What Goes Around Comes Around


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

What Goes Around Comes Around

Life’s experience and/or observation has shown many of us when a person or group is motivated by hate, greed, some other deeply human flaw, singularly or combined, their negative action(s) quite often come back to bite them in their a$$(es). You know, what goes around comes around.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics worship their severely dysfunctional leader as a god who will make America great again, meaning the U.S. will become a white Christian conservative promised land.

Many, if not all of his devoted fanatics believe this new reality to be created by their orange-haired god will be free of people of color, foreigners, strong-willed women, and anyone else who does not share the exact same beliefs and hatreds as the impeached president trump and his army of devoted fanatics.

The latest “hoax” allegedly created by the enemies of the impeached president trump, to limit him to a single term, is the Covid-19 pandemic. And the entire world is in on THIS dastardly plot.

Despite all the bullsh!t vomited constantly by the impeached president trump, FOX Noise, certain Christian clergy, and the congressional Republicans, this “hoax” has the potential to wreck (actually kill) much of the GOP’s voter base.

To further propagate the “coronavirus hoax” myth, House member and impeached president trump’s leading protector, Devin Nunes, recently suggested people go out to restaurants and pubs as often as possible. This is the precise opposite of the advice given by medical experts, and just one example of Republican efforts to confuse, obfuscate, and obstruct a real response, which are proving to be disarmingly effective.

But, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are in for a rude awakening, whether they accept this fact or not. Conservatism is so often its own worst enemy, of which right-wingers’ off-hand dismissal of Covid-19 is a shining example.

A panel of doctors and scientists at the University of California, San Francisco is tracking progress of the disease. The panel reported the U.S. is running approximately a week behind Italy, and is past the point of containment. Members of the panel could see no indications that its progression would be substantially different in the U.S. (Yes, we have all heard right-wingers boasts of their greater knowledge than experts in any subject. But most of you have shown you would fail a fifth grade science test, so your swagger is quite unjustified.)

The Affordable Care Act offers coverage for individuals whose income is at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Not surprisingly, conservative politicians in red states, in their zeal to stick it to Obamacare, declined Medicaid expansion, which forced record numbers of hospital closures in their states’ older, rural counties. There have been 106 rural hospitals shut down since 2010, 77 were located in states that refused to expanded Medicaid.

In these rural areas heavily impacted by hospital closures, a large portion of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are over 65yo and/or suffer from weakened immune systems. Being a group most at risk to severe reaction to the disease, these folks could find their politicians' advise for Americans to “go out and party” to be deadly. As Covid-19 marches across the nation, many of these older and/or sickly conservatives could very well experience how the availability of hospital beds is a most important part in saving the lives of elderly victims and those with compromised immune systems who contract the disease. The coronavirus is treatable, but only if severely affected patients can be hooked up to respirators.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will also learn how their own hatred for Obama helped diminish the number of hospital beds in their red states. The right-wingers’ willful ignorance and denial of facts is going to make them a significant component in the critical mass of patients infected with coronavirus, and in the final statistics.

Nationwide, the overwhelming surge of coronavirus patients that is predicted will easily outstrip the supply of hospital beds. Covid-19 victims forced to remain untreated inevitably die while gasping for air, which is why the Italian death toll has climbed so high.

Hospitals and doctors here in the United States face an even bigger challenge than those in Italy. While the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics like to boast of America’s superiority to everything in the world (when the GOP is in control), they will also deny the fact that Italy has MORE hospital beds per thousand citizens than the [email protected]/thousand, and [email protected]/thousand. (So conservatives, you should put down your big “We’re #1“ foam finger, trumpcare has made healthcare worse, not better, regardless of your misguided and misinformed beliefs.)

As the deluge of Covid-19 patients seeking medical treatment grows, like doctors in Italy, U.S. physicians will spend endless hours performing battlefield-style triage. There they must quickly decide, is this patient too old? Too (otherwise) sick? Do they have small children at home? After that, patients who survive initial triage and finally reach a hospital bed to receive treatment, may be unplugged if someone with a greater survival chance shows up. Few U.S. doctors have experienced such enormous pressure, physical or emotional. It is beyond nightmarish.

For the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, they will never be convinced coronavirus wasn’t a political ploy by the Democrats, even if they finally admit it’s not a “hoax” as claimed by their orange-haired god. They will also never be convinced “trumpcare” isn’t fantastic, but will remain confident that all failures are the fault of doctors. There is truly no end to their idiocy and loonie conspiracy theories.

Understanding the right-wingers’ rigidly misinformed mindset, makes it apparent it is a complete waste of anyone’s time to attempt to explain any fact to those individuals who have been hopelessly brainwashed after years, even decades staring at the FOX Noise channel.



Birther Trump tried to have Obama forcibly removed from office. Karma bit him in his fat ass as he will go down in history as only the third president to be impeached.

Trump whined about how often Obama went golfing, as did the tard herd. Trump quickly surpassed Obama's golf outings, and karma choked the tard herd into hypocritical silence.

Trump and the tard herd whined about Obama's spending and deficits. As President, Trump quickly doubled the deficit he inherited and has broken all spending records. Once again, karma bitch slapped the tard herd in their slack faces.

For DECADES, the tard herd moralized on and on and on about Bill Clinton. Then they voted in a thrice-married serial adulterer who pays off porn stars for their silence.

Trump bragged and bragged and bragged about how high the stock market was going, taking credit for it all. Karma has ripped him a new one as the Dow is just 360 points away from where it was the day he took office.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016


What Goes Around Comes Around

Life’s experience and/or observation has shown many of us when a person or group is motivated by hate, greed, some other deeply human flaw, singularly or combined, their negative action(s) quite often come back to bite them in their a$$(es). You know, what goes around comes around.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics worship their severely dysfunctional leader as a god who will make America great again, meaning the U.S. will become a white Christian conservative promised land.

Many, if not all of his devoted fanatics believe this new reality to be created by their orange-haired god will be free of people of color, foreigners, strong-willed women, and anyone else who does not share the exact same beliefs and hatreds as the impeached president trump and his army of devoted fanatics.

The latest “hoax” allegedly created by the enemies of the impeached president trump, to limit him to a single term, is the Covid-19 pandemic. And the entire world is in on THIS dastardly plot.

Despite all the bullsh!t vomited constantly by the impeached president trump, FOX Noise, certain Christian clergy, and the congressional Republicans, this “hoax” has the potential to wreck (actually kill) much of the GOP’s voter base.

To further propagate the “coronavirus hoax” myth, House member and impeached president trump’s leading protector, Devin Nunes, recently suggested people go out to restaurants and pubs as often as possible. This is the precise opposite of the advice given by medical experts, and just one example of Republican efforts to confuse, obfuscate, and obstruct a real response, which are proving to be disarmingly effective.

But, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are in for a rude awakening, whether they accept this fact or not. Conservatism is so often its own worst enemy, of which right-wingers’ off-hand dismissal of Covid-19 is a shining example.

A panel of doctors and scientists at the University of California, San Francisco is tracking progress of the disease. The panel reported the U.S. is running approximately a week behind Italy, and is past the point of containment. Members of the panel could see no indications that its progression would be substantially different in the U.S. (Yes, we have all heard right-wingers boasts of their greater knowledge than experts in any subject. But most of you have shown you would fail a fifth grade science test, so your swagger is quite unjustified.)

The Affordable Care Act offers coverage for individuals whose income is at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Not surprisingly, conservative politicians in red states, in their zeal to stick it to Obamacare, declined Medicaid expansion, which forced record numbers of hospital closures in their states’ older, rural counties. There have been 106 rural hospitals shut down since 2010, 77 were located in states that refused to expanded Medicaid.

In these rural areas heavily impacted by hospital closures, a large portion of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are over 65yo and/or suffer from weakened immune systems. Being a group most at risk to severe reaction to the disease, these folks could find their politicians' advise for Americans to “go out and party” to be deadly. As Covid-19 marches across the nation, many of these older and/or sickly conservatives could very well experience how the availability of hospital beds is a most important part in saving the lives of elderly victims and those with compromised immune systems who contract the disease. The coronavirus is treatable, but only if severely affected patients can be hooked up to respirators.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will also learn how their own hatred for Obama helped diminish the number of hospital beds in their red states. The right-wingers’ willful ignorance and denial of facts is going to make them a significant component in the critical mass of patients infected with coronavirus, and in the final statistics.

Nationwide, the overwhelming surge of coronavirus patients that is predicted will easily outstrip the supply of hospital beds. Covid-19 victims forced to remain untreated inevitably die while gasping for air, which is why the Italian death toll has climbed so high.

Hospitals and doctors here in the United States face an even bigger challenge than those in Italy. While the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics like to boast of America’s superiority to everything in the world (when the GOP is in control), they will also deny the fact that Italy has MORE hospital beds per thousand citizens than the [email protected]/thousand, and [email protected]/thousand. (So conservatives, you should put down your big “We’re #1“ foam finger, trumpcare has made healthcare worse, not better, regardless of your misguided and misinformed beliefs.)

As the deluge of Covid-19 patients seeking medical treatment grows, like doctors in Italy, U.S. physicians will spend endless hours performing battlefield-style triage. There they must quickly decide, is this patient too old? Too (otherwise) sick? Do they have small children at home? After that, patients who survive initial triage and finally reach a hospital bed to receive treatment, may be unplugged if someone with a greater survival chance shows up. Few U.S. doctors have experienced such enormous pressure, physical or emotional. It is beyond nightmarish.

For the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, they will never be convinced coronavirus wasn’t a political ploy by the Democrats, even if they finally admit it’s not a “hoax” as claimed by their orange-haired god. They will also never be convinced “trumpcare” isn’t fantastic, but will remain confident that all failures are the fault of doctors. There is truly no end to their idiocy and loonie conspiracy theories.

Understanding the right-wingers’ rigidly misinformed mindset, makes it apparent it is a complete waste of anyone’s time to attempt to explain any fact to those individuals who have been hopelessly brainwashed after years, even decades staring at the FOX Noise channel.


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You ARE an idiot. Thanks for showing this once AGAIN. Now go crawl back under your rock.......
Another POS rooting for Americans to die so Democrats can take back power. People like this are the most disgusting sub-humans imaginable.
Birther Trump tried to have Obama forcibly removed from office. Karma bit him in his fat ass as he will go down in history as only the third president to be impeached.

Trump whined about how often Obama went golfing, as did the tard herd. Trump quickly surpassed Obama's golf outings, and karma choked the tard herd into hypocritical silence.

Trump and the tard herd whined about Obama's spending and deficits. As President, Trump quickly doubled the deficit he inherited and has broken all spending records. Once again, karma bitch slapped the tard herd in their slack faces.

For DECADES, the tard herd moralized on and on and on about Bill Clinton. Then they voted in a thrice-married serial adulterer who pays off porn stars for their silence.

Trump bragged and bragged and bragged about how high the stock market was going, taking credit for it all. Karma has ripped him a new one as the Dow is just 360 points away from where it was the day he took office.

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

LMBAO @ the "tard hurd."


What Goes Around Comes Around

Life’s experience and/or observation has shown many of us when a person or group is motivated by hate, greed, some other deeply human flaw, singularly or combined, their negative action(s) quite often come back to bite them in their a$$(es). You know, what goes around comes around.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics worship their severely dysfunctional leader as a god who will make America great again, meaning the U.S. will become a white Christian conservative promised land.

Many, if not all of his devoted fanatics believe this new reality to be created by their orange-haired god will be free of people of color, foreigners, strong-willed women, and anyone else who does not share the exact same beliefs and hatreds as the impeached president trump and his army of devoted fanatics.

The latest “hoax” allegedly created by the enemies of the impeached president trump, to limit him to a single term, is the Covid-19 pandemic. And the entire world is in on THIS dastardly plot.

Despite all the bullsh!t vomited constantly by the impeached president trump, FOX Noise, certain Christian clergy, and the congressional Republicans, this “hoax” has the potential to wreck (actually kill) much of the GOP’s voter base.

To further propagate the “coronavirus hoax” myth, House member and impeached president trump’s leading protector, Devin Nunes, recently suggested people go out to restaurants and pubs as often as possible. This is the precise opposite of the advice given by medical experts, and just one example of Republican efforts to confuse, obfuscate, and obstruct a real response, which are proving to be disarmingly effective.

But, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are in for a rude awakening, whether they accept this fact or not. Conservatism is so often its own worst enemy, of which right-wingers’ off-hand dismissal of Covid-19 is a shining example.

A panel of doctors and scientists at the University of California, San Francisco is tracking progress of the disease. The panel reported the U.S. is running approximately a week behind Italy, and is past the point of containment. Members of the panel could see no indications that its progression would be substantially different in the U.S. (Yes, we have all heard right-wingers boasts of their greater knowledge than experts in any subject. But most of you have shown you would fail a fifth grade science test, so your swagger is quite unjustified.)

The Affordable Care Act offers coverage for individuals whose income is at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Not surprisingly, conservative politicians in red states, in their zeal to stick it to Obamacare, declined Medicaid expansion, which forced record numbers of hospital closures in their states’ older, rural counties. There have been 106 rural hospitals shut down since 2010, 77 were located in states that refused to expanded Medicaid.

In these rural areas heavily impacted by hospital closures, a large portion of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are over 65yo and/or suffer from weakened immune systems. Being a group most at risk to severe reaction to the disease, these folks could find their politicians' advise for Americans to “go out and party” to be deadly. As Covid-19 marches across the nation, many of these older and/or sickly conservatives could very well experience how the availability of hospital beds is a most important part in saving the lives of elderly victims and those with compromised immune systems who contract the disease. The coronavirus is treatable, but only if severely affected patients can be hooked up to respirators.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will also learn how their own hatred for Obama helped diminish the number of hospital beds in their red states. The right-wingers’ willful ignorance and denial of facts is going to make them a significant component in the critical mass of patients infected with coronavirus, and in the final statistics.

Nationwide, the overwhelming surge of coronavirus patients that is predicted will easily outstrip the supply of hospital beds. Covid-19 victims forced to remain untreated inevitably die while gasping for air, which is why the Italian death toll has climbed so high.

Hospitals and doctors here in the United States face an even bigger challenge than those in Italy. While the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics like to boast of America’s superiority to everything in the world (when the GOP is in control), they will also deny the fact that Italy has MORE hospital beds per thousand citizens than the [email protected]/thousand, and [email protected]/thousand. (So conservatives, you should put down your big “We’re #1“ foam finger, trumpcare has made healthcare worse, not better, regardless of your misguided and misinformed beliefs.)

As the deluge of Covid-19 patients seeking medical treatment grows, like doctors in Italy, U.S. physicians will spend endless hours performing battlefield-style triage. There they must quickly decide, is this patient too old? Too (otherwise) sick? Do they have small children at home? After that, patients who survive initial triage and finally reach a hospital bed to receive treatment, may be unplugged if someone with a greater survival chance shows up. Few U.S. doctors have experienced such enormous pressure, physical or emotional. It is beyond nightmarish.

For the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, they will never be convinced coronavirus wasn’t a political ploy by the Democrats, even if they finally admit it’s not a “hoax” as claimed by their orange-haired god. They will also never be convinced “trumpcare” isn’t fantastic, but will remain confident that all failures are the fault of doctors. There is truly no end to their idiocy and loonie conspiracy theories.

Understanding the right-wingers’ rigidly misinformed mindset, makes it apparent it is a complete waste of anyone’s time to attempt to explain any fact to those individuals who have been hopelessly brainwashed after years, even decades staring at the FOX Noise channel.


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The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics worship their severely dysfunctional leader as a god who will make America great again, meaning the U.S. will become a white Christian conservative promised land.

LMAO! I love when insane liberals post these liberal manifesto Trump hate threads. By "devoted fanatics" do you mean American voters in 30 states who whooped the Dems ass those people? :itsok:

What Goes Around Comes Around

Life’s experience and/or observation has shown many of us when a person or group is motivated by hate, greed, some other deeply human flaw, singularly or combined, their negative action(s) quite often come back to bite them in their a$$(es). You know, what goes around comes around.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics worship their severely dysfunctional leader as a god who will make America great again, meaning the U.S. will become a white Christian conservative promised land.

Many, if not all of his devoted fanatics believe this new reality to be created by their orange-haired god will be free of people of color, foreigners, strong-willed women, and anyone else who does not share the exact same beliefs and hatreds as the impeached president trump and his army of devoted fanatics.

The latest “hoax” allegedly created by the enemies of the impeached president trump, to limit him to a single term, is the Covid-19 pandemic. And the entire world is in on THIS dastardly plot.

Despite all the bullsh!t vomited constantly by the impeached president trump, FOX Noise, certain Christian clergy, and the congressional Republicans, this “hoax” has the potential to wreck (actually kill) much of the GOP’s voter base.

To further propagate the “coronavirus hoax” myth, House member and impeached president trump’s leading protector, Devin Nunes, recently suggested people go out to restaurants and pubs as often as possible. This is the precise opposite of the advice given by medical experts, and just one example of Republican efforts to confuse, obfuscate, and obstruct a real response, which are proving to be disarmingly effective.

But, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are in for a rude awakening, whether they accept this fact or not. Conservatism is so often its own worst enemy, of which right-wingers’ off-hand dismissal of Covid-19 is a shining example.

A panel of doctors and scientists at the University of California, San Francisco is tracking progress of the disease. The panel reported the U.S. is running approximately a week behind Italy, and is past the point of containment. Members of the panel could see no indications that its progression would be substantially different in the U.S. (Yes, we have all heard right-wingers boasts of their greater knowledge than experts in any subject. But most of you have shown you would fail a fifth grade science test, so your swagger is quite unjustified.)

The Affordable Care Act offers coverage for individuals whose income is at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Not surprisingly, conservative politicians in red states, in their zeal to stick it to Obamacare, declined Medicaid expansion, which forced record numbers of hospital closures in their states’ older, rural counties. There have been 106 rural hospitals shut down since 2010, 77 were located in states that refused to expanded Medicaid.

In these rural areas heavily impacted by hospital closures, a large portion of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are over 65yo and/or suffer from weakened immune systems. Being a group most at risk to severe reaction to the disease, these folks could find their politicians' advise for Americans to “go out and party” to be deadly. As Covid-19 marches across the nation, many of these older and/or sickly conservatives could very well experience how the availability of hospital beds is a most important part in saving the lives of elderly victims and those with compromised immune systems who contract the disease. The coronavirus is treatable, but only if severely affected patients can be hooked up to respirators.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will also learn how their own hatred for Obama helped diminish the number of hospital beds in their red states. The right-wingers’ willful ignorance and denial of facts is going to make them a significant component in the critical mass of patients infected with coronavirus, and in the final statistics.

Nationwide, the overwhelming surge of coronavirus patients that is predicted will easily outstrip the supply of hospital beds. Covid-19 victims forced to remain untreated inevitably die while gasping for air, which is why the Italian death toll has climbed so high.

Hospitals and doctors here in the United States face an even bigger challenge than those in Italy. While the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics like to boast of America’s superiority to everything in the world (when the GOP is in control), they will also deny the fact that Italy has MORE hospital beds per thousand citizens than the [email protected]/thousand, and [email protected]/thousand. (So conservatives, you should put down your big “We’re #1“ foam finger, trumpcare has made healthcare worse, not better, regardless of your misguided and misinformed beliefs.)

As the deluge of Covid-19 patients seeking medical treatment grows, like doctors in Italy, U.S. physicians will spend endless hours performing battlefield-style triage. There they must quickly decide, is this patient too old? Too (otherwise) sick? Do they have small children at home? After that, patients who survive initial triage and finally reach a hospital bed to receive treatment, may be unplugged if someone with a greater survival chance shows up. Few U.S. doctors have experienced such enormous pressure, physical or emotional. It is beyond nightmarish.

For the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, they will never be convinced coronavirus wasn’t a political ploy by the Democrats, even if they finally admit it’s not a “hoax” as claimed by their orange-haired god. They will also never be convinced “trumpcare” isn’t fantastic, but will remain confident that all failures are the fault of doctors. There is truly no end to their idiocy and loonie conspiracy theories.

Understanding the right-wingers’ rigidly misinformed mindset, makes it apparent it is a complete waste of anyone’s time to attempt to explain any fact to those individuals who have been hopelessly brainwashed after years, even decades staring at the FOX Noise channel.


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What Goes Around Comes Around

Life’s experience and/or observation has shown many of us when a person or group is motivated by hate, greed, some other deeply human flaw, singularly or combined, their negative action(s) quite often come back to bite them in their a$$(es). You know, what goes around comes around.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics worship their severely dysfunctional leader as a god who will make America great again, meaning the U.S. will become a white Christian conservative promised land.

Many, if not all of his devoted fanatics believe this new reality to be created by their orange-haired god will be free of people of color, foreigners, strong-willed women, and anyone else who does not share the exact same beliefs and hatreds as the impeached president trump and his army of devoted fanatics.

The latest “hoax” allegedly created by the enemies of the impeached president trump, to limit him to a single term, is the Covid-19 pandemic. And the entire world is in on THIS dastardly plot.

Despite all the bullsh!t vomited constantly by the impeached president trump, FOX Noise, certain Christian clergy, and the congressional Republicans, this “hoax” has the potential to wreck (actually kill) much of the GOP’s voter base.

To further propagate the “coronavirus hoax” myth, House member and impeached president trump’s leading protector, Devin Nunes, recently suggested people go out to restaurants and pubs as often as possible. This is the precise opposite of the advice given by medical experts, and just one example of Republican efforts to confuse, obfuscate, and obstruct a real response, which are proving to be disarmingly effective.

But, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are in for a rude awakening, whether they accept this fact or not. Conservatism is so often its own worst enemy, of which right-wingers’ off-hand dismissal of Covid-19 is a shining example.

A panel of doctors and scientists at the University of California, San Francisco is tracking progress of the disease. The panel reported the U.S. is running approximately a week behind Italy, and is past the point of containment. Members of the panel could see no indications that its progression would be substantially different in the U.S. (Yes, we have all heard right-wingers boasts of their greater knowledge than experts in any subject. But most of you have shown you would fail a fifth grade science test, so your swagger is quite unjustified.)

The Affordable Care Act offers coverage for individuals whose income is at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Not surprisingly, conservative politicians in red states, in their zeal to stick it to Obamacare, declined Medicaid expansion, which forced record numbers of hospital closures in their states’ older, rural counties. There have been 106 rural hospitals shut down since 2010, 77 were located in states that refused to expanded Medicaid.

In these rural areas heavily impacted by hospital closures, a large portion of the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics are over 65yo and/or suffer from weakened immune systems. Being a group most at risk to severe reaction to the disease, these folks could find their politicians' advise for Americans to “go out and party” to be deadly. As Covid-19 marches across the nation, many of these older and/or sickly conservatives could very well experience how the availability of hospital beds is a most important part in saving the lives of elderly victims and those with compromised immune systems who contract the disease. The coronavirus is treatable, but only if severely affected patients can be hooked up to respirators.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will also learn how their own hatred for Obama helped diminish the number of hospital beds in their red states. The right-wingers’ willful ignorance and denial of facts is going to make them a significant component in the critical mass of patients infected with coronavirus, and in the final statistics.

Nationwide, the overwhelming surge of coronavirus patients that is predicted will easily outstrip the supply of hospital beds. Covid-19 victims forced to remain untreated inevitably die while gasping for air, which is why the Italian death toll has climbed so high.

Hospitals and doctors here in the United States face an even bigger challenge than those in Italy. While the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics like to boast of America’s superiority to everything in the world (when the GOP is in control), they will also deny the fact that Italy has MORE hospital beds per thousand citizens than the [email protected]/thousand, and [email protected]/thousand. (So conservatives, you should put down your big “We’re #1“ foam finger, trumpcare has made healthcare worse, not better, regardless of your misguided and misinformed beliefs.)

As the deluge of Covid-19 patients seeking medical treatment grows, like doctors in Italy, U.S. physicians will spend endless hours performing battlefield-style triage. There they must quickly decide, is this patient too old? Too (otherwise) sick? Do they have small children at home? After that, patients who survive initial triage and finally reach a hospital bed to receive treatment, may be unplugged if someone with a greater survival chance shows up. Few U.S. doctors have experienced such enormous pressure, physical or emotional. It is beyond nightmarish.

For the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, they will never be convinced coronavirus wasn’t a political ploy by the Democrats, even if they finally admit it’s not a “hoax” as claimed by their orange-haired god. They will also never be convinced “trumpcare” isn’t fantastic, but will remain confident that all failures are the fault of doctors. There is truly no end to their idiocy and loonie conspiracy theories.

Understanding the right-wingers’ rigidly misinformed mindset, makes it apparent it is a complete waste of anyone’s time to attempt to explain any fact to those individuals who have been hopelessly brainwashed after years, even decades staring at the FOX Noise channel.


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Yep, it appears Bertie is beyond ANY help or hope.
Dear BertramN
For the karmic reference to "what comes around goes around"
I thought this thread might be about how the US sanctions on
countries like Iraq left doctors scrambling to save lives without medical

And if we don't get our act together, if we face a similar "balloon"
escalation in cases in a concentrated area that exceeds the medical
capacity to handle sensitive ICU treatment, we could end up like Italy,
having to choose which patients to save and which to sacrifice as in

It shouldn't come to that, but with 48 deaths in Washington alone,
they may have already experienced that level of helplessness in not
being able to save patients in time.

Some good news in all this:
1. With the heightened awareness and abundance of precaution in stopping more infectious spreading, we should see a reduced loss of lives from either strain of flu or virus, when normally we lose tens of
thousands of lives during flu season. We could easily end up saving more lives than we lose.

2. And with this new democratized media access, where nobody trusts or waits on the mainstream news to verify before publishing reports, more people are seeking updates directly from the source. So this could lead to direct democracy if we no longer depend on media to politicize information for us. People could finish the process of working toward self government if this keeps up!

3. It looks like the solutions will take all nations working together, and all levels and approaches to medical and health care. Instead of battle to impose one system or another, it will take all the available systems to cover all the demand. So we may well be ushering in a new stage of democratic governance where cooperation and collaboration are key.


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