What Does This Mean??

"I have a message from the Tea Party that is loud and clear and doesn't mince words: We've come to take our government back."

-- Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul

To me that sounds very ominous and threatening. Am I wrong??

Hey, it's THEIR government!!! The 20% of Americans, at most, who think like the Tea Partiers, believe that the government should belong to them, so they can rule the other 80%.
The present government is acting in violation of our Constitution and in violation of their oaths to comply with the Constitution.

It is crystal clear what he is talking about.

We want OUR government back, meaning the limited one permitted by the Constitution.

This isn't even tough stuff, ya dipsticks.

Funny stuff.

Agreed...it would be funny if not for the fact that they take themselves seriously

The idea the government stopped evolving once the Constitution was ratified. The idea that if the founding fathers did not envision it......it cannot be done.

The first President rode around in a horse and buggy....current Presidents use Air Force One

That is the same level of advancement that running a government today compares to running a government in the 18th century

They are Constitutional Fundamentalists. They view the Constitution the way Christian fundamentalists view the Bible.
"I have a message from the Tea Party that is loud and clear and doesn't mince words: We've come to take our government back."

-- Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul

To me that sounds very ominous and threatening. Am I wrong??

Hey, it's THEIR government!!! The 20% of Americans, at most, who think like the Tea Partiers, believe that the government should belong to them, so they can rule the other 80%.
Surely you can provide some supporting information for your numbers, right?

Rather, I bet those numbers might scare too many even more.

Yup, those are fucking terrifying words Rand Paul said. :cuckoo:
"I have a message from the Tea Party that is loud and clear and doesn't mince words: We've come to take our government back."

-- Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul

To me that sounds very ominous and threatening. Am I wrong??

Hey, it's THEIR government!!! The 20% of Americans, at most, who think like the Tea Partiers, believe that the government should belong to them, so they can rule the other 80%.

Since on average only one third of the population actually votes, I would say you want to review your numbers.
Funny stuff.

Agreed...it would be funny if not for the fact that they take themselves seriously

The idea the government stopped evolving once the Constitution was ratified. The idea that if the founding fathers did not envision it......it cannot be done.

The first President rode around in a horse and buggy....current Presidents use Air Force One

That is the same level of advancement that running a government today compares to running a government in the 18th century

it's funnier how you think that just because a bare majority elected some asshole that people can't voice dissatisfaction or criticism of said asshole.

Nothing about 'can't' was said.
"I have a message from the Tea Party that is loud and clear and doesn't mince words: We've come to take our government back."

-- Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul

To me that sounds very ominous and threatening. Am I wrong??

Hey, it's THEIR government!!! The 20% of Americans, at most, who think like the Tea Partiers, believe that the government should belong to them, so they can rule the other 80%.

Since on average only one third of the population actually votes, I would say you want to review your numbers.

That makes no sense. If that was your intent, well done.
Agreed...it would be funny if not for the fact that they take themselves seriously

The idea the government stopped evolving once the Constitution was ratified. The idea that if the founding fathers did not envision it......it cannot be done.

The first President rode around in a horse and buggy....current Presidents use Air Force One

That is the same level of advancement that running a government today compares to running a government in the 18th century

it's funnier how you think that just because a bare majority elected some asshole that people can't voice dissatisfaction or criticism of said asshole.

Nothing about 'can't' was said.

Then why is it that you Obama ass kissers' pat answer is the "He's the president and was elected yada yada"

And why is it that a reference to voting him out is considered ominous and threatening?
"I have a message from the Tea Party that is loud and clear and doesn't mince words: We've come to take our government back."

-- Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul

To me that sounds very ominous and threatening. Am I wrong??

Hey, it's THEIR government!!! The 20% of Americans, at most, who think like the Tea Partiers, believe that the government should belong to them, so they can rule the other 80%.
Surely you can provide some supporting information for your numbers, right?

Rather, I bet those numbers might scare too many even more.

Yup, those are fucking terrifying words Rand Paul said. :cuckoo:

Rand Paul proved, to me, last night, that he's an imbecile. I have closed the book on him.
Hey, it's THEIR government!!! The 20% of Americans, at most, who think like the Tea Partiers, believe that the government should belong to them, so they can rule the other 80%.
Surely you can provide some supporting information for your numbers, right?

Rather, I bet those numbers might scare too many even more.

Yup, those are fucking terrifying words Rand Paul said. :cuckoo:

Rand Paul proved, to me, last night, that he's an imbecile. I have closed the book on him.

And I'm sure he is heart broken because of it.
it's funnier how you think that just because a bare majority elected some asshole that people can't voice dissatisfaction or criticism of said asshole.

Nothing about 'can't' was said.

Then why is it that you Obama ass kissers' pat answer is the "He's the president and was elected yada yada"

And why is it that a reference to voting him out is considered ominous and threatening?

Why was his election considered ominous and threatening?
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Then why is it that you Obama ass kissers' pat answer is the "He's the president and was elected yada yada"

And why is it that a reference to voting him out is considered ominous and threatening?

Why was his election considered ominous and threatening?

I never said it was did I?

It's you libbies who are wailing about verbal violence not me.

You want now to pretend that the anti-Obama rhetoric for the last couple years hasn't been in any way alarmist or inflammatory?

please stop.
Why was his election considered ominous and threatening?

I never said it was did I?

It's you libbies who are wailing about verbal violence not me.

You want now to pretend that the anti-Obama rhetoric for the last couple years hasn't been in any way alarmist or inflammatory?

please stop.

Who has condemned Obama for inciting violence?

And FYI in case you haven't noticed, most political rhetoric is alarmist and inflammatory.
People who don't vote don't count.

So President Obama was elected by a clear majority of those who count.

A bare majority.

I don't call 3% a mandate.

Of course you don't. I suppose the 60% Democratic House and 57% Democratic Senate aren't mandates either.

When is the last time conservatives had a mandate? And, while we're at it, what percents do conservatives need to achieve for you to declare they have a mandate?

(I thought the election of Scott Brown proclaimed a conservative mandate. lol)
So President Obama was elected by a clear majority of those who count.

A bare majority.

I don't call 3% a mandate.

Of course you don't. I suppose the 60% Democratic House and 57% Democratic Senate aren't mandates either.

When is the last time conservatives had a mandate? And, while we're at it, what percents do conservatives need to achieve for you to declare they have a mandate?

(I thought the election of Scott Brown proclaimed a conservative mandate. lol)

We were talking about the presidential election weren't we?

I don't know much about Brown and I don't really care because a "conservative " from MA is still pretty liberal.
"I have a message from the Tea Party that is loud and clear and doesn't mince words: We've come to take our government back."

-- Kentucky GOP Senate nominee Rand Paul

To me that sounds very ominous and threatening. Am I wrong??

Being the blinded Obamabot that you are... you are indeed wrong on a regular basis.. and this is no exception

It's not that I don't appreciate your very gracious response, but it was of no value. Like most things that come out of your mouth as a result of your right wing distorted thought process. Jerk.

Your original post had no value, bitch... You are trying to insinuate 'ominous threats' from a simple political statement about wanting to win back control... Funny though, the obamabot that you are, we know you did not have the same 'concern' when Obama made the blanket statement that he was going to 'fundamentally change America', now did you.... and YOU of all people calling someone else a winger?? Absolutely laughable.... go crawl back up Obama's ass

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