What?! Disgraced Cowardly Cop in Parkland School Shooting Getting $8,702 Monthly Pension!


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Scot Peterson, the cowardly cop who stayed outside during the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, is now getting a monthly pension of $8.702, for an annual retirement income of over $104,000. Can you believe this? The guy "resigned" and then retired rather than face investigation for his conduct, and he's getting a monthly pension of $8,702? Are you kidding me?


First of all, why is any policeman or deputy sheriff getting such a huge pension? The median household income in the U.S. is about $4,800 per month. Even a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army with 30 years of service does not get the pension that Peterson is getting--a retired Lt. Col. with 30 years gets about $6,700 per month, and a retired Sergeant Major in the Army with 30 years of service gets a pension of about $5,500 per month. So what in the devil is going on with a retired--and disgraced--deputy sheriff getting a pension of $8,702 per month?

No wonder so many states are struggling to meet their pension obligations. I'm sorry, but a pension of $8,702 per month is way, way too much for any law enforcement person. That is just too much. About 80% of working Americans do not make that much.
Scot Peterson, the cowardly cop who stayed outside during the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, is now getting a monthly pension of $8.702, for an annual retirement income of over $104,000. Can you believe this? The guy "resigned" and then retired rather than face investigation for his conduct, and he's getting a monthly pension of $8,702? Are you kidding me?


First of all, why is any policeman or deputy sheriff getting such a huge pension? The median household income in the U.S. is about $4,800 per month. Even a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army with 30 years of service does not get the pension that Peterson is getting--a retired Lt. Col. with 30 years gets about $6,700 per month, and a retired Sergeant Major in the Army with 30 years of service gets a pension of about $5,500 per month. So what in the devil is going on with a retired--and disgraced--deputy sheriff getting a pension of $8,702 per month?

No wonder so many states are struggling to meet their pension obligations. I'm sorry, but a pension of $8,702 per month is way, way too much for any law enforcement person. That is just too much. About 80% of working Americans do not make that much.

The man had 32 years on the force... that's why he'd getting such a large pension. Not because he made maybe 10 minutes of bad judgement based on incomplete information.

The funny thing is the private sector used to get pretty generous pensions when they had unions... and oddly enough, you dumb ass inbred Republicans voted to do away with that so rich people could buy more Dressage Horsies.

You sound like a guy whose house got burned down, but instead of wanting to go after the arsonist, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.
Scot Peterson, the cowardly cop who stayed outside during the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, is now getting a monthly pension of $8.702, for an annual retirement income of over $104,000. Can you believe this? The guy "resigned" and then retired rather than face investigation for his conduct, and he's getting a monthly pension of $8,702? Are you kidding me?


First of all, why is any policeman or deputy sheriff getting such a huge pension? The median household income in the U.S. is about $4,800 per month. Even a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army with 30 years of service does not get the pension that Peterson is getting--a retired Lt. Col. with 30 years gets about $6,700 per month, and a retired Sergeant Major in the Army with 30 years of service gets a pension of about $5,500 per month. So what in the devil is going on with a retired--and disgraced--deputy sheriff getting a pension of $8,702 per month?

No wonder so many states are struggling to meet their pension obligations. I'm sorry, but a pension of $8,702 per month is way, way too much for any law enforcement person. That is just too much. About 80% of working Americans do not make that much.

The man had 32 years on the force... that's why he'd getting such a large pension. Not because he made maybe 10 minutes of bad judgement based on incomplete information.

The funny thing is the private sector used to get pretty generous pensions when they had unions... and oddly enough, you dumb ass inbred Republicans voted to do away with that so rich people could buy more Dressage Horsies.

You sound like a guy whose house got burned down, but instead of wanting to go after the arsonist, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.
The guy met the terms of his pension and cashed in
Just like any other retiree
No matter if he's a pos or not, if he meets the rules, he gets it. he's still a pos.
Scot Peterson, the cowardly cop who stayed outside during the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, is now getting a monthly pension of $8.702, for an annual retirement income of over $104,000. Can you believe this? The guy "resigned" and then retired rather than face investigation for his conduct, and he's getting a monthly pension of $8,702? Are you kidding me?


First of all, why is any policeman or deputy sheriff getting such a huge pension? The median household income in the U.S. is about $4,800 per month. Even a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army with 30 years of service does not get the pension that Peterson is getting--a retired Lt. Col. with 30 years gets about $6,700 per month, and a retired Sergeant Major in the Army with 30 years of service gets a pension of about $5,500 per month. So what in the devil is going on with a retired--and disgraced--deputy sheriff getting a pension of $8,702 per month?

No wonder so many states are struggling to meet their pension obligations. I'm sorry, but a pension of $8,702 per month is way, way too much for any law enforcement person. That is just too much. About 80% of working Americans do not make that much.

The man had 32 years on the force... that's why he'd getting such a large pension. Not because he made maybe 10 minutes of bad judgement based on incomplete information.

The funny thing is the private sector used to get pretty generous pensions when they had unions... and oddly enough, you dumb ass inbred Republicans voted to do away with that so rich people could buy more Dressage Horsies.

You sound like a guy whose house got burned down, but instead of wanting to go after the arsonist, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.
The guy met the terms of his pension and cashed in
Just like any other retiree

"Met the terms of his pension"?!!!! Oh, letting a bunch of kids get shot while he stayed outside--that's meeting the terms of his pension?! Yeah, and just never you mind all those dead kids! Yeah, never you mind about all the lives he might have saved if he had done what he was getting paid to do. But corrupt local officials, Democratic officials, decided to let him off the hook.

Good grief, what a bunch of mindless bureaucrats you liberals are. Never mind the dead kids. Never mind his clear cowardice. Nah, let him resign and retire and give him a pension that's nearly double what 80% of working Americans earn. Pathetic.
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"Met the terms of his pension"?!!!! Oh, letting a bunch of kids get shot while he stayed outside--that's meeting the terms of his pension?! Yeah, and just never you mind all those dead kids! Yeah, never you mind about all the lives he might have saved if he had done what he was getting paid to do. But corrupt local officials, Democratic officials, decided to let him off the hook.

Good grief, what a bunch of mindless bureaucrats you liberals are. Never mind the dead kids. Never mind his clear cowardice. Nah, let him resign and retire and give him a pension that's nearly double what 80% of working Americans earn. Pathetic.

What are you saying you actually care about wealth inequality now?


Now, if you could prove he did something criminal, and not just showed bad judgement, (and frankly, i think that's a stretch) you'd have grounds to revoke his pension.

But he served 32 years protecting that community. He had a pretty solid record, and frankly, probably the only reason he was at that school at all was because the younger officers who can chase someone down the street were out patrolling the places where the bad guys are.
"Met the terms of his pension"?!!!! Oh, letting a bunch of kids get shot while he stayed outside--that's meeting the terms of his pension?! Yeah, and just never you mind all those dead kids! Yeah, never you mind about all the lives he might have saved if he had done what he was getting paid to do. But corrupt local officials, Democratic officials, decided to let him off the hook.

Good grief, what a bunch of mindless bureaucrats you liberals are. Never mind the dead kids. Never mind his clear cowardice. Nah, let him resign and retire and give him a pension that's nearly double what 80% of working Americans earn. Pathetic.

What are you saying you actually care about wealth inequality now?

View attachment 194449

Now, if you could prove he did something criminal, and not just showed bad judgement, (and frankly, i think that's a stretch) you'd have grounds to revoke his pension.

But he served 32 years protecting that community. He had a pretty solid record, and frankly, probably the only reason he was at that school at all was because the younger officers who can chase someone down the street were out patrolling the places where the bad guys are.

"Wealth inequality"?! Huh? An overboard, excessive pension is not "wealth inequality" but a misuse of public funds. Of course you see nothing wrong with a deputy sheriff, not even one who shirked his duty at a critical time, getting a pension that's nearly double what 80% of working Americans earn.

Wow. Just Wow. Is there no absurdity that you will not embrace when it comes to defending government waste?

There is no reason on this planet that a retired deputy sheriff, much less one who stood by and did nothing while kids were dying, should get a bigger pension than a retired Army Sergeant Major or a retired Air Force Senior Chief Master Sergeant or a retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel.
Scot Peterson, the cowardly cop who stayed outside during the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, is now getting a monthly pension of $8.702, for an annual retirement income of over $104,000. Can you believe this? The guy "resigned" and then retired rather than face investigation for his conduct, and he's getting a monthly pension of $8,702? Are you kidding me?


First of all, why is any policeman or deputy sheriff getting such a huge pension? The median household income in the U.S. is about $4,800 per month. Even a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Army with 30 years of service does not get the pension that Peterson is getting--a retired Lt. Col. with 30 years gets about $6,700 per month, and a retired Sergeant Major in the Army with 30 years of service gets a pension of about $5,500 per month. So what in the devil is going on with a retired--and disgraced--deputy sheriff getting a pension of $8,702 per month?

No wonder so many states are struggling to meet their pension obligations. I'm sorry, but a pension of $8,702 per month is way, way too much for any law enforcement person. That is just too much. About 80% of working Americans do not make that much.

The man had 32 years on the force... that's why he'd getting such a large pension. Not because he made maybe 10 minutes of bad judgement based on incomplete information.

The funny thing is the private sector used to get pretty generous pensions when they had unions... and oddly enough, you dumb ass inbred Republicans voted to do away with that so rich people could buy more Dressage Horsies.

You sound like a guy whose house got burned down, but instead of wanting to go after the arsonist, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.
The guy met the terms of his pension and cashed in
Just like any other retiree

"Met the terms of his pension"?!!!! Oh, letting a bunch of kids get shot while he stayed outside--that's meeting the terms of his pension?! Yeah, and just never you mind all those dead kids! Yeah, never you mind about all the lives he might have saved if he had done what he was getting paid to do. But corrupt local officials, Democratic officials, decided to let him off the hook.

Good grief, what a bunch of mindless bureaucrats you liberals are. Never mind the dead kids. Never mind his clear cowardice. Nah, let him resign and retire and give him a pension that's nearly double what 80% of working Americans earn. Pathetic.
Even if he was fired on the spot, he still earned his pension

What others may or may not receive is irrelevant
He showed outstanding bravery by staying there. Most people would run to their car and get the fuck out of there.
"Wealth inequality"?! Huh? An overboard, excessive pension is not "wealth inequality" but a misuse of public funds. Of course you see nothing wrong with a deputy sheriff, not even one who shirked his duty at a critical time, getting a pension that's nearly double what 80% of working Americans earn.

Naw, I'm more bothered by Ed Hanaway getting a $99MM retirement package after cheating all of us who had Cigna health insurance policies.

Wow. Just Wow. Is there no absurdity that you will not embrace when it comes to defending government waste?

You mean actually keeping your promise to someone? How many people on that department make it to 32 years?

There is no reason on this planet that a retired deputy sheriff, much less one who stood by and did nothing while kids were dying, should get a bigger pension than a retired Army Sergeant Major or a retired Air Force Senior Chief Master Sergeant or a retired Marine Lieutenant Colonel.

Why? I promise you that a lot of those LTC's and SGM's spent most of their careers behind desks, not being shot at by testy foreigners. Meanwhile, these guys were out patrolling the mean streets of broward county every day...
He showed outstanding bravery by staying there. Most people would run to their car and get the fuck out of there.
True, but in my opinion, in a situation like this one, its important to be thorough. Was the man even close? No.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've heard it said that half the battle is showing up in the first place, so yeah the guy showed up, but if that is as far as a person is willing to go, what good will they be should more than just showing up is needed?
The guy didn’t die for his pension

Loses either way
Now, if you could prove he did something criminal, and not just showed bad judgement, (and frankly, i think that's a stretch) you'd have grounds to revoke his pension.

You're not even sure Peterson showed "bad judgement [sic]"?! He stood outside while he could hear shots being fired! That was not just "bad judgment"--it was cowardice and dereliction of duty. We will never know how many lives he could have saved because he never gathered up the courage to go inside and confront the shooter. Contrast Peterson's cowardly conduct with the cop in the Maryland school shooting, who confronted the shooter (and the shooter put his gun to his own head when he saw the officer aim his gun at him).

But he served 32 years protecting that community. He had a pretty solid record, and frankly, probably the only reason he was at that school at all was because the younger officers who can chase someone down the street were out patrolling the places where the bad guys are.

Wow. What a bureaucratic mindset. You would have made a great Nazi or Soviet. You whitewash a bureaucrat who let kids die with the excuse that, gee, he had served 32 years. I don't care if he had served 50 years. His duty was to protect those kids, and he stood outside and did nothing, even though he could hear shots being fired in the school. You must be kidding, but I know you're not. Pathetic.
You're not even sure Peterson showed "bad judgement [sic]"?! He stood outside while he could hear shots being fired! That was not just "bad judgment"--it was cowardice and dereliction of duty. We will never know how many lives he could have saved because he never gathered up the courage to go inside and confront the shooter. Contrast Peterson's cowardly conduct with the cop in the Maryland school shooting, who confronted the shooter (and the shooter put his gun to his own head when he saw the officer aim his gun at him).

He could hear shots being fired, he could not tell where they were coming from. The Maryland cop was in the same building as the shooter, who clearly did not have nearly as elaborate a plan to cause mayhem that day.

Apples and Oranges, buddy, Apples and Oranges.

Wow. What a bureaucratic mindset. You would have made a great Nazi or Soviet. You whitewash a bureaucrat who let kids die with the excuse that, gee, he had served 32 years. I don't care if he had served 50 years. His duty was to protect those kids, and he stood outside and did nothing, even though he could hear shots being fired in the school. You must be kidding, but I know you're not. Pathetic.

And if a court finds him guilty of something, I'll be the first one to say put him in jail.

What I won't do is condemn him for making a bad decision in a confused situation.
You know, I figured that some liberals would argue that Peterson should still receive his pension, but I thought that at least some other liberals would agree that a pension of $8,700 per month/$108K per year--80% higher than the median family income--is excessive. But, nope, no such luck.

It's funny that in discussions about the Trump tax cuts, many liberals have said that people who make over $80K are not middle class but "well off" and "affluent" and "top 20%" (and therefore cutting their taxes doesn't count as helping the middle class). But, oh, they don't mind government folks getting a pension of $108K per year!
You know, I figured that some liberals would argue that Peterson should still receive his pension, but I thought that at least some other liberals would agree that a pension of $8,700 per month/$108K per year--80% higher than the median family income--is excessive. But, nope, no such luck.

Why? That's what the Employer and Employee agreed to.

If he can get that money for doing an unpleasent job I wouldn't want to do, more power to him.

It's funny that in discussions about the Trump tax cuts, many liberals have said that people who make over $80K are not middle class but "well off" and "affluent" and "top 20%" (and therefore cutting their taxes doesn't count as helping the middle class). But, oh, they don't mind government folks getting a pension of $108K per year!

Which liberals said this?

I should point out that if he is like most government workers, he's probably not entitled to Social Security, his Pension is all he gets.
He showed outstanding bravery by staying there. Most people would run to their car and get the fuck out of there.
True, but in my opinion, in a situation like this one, its important to be thorough. Was the man even close? No.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I've heard it said that half the battle is showing up in the first place, so yeah the guy showed up, but if that is as far as a person is willing to go, what good will they be should more than just showing up is needed?

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