What Did US Veterans Think Of The Neo-Confederate "Lost Cause" Myth?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"It was 1866, and the men of the US Army, Navy, and Marines formed a veterans’ organization called “The Grand Army of the Republic,” most commonly referred to as the GAR -- it had a purpose to remind the nation, their children and their children’s children to never endure something so horrible ever again. While they had been successful on the battlefield, the war for the memory of the Civil War; they would lose for over a century.

By 1923, the Civil War was well in the nation’s past, it was thought -- plans were made for Federal money to help pay for a massive monument to the Confederacy carved into the side of Stone Mountain, Georgia. While much of the populace failed to bat an eyelid, there was one group that could not believe what they were seeing: the aged, elderly, swiftly dying out veterans of the US military from the Civil War.
We forgave the rebels, but we did not forgive their rebellion nor their treason,” thundered the GAR --“which time has not changed any more than it has changed the treason of Benedict Arnold or Judas Iscariot…such treason and such traitors cannot be so honored without dishonoring and insulting the men, living and dead, who fought to maintain the Union and who crushed the slaveholders’ rebellion.”

The National Encampment of the GAR in 1925, the remaining leaders of the “boys in blue,” appealed to the nation for common sense: “I believe this is the first time in the history of the Republic that the Government of the United States has been called upon to aid in the construction of a monument to those who were leaders in the great rebellion against it…It is plainly to be seen that the title of the act is a cunningly woven fable with intent to deceive. The project was conceived and carried forward by those who practice a cult of glorifying the lost cause and idolizing the heroes thereof.” And yet, Stone Mountain exists today as a glorification of the Confederate cause – and as one of the birthplaces of the KKK.

Just a little historical reminder for those still triggered about Juneteenth being a federal holiday; paid for with federal dollars....Just a little reminder of why a certain segment of people always get so triggered by the actual recounting of history and context surrounding it and how "cunningly woven fables with the intent to deceive" keeps being woven into the fabric of today; by the same evil ideology of those who were defeated 150 years ago. And if the quotes from the US veterans in the 1920's still trigger you today -- then you are exactly who we say you are...
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.

You are ignorant of history. Go get a library card and use it.
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.
" And if the quotes from the US veterans in the 1920's still trigger you today -- then you are exactly who we say you are..."
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.
You seem confused as to what the war was about.
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.

You are ignorant of history. Go get a library card and use it.

I am actually quite read on Civil War history. My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier and wrote almost 200 letters about the his service. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida for historical research.

May I suggest that you read "The South Was Right" by Kennedy and Kennedy? I know it is not a Jr High History text written by the winners that most people use as their knowledge base but it explains the factual content of what I said in the post.

I mostly agree with what you post on this forum. However, we will have to disagree on this topic.
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.
" And if the quotes from the US veterans in the 1920's still trigger you today -- then you are exactly who we say you are..."

I am a veteran of the United States Army. I will get triggered with whatever I want to be triggered on.

One of the things that do trigger me is seeing absolute ignorance of the war. I see it all the time and it is disgusting.
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.

You are ignorant of history. Go get a library card and use it.

I am actually quite read on Civil War history. My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier and wrote almost 200 letters about the his service. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida for historical research.

May I suggest that you read "The South Was Right" by Kennedy and Kennedy? I know it is not a Jr High History text written by the winners that most people use as their knowledge base but it explains the factual content of what I said in the post.

I mostly agree with what you post on this forum. However, we will have to disagree on this topic.
"The greatest efforts made by the defeated insurgents since the close of the war have been to promulgate the idea that the cause of liberty, justice, humanity, equality, and all the calendar of the virtues of freedom, suffered violence and wrong when the effort for southern independence failed. This is, of course, intended as a species of political cant, whereby the crime of treason might be covered with a counterfeit varnish of patriotism"

Letter sent to Grant by Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas on 1868...

Mic drop.........
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.

You are ignorant of history. Go get a library card and use it.

I am actually quite read on Civil War history. My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier and wrote almost 200 letters about the his service. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida for historical research.

May I suggest that you read "The South Was Right" by Kennedy and Kennedy? I know it is not a Jr High History text written by the winners that most people use as their knowledge base but it explains the factual content of what I said in the post.

I mostly agree with what you post on this forum. However, we will have to disagree on this topic.
Much of the War between the States history is untrue because, like most history, it is written by the victor. The story we hear is that hundreds of thousands of southern men went to war over an issue that only affected six percent of the population.

The truth there was no shining Northern force fighting a moral battle for the sake of ending slavery; there was no oppressive Southern fighting to preserve it, either. And after the South declared its independence, the Union ruthlessly invaded, leaving Southerners no choice but to defend themselves.

Unfortunately, the South lost the struggle and has suffered ever since. It has become an economic colony of the North, used and exploited like other colonies throughout the world.

Politically, the North still controls the government and continues to impose its radical social agenda on the rest of the country at the expense of individual liberty.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court, the first federal department to infringe upon the rights of sovereign states, continues to suppress any efforts to reclaim liberty for the individual from the federal government.

Today is the result of the war in which the South lost its right to be a free country, there is a continuing effort to obliterate all symbols dear to Southerners and make sure the Southern states continue to have fewer rights under the constitution than other states.

Furthermore, although home to one-third of the population, the South is represented by one out of nine justices of the Supreme Court, and that only after the greatest struggle.

Sounds like Southern propaganda from the losing side.
The real bottom line of the Civil War is that the asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to defend against the killing.

Big fucking difference.
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.
And that's wrong....that federal law should be repealed.
The real bottom line of the Civil War is that the asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to defend against the killing.

Big fucking difference.
I have to assume that twisting yourselves into pretzels to defend evil is fun for you cucks....
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.

You are ignorant of history. Go get a library card and use it.

I am actually quite read on Civil War history. My great great great grandfather was a Confederate soldier and wrote almost 200 letters about the his service. The letters were donated to the Library at the University of Florida for historical research.

May I suggest that you read "The South Was Right" by Kennedy and Kennedy? I know it is not a Jr High History text written by the winners that most people use as their knowledge base but it explains the factual content of what I said in the post.

I mostly agree with what you post on this forum. However, we will have to disagree on this topic.
So, their status as a U.S. vet should be revoked.
Confederate Veterans are considered US Veterans by Federal law.

It was the filthy Yankees that were traitors to the Constitution.

The filthy Yankee scum were considered traitors when they crossed the Potomac River with an army mission to kill Americans and take away their right to keep and bear arms.
" And if the quotes from the US veterans in the 1920's still trigger you today -- then you are exactly who we say you are..."

I am a veteran of the United States Army. I will get triggered with whatever I want to be triggered on.

One of the things that do trigger me is seeing absolute ignorance of the war. I see it all the time and it is disgusting.
Ironic post is Ironic.
The real bottom line of the Civil War is that the asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to defend against the killing.

Big fucking difference.
Has nothing to do with the morons in the South, specifically South Carolina, starting the war by firing on a federal installation out in the middle of Charleston Harbor......right?

The South started something they couldn't finish.....................sucks to be them.
The real bottom line of the Civil War is that the asshole Lincoln raised his filthy regiments to kill Americans. Davis raised his regiments to defend against the killing.

Big fucking difference.
The South fired the first volley so I would not stand on that hill that is flooded.
Just to point out ... every single response so far in this thread, in the four hours of its existence, is to one, single, troll.

I will only add that the GAR was right.
In today's society many Civil War Union generals would have been hanged for war crimes. Looting and pillaging was the order of the day from general Grant. Arsonist Sherman burned Atlanta and Union general "Beast" Butler abused New Orleans women and the list goes on. Somehow the Union and the Confederate troops came to respect each other after the carnage. Grant's presidency proved to be the most corrupt in the Nation's history but Americans who lived through Lincoln's war managed to respect what was best in each other's fighting character. Sissie lefties who never had to face the draft or see a shot fired in anger want to gin up hatred and racial unrest for their own selfish reasons.

"It was 1866, and the men of the US Army, Navy, and Marines formed a veterans’ organization called “The Grand Army of the Republic,” most commonly referred to as the GAR -- it had a purpose to remind the nation, their children and their children’s children to never endure something so horrible ever again. While they had been successful on the battlefield, the war for the memory of the Civil War; they would lose for over a century.

By 1923, the Civil War was well in the nation’s past, it was thought -- plans were made for Federal money to help pay for a massive monument to the Confederacy carved into the side of Stone Mountain, Georgia. While much of the populace failed to bat an eyelid, there was one group that could not believe what they were seeing: the aged, elderly, swiftly dying out veterans of the US military from the Civil War. We forgave the rebels, but we did not forgive their rebellion nor their treason,” thundered the GAR --“which time has not changed any more than it has changed the treason of Benedict Arnold or Judas Iscariot…such treason and such traitors cannot be so honored without dishonoring and insulting the men, living and dead, who fought to maintain the Union and who crushed the slaveholders’ rebellion.”

The National Encampment of the GAR in 1925, the remaining leaders of the “boys in blue,” appealed to the nation for common sense: “I believe this is the first time in the history of the Republic that the Government of the United States has been called upon to aid in the construction of a monument to those who were leaders in the great rebellion against it…It is plainly to be seen that the title of the act is a cunningly woven fable with intent to deceive. The project was conceived and carried forward by those who practice a cult of glorifying the lost cause and idolizing the heroes thereof.” And yet, Stone Mountain exists today as a glorification of the Confederate cause – and as one of the birthplaces of the KKK.

Just a little historical reminder for those still triggered about Juneteenth being a federal holiday; paid for with federal dollars....Just a little reminder of why a certain segment of people always get so triggered by the actual recounting of history and context surrounding it and how "cunningly woven fables with the intent to deceive" keeps being woven into the fabric of today; by the same evil ideology of those who were defeated 150 years ago. And if the quotes from the US veterans in the 1920's still trigger you today -- then you are exactly who we say you are...

......Junteenth is a ridiculous holiday for many reasons ..you have to be an idiot to want to spend MORE $$$$$.....and Juneteenth has nothing to do with your OP hypothesis = your OP is crap

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