what do you think of when you're alone??


Active Member
Jul 1, 2016
What do you think of when you're alone
when you're alone,
when you're alone at night...

Laying on your bed
or sofa or floor
or whatever else you may have around?

When noone hears what is in your mind.
-And when the darkness tells you that He is your friend-
That it is okay to look within....

What do you think of when you're alone
when the voices of the world are gone.
when the lights and dazzle of the streets,
If anything, are only reminders of what you wish to think.

What do you think of when you're alone
when you're alone,
Laying in your bed, couch, floor,
or whatever else thing you may have around?

What do you think of
when noone esle hears
the things you say that you hold precious and dear....

What do you think of when you're alone?
Mommy mommy there's a monster under my bed

I looked

Mommy there's a monster sleeping above in my bed

I started crawling to the closet.

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