What doomsdayers should be the most embarrassed?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Y2K, bird-flu pandemic, global warming, Mayan Calender smucks, Bible prophecy nuts, fallout shelter builders in the 1950s, or others?

IMO - Y2K and its not close.
Throw in the One World Order/UN takeover of America/elite powerbrokers in secret clubs controlling the world etc..........
The closest doomesday on my list was the Cuban Missle Crises in 1962.

That was a close one. Not sure how much fallout shelters (most of govt ones had no provisions) or duck-and-cover would have helped.

What time does the Doomesday Clock have now?
Bible nuts deserve the longevity badge. They've been pushing the doctrine of Armageddon/End Days Prophecy for centuries, with certain sects trying and failing to assign hard dates along the way. Plus, there's still a bunch of 'em waiting for the long anticipated Second Coming.

Yep, my vote is for the Christians.
Bible nuts deserve the longevity badge. They've been pushing the doctrine of Armageddon/End Days Prophecy for centuries, with certain sects trying and failing to assign hard dates along the way. Plus, there's still a bunch of 'em waiting for the long anticipated Second Coming.

Yep, my vote is for the Christians.
there have been many doomsdays for many cultures, just not all at the same time.
there have been many doomsdays for many cultures, just not all at the same time.

Show me a present day doomsday tradition with an origin preceding that of the Judeo/Christian tradition.

Eastern religions, while much older, generally push an eternally cyclical view of the cosmos.
there have been many doomsdays for many cultures, just not all at the same time.

Show me a present day doomsday tradition with an origin preceding that of the Judeo/Christian tradition.

Eastern religions, while much older, generally push an eternally cyclical view of the cosmos.
true, but a doomsday event or drastic change is part of that cycle..

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