What exactly does the anti-Boycott bill say?

I can play that.


A Kohen (or Kohain, Hebrew כֹּהֵן, 'priest', pl. כוהנים, Kohanim) is the Hebrew word for priest. Jewish Kohens are traditionally believed and halachically required to be of direct patrilineal descent from the Biblical Aaron.
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All you do is post anti-Israel shit. Ha'aretz is fringe left. It always has been, but moreso in the last 15 or 20 years...it's not even read in Israel.

You yourself quoted Haaretz just today:cuckoo:

Yeah. I did that because if Ha'aretz is reporting on it, it must REALLY BE BAD. Get it? Duh.

Israel has gotten more secular. What are you talking about?!

What does that have to do with how far right Israel is?

Uh, I do. You are anti-Israel.

No, I am not anti Israeli. That is being cheap again or not understanding the difference. I have frequently been against the US Government but I have never been against the US people. If Israel had different policies, then she would get my support. There is nothing in me stuck which has to be against Israel. I have already told you that at one time she had my unconditional support - but that came from knowing nothing about it and feeling bad about what happened in ww2 and being brought up to believe the world was against Jews. The blinkers started to fall from my eyes during the 82 Lebanon war but you still cannot say it was against Israel per say. It was against what she was doing. Things like turning a blind eye to the massacres and in this some Israeli jews were just as disgusted.

Anyway, I started being critical. From what I have heard we used to get a lot more footage in the U.K of Israel's response to the Intifada's and it pretty much disgusted me. I do not like seeing soldiers shooting at unarmed people. Now my view here is no different what so ever to what it would be if British soldiers were up to it.

Then you have some serious logic issues.

OK, fair enough. Give links to all the Haaretz reporters who are anti zionist

...Israel was founded on a socialist movement. Come again?

Here I am referring to the reality that Jews only wanted to have Jews working for them. It has nothing to do with politics - in fact if anything it goes against the Internationalism of communist Jews.

It is like I said yesterday. If Scottish descendants of those who were forcefully removed during the Highland clearances were to come back and say they deserved to live in the Highlands, which are still under populated and they wanted to form a Highland nation apart and separate from the rest of Scotland, we would send them packing. Like it or not that is how Israel was formed except people had been away for a lot longer.

What are you talking about? They kept rejecting a Jewish state. Including them in what? Israeli politics? They have seats in the Knesset. Included the Palestinians outside of Israel? They were under Arab control and were Arab citizens (in WB anyway) for over 20 years. Pals in the WB had Jordan citizenship until King Hussein revoked many people's rights at the request of Arafat.

No, I was referring to what I spoke of above - that is that when Zionists arrived they worked separately. It's just an idea I have that if the enormous investment had been shared with the whole population then a different scenario might have happened because it would have been more likely that the arrival of Jews would have been for the good of all. Like I said that did not happen we had history instead.

Israel didn't have settlements for 20 years and it was still attacked. Fuck off.

not by terrorists. Israel could have got peace a long time ago if some people had not gone religious nutty after winning the 6 day war and believe that God won it for her and look with biblical lust at the West Bank. The reality that in 20 years of peace talks there is no peace and instead there is continued settlement expansion is the reason why Europe is likely to recognise a Palestinian State.

I'm assuming you don't care about the tens of thousands of Jews who were expelled from their Arab homelands, or the Jews expelled from the Jewish Quarter in J'lem, or the Jews that had to leave Gaza and Sinai (more than once) because of wars.

I've already spoken about Mizrahi Jews. I mentioned that Obama was talking about the need to address the right for them to return to their own countries. I believe this is a very good idea and in any real atmosphere of peace would be extremely good. I also have read them being concerned because unlike European or American Israelis they do not have a passport out to another country if the Israel Knesset fouls things up. That makes them more vulnerable.

Arabs want NO JEW on their land. Do you understand that? Abbas said 'not a single Jew will step foot in Palestine'.

Calm down! I found that a bit strange because I knew that in the forum that the PIJ had for the EU to look at what it could do to help peace, one of the suggestions was that settlers who had not harmed Palestinians be offered the possibility of staying in a Palestinian State so I did a search and that indeed seems to be reality

Palestinian National Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said Saturday that Jews would enjoy freedom and civil rights in a future Palestinian state.

Fayyad addressed the subject in response to a question from former CIA director James Woolsey at the Aspen Institute’s Aspen Ideas Festival, which included a day of panels on different aspects of the current state of the Middle East.

Palestinian prime minister: Jews would be welcome in future state | Aspen Daily News Online

But they also want access to Israel.

Why doesn't that bother you?!
I have a different political view that you. I come from the UK.

I can tell.
Our most right would probably seem communist to you. Even worse, I come from Scotland.

That explains it. Your country has a history of hosting anti-Israel, pro-terrorist sentiment.

My country is the one European country which has never enacted any anti Jewish laws and where anti-Semitism is extremely low.

Overall, Jews have experienced great tolerance, acceptance, friendliness, and generosity from fellow non-Jewish Scots. .

The Virtual Jewish History Tour - Scotland

Now I am off to do other things.
No, I am not anti Israeli. That is being cheap again or not understanding the difference. I have frequently been against the US Government but I have never been against the US people. If Israel had different policies, then she would get my support.

1. You support the PLO and Hamas.
2. You perpetuate myth that Palestinians are 'indigenous' like Native Americans are to America.
3. You say everything Israel does is wrong.
4. You have no qualms about the fact that Israel's enemies want the Jews gone. Dead.
Anyway, I started being critical. From what I have heard we used to get a lot more footage in the U.K of Israel's response to the Intifada's and it pretty much disgusted me. I do not like seeing soldiers shooting at unarmed people.

I've seen your news coverage. It's choppy, poor reporting that's endorsed by alJazeera types.

Here I am referring to the reality that Jews only wanted to have Jews working for them. It has nothing to do with politics - in fact if anything it goes against the Internationalism of communist Jews.

This is where I'm stopping. You don't understand the Zionist labor movement or Jewish law. They went to Israel to form little communes. They can't hire outside labor for their farms, because the community works the farm. If they hire Arab labor, they are exploiting Arab labor because the Arabs who work for them would not be able to live with them and they would get bad wages. So when Arabs were out of jobs, they were paid extra --- not because the Jews had to, but because it was part of their politics. Today, Israel still practices severance pay.

This didn't happen often, though, as much of the land they bought (90 per cent) wasn't falajin tenant land.

Plus a kibbutz is a self-selected community. You do know what a commune is, right? I would not have expected, say, Gush Katif to welcome me - a liberal American Jew that is not Shomer Shabbos - with open arms.

You forget that many Jewish business (and Jewish farms after the communal movement - ones that modernized) employed Arabs before the State was created. And still do. And the PA is on the brink of making it illegal to work for a Jew.
Rise of anti-Semitism in Scotland


Not to mention your love of the ISM.


You know who those two are.

Sorry. You're antisemetic and you're stuck on it.
still stings a little.

Then come out into the main forum and you will find more than these ones. Don't stick down in this cesspit CP. It will drain your soul and you will need replenishment more often. :(

My advice is to come and post and then go out into the forum to discuss with everyone. There's some really good and funny people here.

A lot. ;)

And you cut through B.S. quite well. You WILL be appreciated. :lol:
You think I'd grow tougher skin. :lol:

Thanks for the sentiments. I'm done with this ignorance for now. I just feel like I have to say something for people who read this stuff and aren't commenting. :/
Rise of anti-Semitism in Scotland


Not to mention your love of the ISM.


You know who those two are.

Sorry. You're antisemetic and you're stuck on it.

You do realise that you yourself have just shown the keynote of a racist person. I took time to be honest with you and worked hard not to get into the classic just be rude back and what do you do, ignore what I said and find a picture of an antisemetic wall in Scotland and claim by this I am antisemetic.

You further that by acting a pained victim.

Little girl, you do not know how anti gentile you are. You have just shown the very essence of prejudice. You take a wall painted by someone in Scotland and you stereotype the whole of Scotland by that.

You are racist.
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No, I am not anti Israeli. That is being cheap again or not understanding the difference. I have frequently been against the US Government but I have never been against the US people. If Israel had different policies, then she would get my support.

1. You support the PLO and Hamas.
2. You perpetuate myth that Palestinians are 'indigenous' like Native Americans are to America.
3. You say everything Israel does is wrong.
4. You have no qualms about the fact that Israel's enemies want the Jews gone. Dead.

I've seen your news coverage. It's choppy, poor reporting that's endorsed by alJazeera types.

Here I am referring to the reality that Jews only wanted to have Jews working for them. It has nothing to do with politics - in fact if anything it goes against the Internationalism of communist Jews.

Oh Citizenpained you are not an honourable person. You have put as a quote by me stuff I did not say. What you do show here though again is having the fundamentals that make up a prejudiced person a person who is racist or xenophobic in some way. You build in your own mind a stereotype of a whole country based on your imagination, not only that you make it an absolute. Anything you have ever heard one person say belongs to the whole of Scotland.

You really need to start to get an understanding on what the roots of prejudice are and work on yours.
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Alexa said:
Here I am referring to the reality that Jews only wanted to have Jews working for them. It has nothing to do with politics - in fact if anything it goes against the Internationalism of communist Jews.

This is where I'm stopping. You don't understand the Zionist labor movement or Jewish law. They went to Israel to form little communes. They can't hire outside labor for their farms, because the community works the farm. If they hire Arab labor, they are exploiting Arab labor because the Arabs who work for them would not be able to live with them and they would get bad wages. So when Arabs were out of jobs, they were paid extra --- not because the Jews had to, but because it was part of their politics. Today, Israel still practices severance pay.

This didn't happen often, though, as much of the land they bought (90 per cent) wasn't falajin tenant land.

Plus a kibbutz is a self-selected community. You do know what a commune is, right? I would not have expected, say, Gush Katif to welcome me - a liberal American Jew that is not Shomer Shabbos - with open arms.

You forget that many Jewish business (and Jewish farms after the communal movement - ones that modernized) employed Arabs before the State was created. And still do. And the PA is on the brink of making it illegal to work for a Jew.

Ah got your knickers in a twist again I see. What I said was simply what I thought having realised there is a comparison in Scotland being due to the majority of our Highlanders being exiled. I can see from that that if their descendants decided to come back and claim the highlands as their own and want to make a nation of it separate from the rest of Scotland, we would have none of it. We would send them packing despite the reality that their is plenty of room in the Highlands.

Now the other side of the issue is that if Scotland goes for Independence, Alex Salmond is interested in encouraged Scots in the Diaspora to come back. The problem would not be with allowing the people in, the problem would be with them wanting to come back and take some land and be separate from us - and that was the intention of Zionists.

Having thought of the Scottish issue it occurred to me that if Zionists had been a little more inclusive then it might well have been possible for them to integrate with the people already there and build a thriving state. Possibility only never tried.

Zionism however came out of the European frenzy for Nation States. It was not inclusive.

I have read a great deal about early Zionism and the picture is different than the rose tinted glasses you wear, but I have found you to be a person who twists what I say, to be racist, who pretends I have said things I have not and on and on and on, so I will not go into that now.
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Zionism however came out of the European frenzy for Nation States. It was not inclusive.

I have read a great deal about early Zionism and the picture is different than the rose tinted glasses you wear, but I have found you to be a person who twists what I say, to be racist, who pretends I have said things I have not and on and on and on, so I will not go into that now.

Who have you read? Tell me the names of the historians you read. Please do.

My mom was born in Haifa. I have an idea of what the labor Zionist movement was about.
Rise of anti-Semitism in Scotland


Not to mention your love of the ISM.


You know who those two are.

Sorry. You're antisemetic and you're stuck on it.

You do realise that you yourself have just shown the keynote of a racist person. I took time to be honest with you and worked hard not to get into the classic just be rude back and what do you do, ignore what I said and find a picture of an antisemetic wall in Scotland and claim by this I am antisemetic.

You further that by acting a pained victim.

Little girl, you do not know how anti gentile you are. You have just shown the very essence of prejudice. You take a wall painted by someone in Scotland and you stereotype the whole of Scotland by that.

You are racist.

I linked to an article that talked about antisemitism in Scotland. That makes me racist? Wtf?
Rise of anti-Semitism in Scotland


Not to mention your love of the ISM.


You know who those two are.

Sorry. You're antisemetic and you're stuck on it.

You do realise that you yourself have just shown the keynote of a racist person. I took time to be honest with you and worked hard not to get into the classic just be rude back and what do you do, ignore what I said and find a picture of an antisemetic wall in Scotland and claim by this I am antisemetic.

You further that by acting a pained victim.

Little girl, you do not know how anti gentile you are. You have just shown the very essence of prejudice. You take a wall painted by someone in Scotland and you stereotype the whole of Scotland by that.

You are racist.

I linked to an article that talked about antisemitism in Scotland. That makes me racist? Wtf?

I didn't see your link that. What I said is the reason.

With regard to antisemitism in Scotland. There were 10 acts of antisemitism in Scotland in 2008 (541 in the rest of the UK) and 30 purported acts in 2009. (I think over 900 in the rest of the UK). The rise from 10 to 30 will be what your article is about. Your painting will be one of these acts. Now the 30 acts came during the period of Cast Lead and we know antisemetism rises everywhere when Israel goes to war. Also as you can see some of these supposed antisemetic acts were actually political acts as mentioned that of the of trade unions calling for sanctions and no doubt one will be this Council refutes media-claims regarding the Israeli boycott which had the most crazy freenzied reaction from some Israeli propagandists suggesting wrongly that the library had taken all Jewish books off the shelves and I think even a book burning.

Here is an article by Anthony Lermon on the increase you mention


Whatever way you look at it there is not much antisemitism in Scotland. Most Jews live in Glasgow and trust me it is much more a question of whether you are Protestant or Catholic. All the bigoted people there have their hands full already.

I found this article by Lerman last night as well. I think he puts the situation well.

Sense on antisemitism

You use the 'new antisemitism' I think and I do not and it just wouldn't break ice in Scotland. Politics is different from prejudice. I know for instance that there are a magnitude of different ideas on Israel among Jews. I know that prior to the holocaust most Jews were anti zionist. I understand Jews wanting Israel after the holocaust. I understand Jews wanting to support Israel and I am also glad that they go by their conscience and speak out.

I believe the opposite to you. I believe it is vital to keep antisemetism and criticism apart and I believe it is vital to do that because if you do not do that you are creating a situation of them and us between Jews and everyone else when people disagree with Israel.

It is absolutely crucial. We have a strong Palestinian movement here and it is our responsibility to make sure that that is in no way antisemetic.

Despite what you say our Jews are doing very well. The problem arises from using antisemitism as a political tool which I think Lerman deals with in that essay.
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Despite what you say our Jews are doing very well. The problem arises from using antisemitism as a political tool which I think Lerman deals with in that essay.
Was Lerman skinny dipping in kibutz Ginosar too?
You don't care about antisemitism. Antisemitism is antisemitism. It doesn't matter who it is coming from.

You're demonizing Jews, ridiculing religious Jews, holding them up to crazy standards, being hypocritical, etc. etc, not to mention taking the side of reverent Jew haters. May as well be a Nazi. Same thing.

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