What happens when it is 51%?


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
So when the 47% turns into 51% what is going to happen? Dictatorship? Will it be an end to privatized business because the gov't has taken control of everything? I can see it now.. " Here is a house and some food. You work for us now. And no, you cant take your kids to the park" The thought really trips me out. It trips me out even more knowing that is where we are heading. I feel sorry for my son. I will feel sorry for his kids, etc. It's complete bullshit how this once great country is now sooo goddamn dependant on everyone else. Please explain this to me liberals. And a valid rational argument without some dumbass partisan one liner would be appreciated.
So when the 47% turns into 51% what is going to happen? Dictatorship? Will it be an end to privatized business because the gov't has taken control of everything? I can see it now.. " Here is a house and some food. You work for us now. And no, you cant take your kids to the park" The thought really trips me out. It trips me out even more knowing that is where we are heading. I feel sorry for my son. I will feel sorry for his kids, etc. It's complete bullshit how this once great country is now sooo goddamn dependant on everyone else. Please explain this to me liberals. And a valid rational argument without some dumbass partisan one liner would be appreciated.

"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
What happens when it is 51%?

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
And a valid rational argument without some dumbass partisan one liner would be appreciated
So when the 47% turns into 51% what is going to happen? Dictatorship? Will it be an end to privatized business because the gov't has taken control of everything? I can see it now.. " Here is a house and some food. You work for us now. And no, you cant take your kids to the park" The thought really trips me out. It trips me out even more knowing that is where we are heading. I feel sorry for my son. I will feel sorry for his kids, etc. It's complete bullshit how this once great country is now sooo goddamn dependant on everyone else. Please explain this to me liberals. And a valid rational argument without some dumbass partisan one liner would be appreciated.

Please let me help you feel better.

You and your Ilk have NEVER been correct on your predictions of the future.

You people are seeing the world through Fox three dee glasses and you cant see reality because of it.

What you fear will happen is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

your party always gets it wrong.

once you accept reality you wont have to have these insane ramblings and best of all will not tarnish your childrens veiw of their future with your propaganda created nonsense.
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So when the 47% turns into 51% what is going to happen? Dictatorship? Will it be an end to privatized business because the gov't has taken control of everything? I can see it now.. " Here is a house and some food. You work for us now. And no, you cant take your kids to the park" The thought really trips me out. It trips me out even more knowing that is where we are heading. I feel sorry for my son. I will feel sorry for his kids, etc. It's complete bullshit how this once great country is now sooo goddamn dependant on everyone else. Please explain this to me liberals. And a valid rational argument without some dumbass partisan one liner would be appreciated.

Please let me help you feel better.

You and your Ilk have NEVER been correct on your predictions of the future.

You people are seeing the world through Fox three dee glasses and you cant see reality becuasse of it.

What you fear will happen is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

your party always gets it wrong.

once you accept reality you wont have to hasve these insane ramblings and best of all will not tarnish your childrens veiw of their future with you propaganda created nonsense.

I dont have a party. You people are seeing the world through ABC MSN and CNN. Hipocrit. I have accepted reality. This is reality. Enjoy your EBT untill the cash stops, then you can start your dependent whining for more because you dont have any talents or even know how to survive.
no you only vote for republicans and we all know it.

calling yourself non partisan and then supporting the lies the repoublcian party uses fools no one.

we are NOT becoming a socialist country and anyone who tells you that is an IDIOT or a LIAR
why is it the blue states pay more in taxes and the red states are the ones who benifit?

Because the republican memes you have bought into are fucking lies
no you only vote for republicans and we all know it.

calling yourself non partisan and then supporting the lies the repoublcian party uses fools no one.

we are NOT becoming a socialist country and anyone who tells you that is an IDIOT or a LIAR

Actually I voted for 2 repubs, 1 dem and 1 inde. Look, your prediction is WRONG!
Now go get for me a prediction made by the republican party in the last thrity years that actaully turned out to be correct?
no you only vote for republicans and we all know it.

calling yourself non partisan and then supporting the lies the repoublcian party uses fools no one.

we are NOT becoming a socialist country and anyone who tells you that is an IDIOT or a LIAR

Actually I voted for 2 repubs, 1 dem and 1 inde. Look, your prediction is WRONG!

why should I believe what you say?

Your some fool who tells their kids America is going to die
You cant find a prediction that the republicans were proved correct on can you?
And a valid rational argument without some dumbass partisan one liner would be appreciated

Alright....lets go the valid rational argument route

Why are we at 47% (people who do not pay Federal Taxes)
In order to pass its massive tax cuts for billionaires, Republicans had to offer up cuts to all the people. These tax cuts allowed a small percentage to move into the zone where their deductions exceeded their taxable income. Then the Bush recession hit. People who once had no problem earning a living found themselves out of work or moved into lower paying jobs. The percentage of Americans not paying taxes shot up

What should we do about the fact that 47% of Americans do not qualify to pay taxes.
To Republicans the answer is to repeal the tax cuts for poor working Americans while preserving cuts for the so called "job creators. As the recession has shown, those tax cuts to job creators have not created jobs as demonstrated by the 47% number
The answer is not slashing benefits to Americans who are struggling to survive. The answer is to go after the job creators and get them to start providing jobs in which workers can once again enter the tax paying zone
no you only vote for republicans and we all know it.

calling yourself non partisan and then supporting the lies the repoublcian party uses fools no one.

we are NOT becoming a socialist country and anyone who tells you that is an IDIOT or a LIAR

well, Barry had 2 communist parents, supports single payer, voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, and is in his second term as President. Is that movement toward freedom and capitalism?????

See why we are 100% positve a liberal will be slow??
Notice that dumb bitch quit posting when I pulled out Beck.
So when the 47% turns into 51% what is going to happen? Dictatorship? Will it be an end to privatized business because the gov't has taken control of everything? I can see it now.. " Here is a house and some food. You work for us now. And no, you cant take your kids to the park" The thought really trips me out. It trips me out even more knowing that is where we are heading. I feel sorry for my son. I will feel sorry for his kids, etc. It's complete bullshit how this once great country is now sooo goddamn dependant on everyone else. Please explain this to me liberals. And a valid rational argument without some dumbass partisan one liner would be appreciated.

Another reason why people should have an IQ test before being allowed to vote....
Partisan one-liner.. smh Please elaborate how that made me stupid? And not from a dirty democrat stand-point

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