What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason Iā€™m telling you this story is that Iā€™ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isnā€™t always black and white ā€“ excuse the pun. Instead itā€™s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians ā€“ hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure ā€“ can be seen as ā€œpositive.ā€ And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is ā€œWhite Vs. Asian.ā€ In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare ā€œwhiteā€ architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, ā€œbeauties,ā€ ships, athletes, ā€œaverage commoner,ā€ and ā€œmedicsā€ to their ā€œAsianā€ equivalents. Iā€™m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the ā€œwhiteā€ one is clearly ā€œbetterā€ than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the ā€œfairā€ and unbiased comparisons. When comparing ā€œbeautiesā€ of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacistā€™s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the ā€œpositiveā€ comments:

  • Iā€™m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from ā€œBugs Bunny Nips the Nipsā€.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • Iā€™m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I donā€™t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
Whatā€™s most fascinating about all these ā€œpositiveā€ comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are ā€œprositive.ā€ Here is a sampling of some of the ā€œAsians are evilā€ comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they donā€™t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldnā€™t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasnā€™t the ā€˜evilā€™ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globeā€™s leaders in copyright infringement. They donā€™t respect otherā€™s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the ā€œYellow Perilā€ for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesnā€™t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason Iā€™m telling you this story is that Iā€™ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isnā€™t always black and white ā€“ excuse the pun. Instead itā€™s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians ā€“ hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure ā€“ can be seen as ā€œpositive.ā€ And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is ā€œWhite Vs. Asian.ā€ In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare ā€œwhiteā€ architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, ā€œbeauties,ā€ ships, athletes, ā€œaverage commoner,ā€ and ā€œmedicsā€ to their ā€œAsianā€ equivalents. Iā€™m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the ā€œwhiteā€ one is clearly ā€œbetterā€ than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the ā€œfairā€ and unbiased comparisons. When comparing ā€œbeautiesā€ of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacistā€™s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the ā€œpositiveā€ comments:

  • Iā€™m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from ā€œBugs Bunny Nips the Nipsā€.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • Iā€™m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I donā€™t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
Whatā€™s most fascinating about all these ā€œpositiveā€ comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are ā€œprositive.ā€ Here is a sampling of some of the ā€œAsians are evilā€ comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they donā€™t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldnā€™t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasnā€™t the ā€˜evilā€™ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globeā€™s leaders in copyright infringement. They donā€™t respect otherā€™s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the ā€œYellow Perilā€ for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesnā€™t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog
They're one hell of a lot smarter than blacks. Many come here with nothing, open up profitable retail businesses where they work as families often in black neighborhoods, send their kids for higher education then get the fuck out.

Smart people.
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason Iā€™m telling you this story is that Iā€™ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isnā€™t always black and white ā€“ excuse the pun. Instead itā€™s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians ā€“ hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure ā€“ can be seen as ā€œpositive.ā€ And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is ā€œWhite Vs. Asian.ā€ In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare ā€œwhiteā€ architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, ā€œbeauties,ā€ ships, athletes, ā€œaverage commoner,ā€ and ā€œmedicsā€ to their ā€œAsianā€ equivalents. Iā€™m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the ā€œwhiteā€ one is clearly ā€œbetterā€ than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the ā€œfairā€ and unbiased comparisons. When comparing ā€œbeautiesā€ of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacistā€™s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the ā€œpositiveā€ comments:

  • Iā€™m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from ā€œBugs Bunny Nips the Nipsā€.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • Iā€™m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I donā€™t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
Whatā€™s most fascinating about all these ā€œpositiveā€ comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are ā€œprositive.ā€ Here is a sampling of some of the ā€œAsians are evilā€ comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they donā€™t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldnā€™t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasnā€™t the ā€˜evilā€™ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globeā€™s leaders in copyright infringement. They donā€™t respect otherā€™s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the ā€œYellow Perilā€ for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesnā€™t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog

Again, as the Op'er has exhibited many times he or she can not differentiate between White Supremacist and White Society in General.

The Op'er just made it clear in this thread that he or she believe ALL WHITES are White Supremacist and look down on the Asian culture and society when this is untrue about White Society but is very true about White Supremacists!

Also I highly doubt the Op'er has spent any amount of time within the Asian communities and could not tell you the difference between the Vietnamese or Chinese or the Filipino communities and just view them as Asian without knowing there is a lot more to them than being Asian.

It is true I truly hate the Chinese government because of the oppression of their people and would spit on the government officials of China and North Korea but I know for sure many in the white society do not look down on the Asian society at all.

Also note in the OP comments he stated the Asians cheat to get into college which is negating those that do not cheat at all and work hard to get in.

In the end the truth is the Op has shown they can not form an unbiased opinion of White or Asian society and loathe both and look down at them with his or her bias and bigoted view!
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason Iā€™m telling you this story is that Iā€™ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isnā€™t always black and white ā€“ excuse the pun. Instead itā€™s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians ā€“ hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure ā€“ can be seen as ā€œpositive.ā€ And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is ā€œWhite Vs. Asian.ā€ In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare ā€œwhiteā€ architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, ā€œbeauties,ā€ ships, athletes, ā€œaverage commoner,ā€ and ā€œmedicsā€ to their ā€œAsianā€ equivalents. Iā€™m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the ā€œwhiteā€ one is clearly ā€œbetterā€ than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the ā€œfairā€ and unbiased comparisons. When comparing ā€œbeautiesā€ of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacistā€™s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the ā€œpositiveā€ comments:

  • Iā€™m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from ā€œBugs Bunny Nips the Nipsā€.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • Iā€™m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I donā€™t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
Whatā€™s most fascinating about all these ā€œpositiveā€ comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are ā€œprositive.ā€ Here is a sampling of some of the ā€œAsians are evilā€ comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they donā€™t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldnā€™t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasnā€™t the ā€˜evilā€™ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globeā€™s leaders in copyright infringement. They donā€™t respect otherā€™s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the ā€œYellow Perilā€ for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesnā€™t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog
They're one hell of a lot smarter than blacks. Many come here with nothing, open up profitable retail businesses where they work as families often in black neighborhoods, send their kids for higher education then get the fuck out.

Smart people.


There are over 2 million black owned businesses and they are primarily in black communities. That's double the amount of Asian businesses.
Last edited:
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason Iā€™m telling you this story is that Iā€™ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isnā€™t always black and white ā€“ excuse the pun. Instead itā€™s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians ā€“ hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure ā€“ can be seen as ā€œpositive.ā€ And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is ā€œWhite Vs. Asian.ā€ In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare ā€œwhiteā€ architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, ā€œbeauties,ā€ ships, athletes, ā€œaverage commoner,ā€ and ā€œmedicsā€ to their ā€œAsianā€ equivalents. Iā€™m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the ā€œwhiteā€ one is clearly ā€œbetterā€ than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the ā€œfairā€ and unbiased comparisons. When comparing ā€œbeautiesā€ of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacistā€™s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the ā€œpositiveā€ comments:

  • Iā€™m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from ā€œBugs Bunny Nips the Nipsā€.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • Iā€™m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I donā€™t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
Whatā€™s most fascinating about all these ā€œpositiveā€ comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are ā€œprositive.ā€ Here is a sampling of some of the ā€œAsians are evilā€ comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they donā€™t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldnā€™t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasnā€™t the ā€˜evilā€™ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globeā€™s leaders in copyright infringement. They donā€™t respect otherā€™s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the ā€œYellow Perilā€ for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesnā€™t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog
They're one hell of a lot smarter than blacks. Many come here with nothing, open up profitable retail businesses where they work as families often in black neighborhoods, send their kids for higher education then get the fuck out.

Smart people.


Truthfully in my opinion All Asians ( even the ones with down syndrome ) are a hell of a lot smarter than those bigoted individuals that spew their opinion that all of White Society are White Supremacists...
Being Black
You're Unqualified To Speculate
As You Believe Whites Are Unqualified
To Discuss White/Black Racism

What A White Supremacist Thinks Of Asians ??
Maybe You Should Ask This One On Their Sites
Or Go To Their Sites
And Invite One Here To Discuss It With You
Being Black
You're Unqualified To Speculate
As You Believe Whites Are Unqualified To Discuss Our Racism
....From Your Point Of View
What A White Supremacist Thinks Of Asians ??
Maybe You Should Ask This One On Their Sites
Or Go To Their Sites
And Invite One Here To Discuss It With You

The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site, so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...

They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...
Bruce_T_Laney said:
The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...
I Know
Because "Whites Can't Identify Their Inherent Supremacist Traits"
That's What Made It Difficult To Word My Post
I Wanted To Make Myself Clear
Which Is Really Hard To Do
With A Radical Mind Of Any Stripe

Because I Have To Think:
"How Many Ridiculous Ways Can This Be Interpreted/Translated"
Being Black
You're Unqualified To Speculate
As You Believe Whites Are Unqualified
To Discuss White/Black Racism

What A White Supremacist Thinks Of Asians ??
Maybe You Should Ask This One On Their Sites
Or Go To Their Sites
And Invite One Here To Discuss It With You

I am very well qualified. I believe you are unqualified to talk about blacks beings racists since you think our reaction to white racism is the same as the racism. Anybody white thinking that way is unqualified.

However there are whites with the capacity to understand that you don't get to continually denigrate a group of people falsely in every way and not have people in that group that are pissed off about it. Those whites are qualified to discuss our racial situation.

So I will continue commenting on this matter as I don't need to go into one of those shitstains due to the fact that people like you who frequent them are given free reign here.
The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...

No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.
Being Black
You're Unqualified To Speculate
As You Believe Whites Are Unqualified
To Discuss White/Black Racism

What A White Supremacist Thinks Of Asians ??
Maybe You Should Ask This One On Their Sites
Or Go To Their Sites
And Invite One Here To Discuss It With You

I am very well qualified. I believe you are unqualified to talk about blacks beings racists since you think our reaction to white racism is the same as the racism. Anybody white thinking that way is unqualified.

However there are whites with the capacity to understand that you don't get to continually denigrate a group of people falsely in every way and not have people in that group that are pissed off about it. Those whites are qualified to discuss our racial situation.

So I will continue commenting on this matter as I don't need to go into one of those shitstains due to the fact that people like you who frequent them are given free reign here.

Here is the issue though and you claimed ALL WHITES look down on Asian society when it is clear the article you linked was about White Supremacists and not White Society as a whole.

You believe anyone that disagree with you is below you and never worthy and should not be allow to comment unless you dictate what her or she can say.

You complain daily about this site and even in another thread mention the FBI and why another poster is allowed to be on here and yet here you are spewing your bigoted view about white society as being all white supremacists!

Also it is clear you have a bigoted view of the Asian communities because they do not follow your way of thinking that they are owed something in life.

You mentioned the Japanese community and them being paid for the land and life that was stolen from them during World War II and how you compared it to reparations but it is not the same.

It is true that Black Society mostly came from slaves that were bought and brought here but you can go back to Africa but the Japanese Americans that were put into Prison Camps during World War II were already American Citizens that had their Constitutional Rightst stripped from them because of then being Japanese.

Now I know you can not or will never see the differences but let me be clear Japanese Americans had the Constitutional Rights stolen from them during World War II, so yes they are entitled to be compensated like the Native American but in my opinion ancestors of Slaves are not entitled.

Just my opinion but you are so bigoted you can not even see where you went wrong in your OP...
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..I'm white and I think the Asians --in general-- have a better culture/etc than the American whites/etc
..and I think the Asian babes are the best...I have not seen many obese Asians where I'm at
..so--once again--you are wrong
The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...

No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.

Prove that I am a White Supremacist!

It is clear you made the claim WHITES hate Asians and it is clear you believe all of White Society are White Supremacists!

It is in your OP, so do not lie or deny what you wrote because you state WHITES HATE ASIANS and did not add Supremacists!
The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...

No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.
we are WS???!!!--I didn't know !!!!!!
The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...

No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.
YOU are the racist...not us
The OP has made it clear they believe the USMB is a White Supremacist site,
so in their mind they are discussing this issue with White Supremacists...
They also believe all of White Society is White Supremacist, so let it be known their opinion is slanted as can be...

No, I don't believe all of white society is white supremacist. But I do see that white supremacists do come here and congregate. Like BruceLaney, PTBW, Protectionist, Vastator, Odium, Karpenter, Intolerant, Third Party, Oddball, Correl, Harmonica, dogmaphobe, toobfreak, miketx, tipsy, molly, Cecile, lucyhamilton, and I can keep going.
we are WS???!!!--I didn't know !!!!!!

Directly in his OP he stated all whites hate Asians and linked an article about White Supremacists...

Then the guy has the nerve to lie about what he wrote?
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason Iā€™m telling you this story is that Iā€™ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isnā€™t always black and white ā€“ excuse the pun. Instead itā€™s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians ā€“ hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure ā€“ can be seen as ā€œpositive.ā€ And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is ā€œWhite Vs. Asian.ā€ In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare ā€œwhiteā€ architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, ā€œbeauties,ā€ ships, athletes, ā€œaverage commoner,ā€ and ā€œmedicsā€ to their ā€œAsianā€ equivalents. Iā€™m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the ā€œwhiteā€ one is clearly ā€œbetterā€ than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the ā€œfairā€ and unbiased comparisons. When comparing ā€œbeautiesā€ of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacistā€™s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the ā€œpositiveā€ comments:

  • Iā€™m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from ā€œBugs Bunny Nips the Nipsā€.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • Iā€™m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I donā€™t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
Whatā€™s most fascinating about all these ā€œpositiveā€ comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are ā€œprositive.ā€ Here is a sampling of some of the ā€œAsians are evilā€ comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they donā€™t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldnā€™t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasnā€™t the ā€˜evilā€™ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globeā€™s leaders in copyright infringement. They donā€™t respect otherā€™s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the ā€œYellow Perilā€ for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesnā€™t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog
.....you fkd up---you say I'm a WS/Asians/etc--but I have posted many times how I think the Asians are ''better'' than whites
MAJOR fk up by you
It's time some of these Asians in here re adjust. You are not white. You are not liked by whites. Whites have stereotyped you as weak people who just take it and don't complain. You are not taken seriously. The majority of you struggle. The highest earning Asians are Indians, not the traditional white stereotypical oriental. Japanese got government financial help via reparations that have helped them out of struggle. Other Asian immigrants were allowed special visa consideration because they were skilled, which allowed them entry into this country already with wealth. Asians have been admitted into college while cheating on entrance exams for years before being caught. Yet we have Asians here constantly bashing blacks using white racist memes.

Here what they think about you.

What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians?

The reason Iā€™m telling you this story is that Iā€™ve always been curious to see how racists saw Asian/Asian Americans. Unlike other people of color, it isnā€™t always black and white ā€“ excuse the pun. Instead itā€™s very complicated. Because unlike other racial minorities, many of the stereotypes associated with Asians ā€“ hardworking, nerdy, quiet, demure ā€“ can be seen as ā€œpositive.ā€ And because historically the percentages of Asian/Asian Americans have been low, it has been a non-issue. But as the number of Asian/Asian Americans increases in the coming decades and as the world becomes more and more global, I have a feeling that much of how racists see Asians will have to be re-evaluated.

Recently, I was lurking on a white supremacist forum (while researching a screenplay) when I saw this fascinating discussion: They were debating whether they should hate Asians or grudgingly respect us.

The title of the thread is ā€œWhite Vs. Asian.ā€ In the first post, the person uses pictures (he found on the Internet) to compare ā€œwhiteā€ architecture, food, musicians, art, sculpture, ā€œbeauties,ā€ ships, athletes, ā€œaverage commoner,ā€ and ā€œmedicsā€ to their ā€œAsianā€ equivalents. Iā€™m not going to go into how idiotic these categories (and I use that word very loosely) because they defy logic but needless to say in every category the ā€œwhiteā€ one is clearly ā€œbetterā€ than the Asian one. Let me give you an example of one of the ā€œfairā€ and unbiased comparisons. When comparing ā€œbeautiesā€ of each race he picked these two women as exemplars of each race:


However, this is not the interesting part of the thread. The interesting part is the ensuing conversation about Asians. Readng it confirmed that the white supremacistā€™s feelings toward Asians/Asian Americans is complicated.

So here are some of the ā€œpositiveā€ comments:

  • Iā€™m not trying to be pro-Asian on a WN site but parts of Asia (mostly Japan & China) are still civilized and intelligent. Try researching real Asian art and culture instead of using stereotypes from ā€œBugs Bunny Nips the Nipsā€.
  • While your post did give me a good laugh, we must be fair and acknowledged the achievements of some Asian cultures.Their achievements do not equal those of the Aryans, but one must give them credit because they are far more advanced than africans, aborigines, mestizos and the like.
  • Iā€™m not in love with the Asians but I do respect them as a civilized culture.
  • I donā€™t hate asians, or really, even dislike them. I respect many of their cultures as disciplined, hard-working, and educated.
Whatā€™s most fascinating about all these ā€œpositiveā€ comments are that they seem to be based on some level of respect for (at least some) Asian countries and of course the model minority stereotypes. But what most impresses me is that they are able to differentiate East Asian and Southeast Asian countries.

Of course, not all the comments on the thread are ā€œprositive.ā€ Here is a sampling of some of the ā€œAsians are evilā€ comments:

  • who is destroying our nations
    a) asians
    b) blacks, mexicans, muslims, Zionists
  • Asians are scum, the most treacherous of scum next to Jews, they donā€™t steal your bike, like Tyrone or Jose, they steal your intellectual property and use it against you. They are much more treacherous due to their intelligence, but they are just as jealous of white culture and achievements. The Chinese couldnā€™t get their ICBMS into orbit until they stole the technology from us. Who let them get it? It wasnā€™t the ā€˜evilā€™ Russians, it was Bill Clinton and Al Gore. They are the globeā€™s leaders in copyright infringement. They donā€™t respect otherā€™s work because they are incapable of thinking in the way that created it in the first place.
  • A)Who are we in debt with. They are not the ā€œYellow Perilā€ for nothing. Who was wrecking our nations back in the day, and who doesnā€™t need a [racist word here] to do so?. The mongols. The Chinese will become a threat to our race.
  • Asians are given far too much credit and are disgusting. Even the most affluent and intelligent ones have dietary habits that can make a hog gag and the most repulsive and bizarre sexual fetishes.
What Do White Supremacists Think of Asians? | 8Asians | An Asian American collaborative blog
here--I did not have to look long--like I said..post # 27
Model Minority Stereotype

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