What happens if Biden drops out due to mental failure?

He may be senile, but Joe does kiss China’s ass very well. That is the biggest “qualifier” for the DNC. They sold out to China long ago.

If Joe gets sick or goes totally brain dead, the DNC will find another China kiss ass. They aren’t hard to find in the Democrat Party.
You mean like the Trump who had his garbage manufactured there while hijacking Bernie Sanders' policies on trade? Did nepotism grifter daughter Ivanka give up her 16 Chinese trademarks out of patriotism yet? Yes, the corporate owned Dems suck but Trump and his crime family of opportunists and thieves are steaming piles of dog crap.
You’re mad about private citizens and companies using Chinese manufacturing because politicians like Biden and Hillary write the laws that allow Chinese manufactured goods to flood our markets?

Why shouldn’t Ivanka seek her trademarks to be recognized by China? You’d rather China steal intellectual property and not recognize our trademarks?

You need to get treatment for that TDS.
Parkinsons is a requirement when talking about integrity?

You are confused, aren't you? Falsely accusing someone of having any disease (in this case, Parkinson's) to make political points is an indicator of no integrity.

People are only observing and guessing what the broad's diagnosis is, because she wasn't releasing her medical records, not "accusing" her of anything. Having a disease isn't a crime by any stretch of the imagination.

Me, I'm not a medical doctor by any stretch of the imagination. But from what I've seen, Mrs. Clinton seems to be exhibiting the obvious signs of tertiary neurosyphilis.
Even the staunchest Liberal Democrat cannot deny the deterioration of poor Joe. He can't talk for more than 20 seconds before he goes off the rails. So If Biden drops out, does Bernie get the nomination or does the DNC get to pick whoever they want?
Good question, but what about current thug in chief with his combination of psychopathic personality disorders, dementia, and the fact that his intellectual base was pretty rudimentary. The guy actually believes Colorado borders Mexico, and the chiefs play in Kansas..
Even the staunchest Liberal Democrat cannot deny the deterioration of poor Joe. He can't talk for more than 20 seconds before he goes off the rails. So If Biden drops out, does Bernie get the nomination or does the DNC get to pick whoever they want?
biden could donate his delegates to who ever he wants, and that would be fun to watch, sanders, warren?
They're prepping up Fredo Sr.
Even the staunchest Liberal Democrat cannot deny the deterioration of poor Joe. He can't talk for more than 20 seconds before he goes off the rails. So If Biden drops out, does Bernie get the nomination or does the DNC get to pick whoever they want?
If this DOES happen, the Hildebeast just MAY make her return.....

Hasn't the time to qualify to run expired?
Just the facts:

Each state has it's own deadline as to when a potential candidate can announce their run for the presidency. The time limit has now expired for each state:

If slow Joe cannot answer the bell, then Bernie Sanders is the nominee... which is most likely why he stayed in the race. Don't worry Dems. Bernie will do better in a debate than Joe could have done. Personally, I question the sanity of anyone that wants to be president at this juncture in history.
Even the staunchest Liberal Democrat cannot deny the deterioration of poor Joe. He can't talk for more than 20 seconds before he goes off the rails. So If Biden drops out, does Bernie get the nomination or does the DNC get to pick whoever they want?

Mental failure is a required qualification for a democratic nominee.

He's perfect.
I can’t believe anyone actually voted for bided ,, the man is suffering dementia he can’t talk.
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It's amazing how brain dead Trump supporters can take such an absurd question and discuss it as if there were any truth to it. I guess common sense or reason just don't exist in their world.

Move to New York City.
Even the staunchest Liberal Democrat cannot deny the deterioration of poor Joe. He can't talk for more than 20 seconds before he goes off the rails. So If Biden drops out, does Bernie get the nomination or does the DNC get to pick whoever they want?
What happens when tRump has another ministroke on network the?
The democrats will run Hillary because the elite doesn’t even care what the States selects. Bernie is the one but the wealthy people who control the democrats and the republicans. But, but they don’t. Really? Do you want to play the college educated doesn’t remember what rational thinking means anymore? The snobby democrats will choice even though the hate wealthy
Even the staunchest Liberal Democrat cannot deny the deterioration of poor Joe. He can't talk for more than 20 seconds before he goes off the rails. So If Biden drops out, does Bernie get the nomination or does the DNC get to pick whoever they want?
It's Bernie or that's the end of the democrat Party
The democrats will run Hillary because the elite doesn’t even care what the States selects. Bernie is the one but the wealthy people who control the democrats and the republicans. But, but they don’t. Really? Do you want to play the college educated doesn’t remember what rational thinking means anymore? The snobby democrats will choice even though the hate wealthy

It cannot be done. Read the laws.
Nothing is worse that people giving their opinion without reading the thread. Bernie gets the nomination by default if Biden throws in the towel before the election. That is one reason Bernie is still in the race.
The choice will be either roll the dice with Sanders or pick someone like Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsom to run.

If they go with Sanders expect a slaughter November and Trump winning big but of they with Cuomo or Newsome then who know really because when it is all over with if the Depression set in it means Trump is gone...
Gay Gavin Gruesome Newsom as the dimwit nominee would be a good way to lose California. Before enemy democrats began this war on America Newsom was on his way to being recalled.
The democrats will run Hillary because the elite doesn’t even care what the States selects. Bernie is the one but the wealthy people who control the democrats and the republicans. But, but they don’t. Really? Do you want to play the college educated doesn’t remember what rational thinking means anymore? The snobby democrats will choice even though the hate wealthy

I know it can be tough when English is your second language, but do you want to try that again? What you wrote doesn't make any sense whatsoever. They should have taught you that in your first Russian Bott class.

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