!

I accept your surrender.
That's what I did too. Only back then it was $5000 and STILL it was difficult to do. Now you're telling people it's $20,000 a year instead of $5000. That's a big difference. And you're attitude is, "if you can't afford it don't go"? No wonder America isn't the greatest country in the world anymore. Or soon won't be. Not with your attitude.

Today I heard millenials are very liberal and they will vote out any right wing idiot who talks like you. And every day more and more of you boomers are dying thank the lord.
I made less than 4 dollars and hour during school and 4 dollars when I graduated. I'm sure that price has gone up hugely.
I made less than 4 dollars and hour during school and 4 dollars when I graduated. I'm sure that price has gone up hugely.

Has it? So has the cost of living. Yes, people like you now make $10. So it doubled. Now instead of $5K a year it's $20K. That's quaduple.

I love arguing with you cons on this message boards because you are so very wrong about everything.
Has it? So has the cost of living. Yes, people like you now make $10. So it doubled. Now instead of $5K a year it's $20K. That's quaduple.

I love arguing with you cons on this message boards because you are so very wrong about everything.
fk dude, xiden crapped on the entire country and you all love it. You seem confused. 2.25 gas vs 5.00 gas and you said fking nothing. that spiraled the economy and you said fking nothing. So spare me.
Did you go to college?
Then how do you know they deliver a sub standard product?
Not every time, only when graduates can't use the education to pay off the cost of said education.
Or did you get a degree and you're butt hurt because you couldn't find a good job?
I'm not the subject of the thread, kid. Regardless, I paid for my college.
See every step of the way, since Reagan, you guys have been defending and arguing for things that have made the middle class smaller and poorer. Then you turn around and blame liberals.
"You guys"? I'm one person. Liberalism has eroded everything that made this country great, and useful idiots like yourself keep pushing.
Are you a Republican or Trump supporter?
Are you a democrat or Biden supporter?
Then when I say you I'm lumping you in with all the other idiots you vote with.
Coherent English, please.
If college is too expensive don't go?
Indeed. If you think something is too expensive, don't be a dumbass and borrow money to purchase it.
Is that the Republican position on education?
That's my position. I don't speak for the republican party, Boobo.
I hope so. You'll lose elections with that slogan.
I'm not running for office.

Not every time, only when graduates can't use the education to pay off the cost of said education.

I'm not the subject of the thread, kid. Regardless, I paid for my college.

"You guys"? I'm one person. Liberalism has eroded everything that made this country great, and useful idiots like yourself keep pushing.

Are you a democrat or Biden supporter?

Coherent English, please.

Indeed. If you think something is too expensive, don't be a dumbass and borrow money to purchase it.

That's my position. I don't speak for the republican party, Boobo.

I'm not running for office.
they took a loan on the hope of making money, not having any. that's a path to disaster every time.
fk dude, xiden crapped on the entire country and you all love it. You seem confused. 2.25 gas vs 5.00 gas and you said fking nothing. that spiraled the economy and you said fking nothing. So spare me.
I guess the electorate is getting smarter. We aren't blaming BIden and we certainly don't believe you're going to fix anything.

It takes 8 years for voters to forget just how bad Republicans are. Trump has only been gone for 3. Give it another 5 years maybe voters will vote GOP again. But DiSantis is going to have to stop catering to the right. They are a dying breed.

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