What has our Country Turned Into?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've read a number of blog posts this morning that have really hit me in the gut. This, on top of a week of seeing/hearing the press pray that the bombers WERE NOT Muslims but Tea Party Members! What has happened to our country that we have been sucked into believing this garbage. The senior brother WAS OF INTEREST to the FBI but it did nothing. Then, there are these items:

Saudi to be Deported
The Saudi man who was a Person of Interest in the Boston Bombing is being deported because of security interests. But, the government is trying to cover up exactly why. His home was searched AFTER the press was told he was not involved in the bombing. There are many, many questions about this the media is not asking and the government is not reporting. Keep an eye open for this.

I've got links from Blogger: Gunny G 1984 and Free Republic you Libtards will PoohPooh.

And an anti-Obama blogger is taken into FBI custody and his computer confiscated all because he reports things the administration doesn't want know.

A small percentage of people with their own agenda, Gay Rights, appear to be trying to – and succeeding – in driving our national agenda. To hell with improving the economy and putting people back to work.

And how the Libtards will scream and moan about cruelty and excessive force when they do their best to spread this photo of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older Jihadist bomber:


But, what about similar pictures of the innocent victims of this monster? And, one more question: if the reports are true that they found guns and homemade bombs in the home, WHAT ABOUT THE RELATIVES AND THE OTHERS WHO LIVED THERE? Why is nobody asking this?

We then get, Boston Globe Frets Over City's Muslims After Marathon Bombing even before the dust has settled and the investigation is complete. When the investigation IS closed, will we really learn the truth?

The New York Times: “Far from war-torn homeland, trying to fit in.”

Want me to continue? You Libtards will rant that I'm an anti-Islam, Right Wing Nut and will do their best to drown me and others like me out. But, for those of you who love this country and cry at what you see happening to it – STAND UP AND SPEAK OUT. Don't left the Left drown out your outrage for what is going on.


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