What happened in Central America?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Before I get to the article that brought this up, it’s worthwhile remembering that the entire area was part of the Spanish conquest. That for several centuries, no decisions about anything were made at the local level. The cost of a nail was determined by a fiat from the court in Madrid.

When Spain lost control, local governors or leading power brokers took over, quickly assuming dictatorial power.

Thus, we come to this:

When colonized countries ousted their Western overlords, progressives hoped the injustice within those countries would end. It didn’t. Local strongmen repurposed criminal justice systems to serve themselves. The abuse of state power turned out to be a human problem, not a colonial one. To this day, in many places, police have no idea how to investigate crimes. They’re trained to do what regimes want: crowd control, counterterrorism, and VIP security.

In other words, police don’t know how to uphold the laws because there aren’t any. At least not any laws that actually mean anything.

The only laws are what the local leaders say they are.

No wonder so many are fleeing there to come here.

And sadly, many of the gangsters are coming with them.

Initially, progressives thought they could drive out abuses by helping governments pass laws. But that didn’t work, because law, like food or medicine, requires an effective delivery system. Slavery has been outlawed everywhere. And yet, Haugen points out, millions of people around the world are still held in slavery.

You can’t just do good. You have to grapple with evil. “The World Bank now is doing these massive projects in countries where there’s no functioning justice system,” says Haugen. “They did a $400 million project, building a road that was going to have transformational effects in a part of Uganda that’s quite remote. What happens when you build a massive road? You send massive numbers of men to go build it. What do massive numbers of men do in an area where there’s no law enforcement? They sexually assault the women and children.” The crime wave resulting from that project became so horrific that the project had to be stopped.

This and very much more is @ The Root Cause of Global Poverty Isn’t a Lack of Food or Education
You know Spain gave up its Central American colonies kind of a long time ago, right?
Central America is a group of countries still run by conquistadors(oligarchs).
The citizenry are mud people. Uneducated slaves.
Central America is a group of countries still run by conquistadors(oligarchs).
The citizenry are mud people. Uneducated slaves.

This kind of nonsense ^^^^^ is how trolls prevent any meaningful discussions. Congratulations, troll.
Central America is a group of countries still run by conquistadors(oligarchs).
The citizenry are mud people. Uneducated slaves.

This kind of nonsense ^^^^^ is how trolls prevent any meaningful discussions. Congratulations, troll.
I've lived in Central and South america since 1987.

You think that validates idiotic statements like those above? There are many racist idiots in the US who have lived here all their lives. It does nothing to validate their idiotic statements either.
Originally posted by Jitss617
Democrats who need slaves

Last time I checked Democrats were american politicians put in power by milions of american citizens so nobody is preventing America from enforcing her laws but herself.
Originally posted by Jitss617
Democrats who need slaves

Last time I checked Democrats were american politicians put in power by milions of american citizens so nobody is preventing America from enforcing her laws but herself.
Ok well let’s teach the Ills of the Democrat party in our schools. Or just teach American history properly and teach American exceptionalism
Originally posted by Jitss617
Democrats who need slaves

Last time I checked Democrats were american politicians put in power by milions of american citizens so nobody is preventing America from enforcing her laws but herself.

When was the last time you checked? Last time I checked you were spouting antisemitic nonsense. JoseB.

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