What do unions stand for in todays world?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Behavior like the following is often ignored for financial and political reasons. Despite the fact that behavior like this is dangerous on the job it continues right under the union leaders noses.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YaQCsrDfdY&feature=youtube_gdata_player]‪Chrysler Workers in Michigan Caught Smoking & Drinking - "Again" 7-14-2011‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Worse yet unions are full of teachers who are protected even though they can't teach, won't teach or worse yet prey on our children. Notice the teacher in this video is wearing a shirt promoting one sides agenda rather than teaching both and letting the student form an unbiased opinion?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDlfDfzroYA&feature=youtube_gdata_player]‪Union Teachers Advocate for Marxism in the Classroom‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

All of this to accomplish 3 things.

Liberal ideology
Political power
Political money
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Chris Christy on the Teachers Union. Of particular interest is his point at about 3:50 in the video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW4ajZvqfM8&feature=youtube_gdata_player]‪Governor Chris Christie on Teachers Union‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
We have had jobs sent to Asia. We have given concessions on retiree's benefits, our wages and thus our middle class standard of living. We have seen CEO salaries explode exponentially from 40 times that of their average worker's pay to 450 times as much.

Anything else we, the working families of America can do for you? Say it quickly as I'm sure you have some more serious ass kissing to do for the corporate champions of avarice you so blindly serve.
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We have had jobs sent to Asia. We have given concessions on retiree's benefits, our wages and thus our middle class standard of living. We have seen CEO salaries explode exponentially from 40 times that of their average worker's pay to 450 times as much.

Anything else we, the working families of America can do for you? Say it quickly as I'm sure you have some more serious ass kissing to do for the corporate champions of avarice you so blindly serve.

Us working class? Lulz

Most working class don't belong to unions so your statement is void to the topic at hand.

And if you had back those billions in dues that "you" earned your plight might seem more bearable.
Most normal Americans just want a job that pays enough to have a decent life for them and their families,

and maybe a job that pays good enough that both spouses don't have to work their asses off and neglect the raising of their children in the process.

Good paying union jobs were once the answer.

Conservatives seem to think that working for low wages and busting ass to make ends meet is somehow the proper vision for America.

It's not what normal Americans want; it's not what normal humans want.
"What do Unions stand for theses days?"

Well, "I'm getting mine, so up yours! And if you don't like it, I'll break your face!" for one.
Richard Trumka, Andy Stern, or Vito Corleone, and John Gotti, whats the difference?
Most normal Americans just want a job that pays enough to have a decent life for them and their families,

and maybe a job that pays good enough that both spouses don't have to work their asses off and neglect the raising of their children in the process.

Good paying union jobs were once the answer.

Conservatives seem to think that working for low wages and busting ass to make ends meet is somehow the proper vision for America.

It's not what normal Americans want; it's not what normal humans want.

Hey stupid - I don't support working for low wages. I support showing some initiative, getting a proper education (not public school), a grad degree, being successful and making a shitload of money. That's how Conservatives I know view America.

We view people of your ilk as miserable lazy failures, constantly looking for a handout, incapable of achieving Bagger #25 status at the local Food King.

You need to get out of the 1930s "union" mentality, dummy. In the meantime, Supersize my #3, asswipe.
Most normal Americans just want a job that pays enough to have a decent life for them and their families,

and maybe a job that pays good enough that both spouses don't have to work their asses off and neglect the raising of their children in the process.

Good paying union jobs were once the answer.

Conservatives seem to think that working for low wages and busting ass to make ends meet is somehow the proper vision for America.

It's not what normal Americans want; it's not what normal humans want.


All of my neighbors have descent jobs making a descent wage. As do most of my friends. Funny thing is only a couple of them work for unions and guess who the ones complaining about work and wages are. Yep, the ones in the union.

I compete against union jobs every month. I beat their bids EVERY TIME and I make good money. If the people in the unions ever realized the only thing they protect by being in the union is THE UNION then they will make personal progress.
Most normal Americans just want a job that pays enough to have a decent life for them and their families,

and maybe a job that pays good enough that both spouses don't have to work their asses off and neglect the raising of their children in the process.

Good paying union jobs were once the answer.

Conservatives seem to think that working for low wages and busting ass to make ends meet is somehow the proper vision for America.

It's not what normal Americans want; it's not what normal humans want.

Hey stupid - I don't support working for low wages. I support showing some initiative, getting a proper education (not public school), a grad degree, being successful and making a shitload of money. That's how Conservatives I know view America.

We view people of your ilk as miserable lazy failures, constantly looking for a handout, incapable of achieving Bagger #25 status at the local Food King.

You need to get out of the 1930s "union" mentality, dummy. In the meantime, Supersize my #3, asswipe.

Oh! If it were in the realm of reality that each and every America can someday become Bill Gates! Oh! If it were remotely true that each and every American can complete college! Oh! If each and every American could AFFORD a college education for each of their children!

But, I'm answering a Conservative. A Conservative who, most typically, can only see the world from their own narrow, ossified, dusty perspective. There ain't no world outside what they know. And reality never interrupts their little view of life.
What do unions stand for in todays world? They are the "Me First" crowd.

On the contrary, it is not the members so much who are the "me first" crowd but rather the union bosses who are the "me first" crowd. It baffles me how the members can stand behind those thieves.

Most normal Americans just want a job that pays enough to have a decent life for them and their families,

and maybe a job that pays good enough that both spouses don't have to work their asses off and neglect the raising of their children in the process.

Good paying union jobs were once the answer.

Conservatives seem to think that working for low wages and busting ass to make ends meet is somehow the proper vision for America.

It's not what normal Americans want; it's not what normal humans want.

Hey stupid - I don't support working for low wages. I support showing some initiative, getting a proper education (not public school), a grad degree, being successful and making a shitload of money. That's how Conservatives I know view America.

We view people of your ilk as miserable lazy failures, constantly looking for a handout, incapable of achieving Bagger #25 status at the local Food King.

You need to get out of the 1930s "union" mentality, dummy. In the meantime, Supersize my #3, asswipe.

Oh! If it were in the realm of reality that each and every America can someday become Bill Gates! Oh! If it were remotely true that each and every American can complete college! Oh! If each and every American could AFFORD a college education for each of their children!

But, I'm answering a Conservative. A Conservative who, most typically, can only see the world from their own narrow, ossified, dusty perspective. There ain't no world outside what they know. And reality never interrupts their little view of life.

So essentially what your saying is unions is where the stupid uneducated people go? Last time I checked teachers had to goto college in order to teach.
I would be embarrassed to be a member of a lot of unions....the bosses are greedy and selfish assholes.
Also since most of this brewhaha is the result of teachers unions let's lay out a few facts.

1. They know before starting the profession what the average salaries are.

2. Knowing that they still chose to goto college for that profession.

3. Most of them only work 3/4 of a year and very few weekends. Which would allow them to easily supplement their income IF THEY SO CHOOSE.

4. Yet they still go into the field and complain.

I see some personal choices here that call for a bit of self reflection and responsibility. I chose my profession knowing winters are normally tough yet you don't hear me blaming everyone else for it.
Hey stupid - I don't support working for low wages. I support showing some initiative, getting a proper education (not public school), a grad degree, being successful and making a shitload of money. That's how Conservatives I know view America.

We view people of your ilk as miserable lazy failures, constantly looking for a handout, incapable of achieving Bagger #25 status at the local Food King.

You need to get out of the 1930s "union" mentality, dummy. In the meantime, Supersize my #3, asswipe.

Oh! If it were in the realm of reality that each and every America can someday become Bill Gates! Oh! If it were remotely true that each and every American can complete college! Oh! If each and every American could AFFORD a college education for each of their children!

But, I'm answering a Conservative. A Conservative who, most typically, can only see the world from their own narrow, ossified, dusty perspective. There ain't no world outside what they know. And reality never interrupts their little view of life.

So essentially what your saying is unions is where the stupid uneducated people go? Last time I checked teachers had to goto college in order to teach.
Union jobs are the gateway to the middle class. Union jobs provide training and skills and mentor young workers in the skills needed to accomplish their careers.

No unions means no workplace safety, no retirement benefits, health care benefits or fair chances at advancement.

No wonder Conservatives hate unions! Unions demand fairness. And fairness means not every cent of profit goes to the executive suite but actually into the hands of the workers who made those profits possible.

Now, if you're disappointed in the performance of teachers, are you absolutely certain that they should bear all your blame and wrath? Should teachers take pay cuts while raising the children of parents who are asleep at the switch?

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