What can republicans do for blacks?

A zygote is not innocent . It's feeding off the mother . A leech if you will ! They agre guilty of assault . If we give them a trial , then abortion is ok right .

I can draw arbitrary lines just like any death penalty - pro Lifer.
What Liberals Can Offer Blacks (In Exchange For Their Votes)? As PROVEN:
- LBJ's 'Economic Slavery'
- Lies
- 'Victim' Status
- 'Belief they are OWED'
- Obamaphones
- Food Stamps
- Welfare
- Poverty
- Free abortions
- Dependence
- No change in status (after 50 years since Civil Rights passed)
- 3rd Place citizen status behind the Latinos they are bringing in to vote
- The opportunity to die in a foreign land, denied of adequate security like white folk
- 'Free Gas'
- 'Free new Kitchens'
- Programs that 'don't cost a dime', 'pay for themselves', 'reduces the cost of health care', and that will allow you to keep your doctor / plan if you like them"
- Record-setting debt and deficit-spending....
A zygote is not innocent . It's feeding off the mother . A leech if you will ! They agre guilty of assault . If we give them a trial , then abortion is ok right .

I can draw arbitrary lines just like any death penalty - pro Lifer.

The zygote is there as a result of an action the mother took. Assault is not when you walk into my fist with your nose. Case dismissed due to lack of standing... Next?
What Liberals Can Offer Blacks (In Exchange For Their Votes)? As PROVEN:
- LBJ's 'Economic Slavery'
- Lies
- 'Victim' Status
- 'Belief they are OWED'
- Obamaphones
- Food Stamps
- Welfare
- Poverty
- Free abortions
- Dependence
- No change in status (after 50 years since Civil Rights passed)
- 3rd Place citizen status behind the Latinos they are bringing in to vote
- The opportunity to die in a foreign land, denied of adequate security like white folk
- 'Free Gas'
- 'Free new Kitchens'
- Programs that 'don't cost a dime', 'pay for themselves', 'reduces the cost of health care', and that will allow you to keep your doctor / plan if you like them"
- Record-setting debt and deficit-spending....

I'll take "a bunch of right wing likes " for $500 Alex !
A zygote is not innocent . It's feeding off the mother . A leech if you will ! They agre guilty of assault . If we give them a trial , then abortion is ok right .

I can draw arbitrary lines just like any death penalty - pro Lifer.

The zygote is there as a result of an action the mother took. Assault is not when you walk into my fist with your nose. Case dismissed due to lack of standing... Next?

You are right . A zygote has no standing .

Is every sperm sacred ? Those are potential people ! How long till u ban condoms?
You are right . A zygote has no standing .

Is every sperm sacred ? Those are potential people ! How long till u ban condoms?

No, a sperm is not a living human organism. It is the male reproductive cell produced by male human organisms. A zygote is a complete human being who needs nothing else to become a human being. It is in a state of development, like every human being. You're not a geriatric... should you have legal standing? It's the same argument.

So sperms are not sacred and I didn't even say zygotes are sacred. I have no problem debating when it should be appropriate to terminate human life... but that is the discussion we must have... human life, not a clump of cells.

I don't know what your personal problem is... maybe you're illiterate of science and biology? Maybe you don't comprehend what constitutes a living organism? Or, perhaps you are living in denial of reality because you just can't face the facts of what you condone?
I used to spend a fair amount of time asking pro-life religious blacks what issue was more important to them than the lives of millions of black babies, that led them to vote for white pro-abortion libs.

I never really got a coherent answer.

Yeah. I think u are full of crap.


You don't think I am the type of person to call Pro-life religious blacks on why they are voting for pro-abortion libs?

I would think that would be incredibly believable of me.

Indeed, I can't imagine why you think I would NOT ask people questions like that.

People like that abortion is legal .

And politics is full of contradictions . Pro life right wingers are also pro death penalty . If you are really a religious pro life person, how can you vote death penalty GOP.

Good question. So how is it liberals are so anti-death penalty and pro-abortion?

Because a zygote ain't a living breathing human being . Unlike a dude in the electric chair .

I still don't see how a religious pro life person would be for the DP. You call yourselves "pro life". !?

Religious people are not for locking up people in cages either, but I'm all for prison.

Pro life means the belief in life. When a person takes the life of another, we are against that because religious people also believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Thou shall not kill.

Seems pretty clear to me .

Where is the bible against abortion ? Same commandment? Or somthing else ?!

Personally , I'm. Ok wh abortion until viability . People never think of the fucked up things that happen during pregnancy . People don't get late abortions as a means of birth control . It's usually some medical nightmare .
Thou shall not kill.

Seems pretty clear to me .

Where is the bible against abortion ? Same commandment? Or somthing else ?!

Personally , I'm. Ok wh abortion until viability . People never think of the fucked up things that happen during pregnancy . People don't get late abortions as a means of birth control . It's usually some medical nightmare .

There are women that have more abortions than you've had Chinese food. Some have a card for frequent flyer miles.

Personally I could care less about abortions myself, but I can also understand those who are against it and why, and I respect their position as well.

Their position is that abortion is murder since it is the taking of an innocent life.
That's fine Ray . I totally get it .

I don't like abortion, but I'm glad it's legal . A friend of mine got one. Not because she's some whore. The fetus was deformed . The organs were outside the body . Kid would live a few minutes after birth at best , never mind the danger to mom.

Is she some heartless monster for having an abortion?
That's fine Ray . I totally get it .

I don't like abortion, but I'm glad it's legal . A friend of mine got one. Not because she's some whore. The fetus was deformed . The organs were outside the body . Kid would live a few minutes after birth at best , never mind the danger to mom.

Is she some heartless monster for having an abortion?

In my opinion, no. I think it's the best thing if a kid is going to have a life of torture. After all, we would give that consideration to an animal, so why not a fellow human being?
Fix the education system by providing families more choices, getting the government off the backs of all people, encouraging private organizations and churches to empower individuals etc.
Personally , I'm. Ok wh abortion until viability . People never think of the fucked up things that happen during pregnancy . People don't get late abortions as a means of birth control . It's usually some medical nightmare .

What is "viability" in terms of human life? Do you believe a 3-month-old could viably sustain life on it's own? How about a two-year-old? Maybe we can remove their constitutional and human rights because they aren't actually "viable" yet? Or what about when you get old and crippled with Alzheimer's? Perhaps you reach a point where you are no longer "viable" and if there is no one to care for you, we should just end your useless life?

So... I am totally not okay with viability. I'm okay with "circumstances" and the 'many fucked up things that can happen during a pregnancy' certainly fall in that category. If the situation is one where the life of the mother is at risk, that should be a decision the mother makes, however it should be a notable risk and not some concocted excuse. If the mother was raped or subjected to incest, she should have the right to choose. However, if she consciously engaged in sexual intercourse of her own free will, she already exercised her choice. Our choices always have consequences.

But for the whole of society this is a matter of ethics. I believe rational people can work together, make compromises with one another, and formulate satisfactory social policies we can all live with. We can have an honest debate on when it is 'acceptable' to terminate a human life... we're not there yet. A large contingent wish to believe the absurdity that a fetus is not a human life. In spite of biology, science and DNA which says otherwise.
Thou shall not kill.

Seems pretty clear to me .

Where is the bible against abortion ? Same commandment? Or somthing else ?!

Personally , I'm. Ok wh abortion until viability . People never think of the fucked up things that happen during pregnancy . People don't get late abortions as a means of birth control . It's usually some medical nightmare .

On this note, we have blacks killing each other like animals in Chicago and Baltimore, but here we are talking about the minutiae of the abortion issue. If only we could teach these people (including you) the value of all life, and not just of certain life.
I don't like abortion, but I'm glad it's legal . A friend of mine got one. Not because she's some whore. The fetus was deformed . The organs were outside the body . Kid would live a few minutes after birth at best , never mind the danger to mom.

Is she some heartless monster for having an abortion?

And I love how you spun it to make Ray out as a bad person. Any man with a remotely good head on his shoulders would never force a woman to give birth to a child as malformed as that.

Any woman who aborts a perfectly formed, perfectly healthy child for the sake of convenience should be prosecuted.
Personally , I'm. Ok wh abortion until viability . People never think of the fucked up things that happen during pregnancy . People don't get late abortions as a means of birth control . It's usually some medical nightmare .

What is "viability" in terms of human life? Do you believe a 3-month-old could viably sustain life on it's own? How about a two-year-old? Maybe we can remove their constitutional and human rights because they aren't actually "viable" yet? Or what about when you get old and crippled with Alzheimer's? Perhaps you reach a point where you are no longer "viable" and if there is no one to care for you, we should just end your useless life?

So... I am totally not okay with viability. I'm okay with "circumstances" and the 'many fucked up things that can happen during a pregnancy' certainly fall in that category. If the situation is one where the life of the mother is at risk, that should be a decision the mother makes, however it should be a notable risk and not some concocted excuse. If the mother was raped or subjected to incest, she should have the right to choose. However, if she consciously engaged in sexual intercourse of her own free will, she already exercised her choice. Our choices always have consequences.

But for the whole of society this is a matter of ethics. I believe rational people can work together, make compromises with one another, and formulate satisfactory social policies we can all live with. We can have an honest debate on when it is 'acceptable' to terminate a human life... we're not there yet. A large contingent wish to believe the absurdity that a fetus is not a human life. In spite of biology, science and DNA which says otherwise.

Why should rape or incest matter . Seems like a pretty arbitrary line you are drawing there .
Personally , I'm. Ok wh abortion until viability . People never think of the fucked up things that happen during pregnancy . People don't get late abortions as a means of birth control . It's usually some medical nightmare .

What is "viability" in terms of human life? Do you believe a 3-month-old could viably sustain life on it's own? How about a two-year-old? Maybe we can remove their constitutional and human rights because they aren't actually "viable" yet? Or what about when you get old and crippled with Alzheimer's? Perhaps you reach a point where you are no longer "viable" and if there is no one to care for you, we should just end your useless life?

So... I am totally not okay with viability. I'm okay with "circumstances" and the 'many fucked up things that can happen during a pregnancy' certainly fall in that category. If the situation is one where the life of the mother is at risk, that should be a decision the mother makes, however it should be a notable risk and not some concocted excuse. If the mother was raped or subjected to incest, she should have the right to choose. However, if she consciously engaged in sexual intercourse of her own free will, she already exercised her choice. Our choices always have consequences.

But for the whole of society this is a matter of ethics. I believe rational people can work together, make compromises with one another, and formulate satisfactory social policies we can all live with. We can have an honest debate on when it is 'acceptable' to terminate a human life... we're not there yet. A large contingent wish to believe the absurdity that a fetus is not a human life. In spite of biology, science and DNA which says otherwise.

Why should rape or incest matter . Seems like a pretty arbitrary line you are drawing there .

Because I believe in a woman's right to choice. She did not choose to become pregnant through rape or sexual abuse of incest. Her choice was taken in those actions. This is an exception my conscience allows on the basis of their right to choose. I can even extend the exception to those facing a deformed child if it is caught early enough. Again, I stress this... it is not my personal endorsement of abortion to resolve any of these issues. I merely think we should defer to the choice of the mother.

As I said, I am not opposed to any honest discussion on when it's appropriate to terminate human life. I don't insist everyone in society has to live by my standards... I just want us to have an ethical standard which respects the rights of the unborn.
I think a lot of minorities see the government as something that gives them special priveliges such as preferred hiring in both government and private sector. If The question is what republicans can do for blacks the answer should be nothing more than anyone else in this country.
Is asking for an equal education asking for special privileges? Should all American children receive an equal educational opportunity or should the children of the elite receive a better education?

What elite?

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