What are you going to miss the most...

Obama care did not make premiums rise. Health insurance companies did that on their own. I held a life/health insurance license for 20 years, so I won't be arguing about this with know nothing about health insurance, anti anything Obama, right wing partisans.
I don't / won't miss anything. . . .

1. I can always reload and take a mulligan

2. There are no official scorekeepers.
...in the coming dark days of Socialism?

1. Food?

2. Electricity?

3. Fuel for your vehicle?

4. Health care?

5. Individual liberty?

6. Security?

7. Lower taxes?

8. A growing economy?

How often will you bow down to your Chinese Master Race?

You forgot #9 & #10, low gasoline prices & most important; ALL OF THE ABOVE.
The days of fascism will end on January 20 and I won't miss them.

Is there anything more fascist than denying the personhood (and constitutional rights) of a child on the lefttarded basis that a child is not a child until it lives too long and develops past some arbitrarily decided point, whereafter a fucktarded fascist like you can't stomach or justify the denial anymore?
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It was an election OK; CHICAGO STYLE. The point is; will the Dems get away with it???? As of NOW it looks like they will get the gong but will they serve any time??

Is there anything more fascist than denying the personhood (and constitutional rights) of a child on the lefttarded basis that a child is not a child until it lives too long and develops past some arbitrarily decided point, whereafter a fucktarded fascist like you can't stomach or justify the denial anymore?

Fetuses aren't people.
If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant no matter what the law is.
When you wingnuts stop trying to take food out of the mouths of actual children to give tax cuts to billionaires, then I'll take you guys seriously on the fetuses.
Holy crap, health care can only improve.

You mean like under Obamacare where the cost of premiums, deductibles and co payments soared? In other words everything was fucked up?
The rich paid more so the poor can have health care. But I think it doesn´t work in your country, people don´t want to have health care.

We have great private health care. It would be even better if the government stayed out of regulating it. Anything the government touches is screwed up.

What most Americans don't want is for some stupid asshole bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician, elected by greedy special interest groups, making our health care decisions for us.

We like Liberty, not government control. Health care is too important to allow the filthy government to fuck it up like they do in every country that has Socialized medicine.
Your health system is fucked up and can only improve. Although the sick, the old and the poor won´t get a health plan, your med prices are two and three times as high as in Germany, where everyone is covered by mandatory insurance.

It is not my responsibility to pay for other people's health care. It is their responsibility. You obviously don't understand the concept of personal responsibility, do you? Typical Eurotrash.

Besides the old shits in the US have Medicare and if the sorry assholes can't afford it then they can get the goddamn Medicade for welfare queens. That provides them with better government paid health care than any Eurotrash country gets.

You filthy ass taxes are much greater in that socialist shithole because there ain't no such thing as a free lunch and your health care is substandard. Typical for the failure of a greedy welfare state.

We have a government run and operated health care system here. It is called the Veteran's Administration. Better doctors and hospitals than the rest of the world have with their socialized programs but it is substandard compared to US private care.

I am a veteran and eligible to be treated there. A few years ago I had a serious problem and the VA would have treated me for free. However, I would have had to put up with government bureaucracy and take what was given to me. Instead I paid for my own treatment. There were three first rate facilities that vied for my business. I got quick and competent treatment.

My wife and I get really good health care and it cost us about 5-6% of our annual income.

This thread is not about health care so I am not going to debate it with you any more.

This thread is about what Americans are going to lose with that asshole Biden being an illegitimate President with the agenda to turn the once great US into a Socialist shithole like the rest of the pathetic world.
You got shitty healthcare, barely better than poor Cuba has. Every European country has a way better health care. Even Turkey. Why you are on rank 30 when it comes to health care?

I haven't used the US System though I had a bro attend the Mayo Clinic...........reports of its excellence were indeed first hand. I've used the one in the UK....it was OK, and Dad used the UK, French and German. UK came in third iho.

Never mind about the Eastern half of Europe; their health care was worse than the disease unless you were a commie in which case you were sent to Germany.


I spent the summer of 1967 in Germany. The place was soulless. The men were all wimps. They lost all their men with courage in WWII and did not have have anybody with good genes left. No wonder they turned to a stupid chickenshit Socialist system.
The days of fascism will end on January 20 and I won't miss them.

Then the day of Communism will come and destroy us all, just like it has done every where else in the world.

However, you stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know that. That is because you don't know any more about History than you do Economics, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.
Holy crap, health care can only improve.

You mean like under Obamacare where the cost of premiums, deductibles and co payments soared? In other words everything was fucked up?
The rich paid more so the poor can have health care. But I think it doesn´t work in your country, people don´t want to have health care.

We have great private health care. It would be even better if the government stayed out of regulating it. Anything the government touches is screwed up.

What most Americans don't want is for some stupid asshole bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician, elected by greedy special interest groups, making our health care decisions for us.

We like Liberty, not government control. Health care is too important to allow the filthy government to fuck it up like they do in every country that has Socialized medicine.
Your health system is fucked up and can only improve. Although the sick, the old and the poor won´t get a health plan, your med prices are two and three times as high as in Germany, where everyone is covered by mandatory insurance.

Doesn’t pay for everything. As I am finding out.
Holy crap, health care can only improve.

You mean like under Obamacare where the cost of premiums, deductibles and co payments soared? In other words everything was fucked up?
The rich paid more so the poor can have health care. But I think it doesn´t work in your country, people don´t want to have health care.

We have great private health care. It would be even better if the government stayed out of regulating it. Anything the government touches is screwed up.

What most Americans don't want is for some stupid asshole bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician, elected by greedy special interest groups, making our health care decisions for us.

We like Liberty, not government control. Health care is too important to allow the filthy government to fuck it up like they do in every country that has Socialized medicine.
Your health system is fucked up and can only improve. Although the sick, the old and the poor won´t get a health plan, your med prices are two and three times as high as in Germany, where everyone is covered by mandatory insurance.

It is not my responsibility to pay for other people's health care. It is their responsibility. You obviously don't understand the concept of personal responsibility, do you? Typical Eurotrash.

Besides the old shits in the US have Medicare and if the sorry assholes can't afford it then they can get the goddamn Medicade for welfare queens. That provides them with better government paid health care than any Eurotrash country gets.

You filthy ass taxes are much greater in that socialist shithole because there ain't no such thing as a free lunch and your health care is substandard. Typical for the failure of a greedy welfare state.

We have a government run and operated health care system here. It is called the Veteran's Administration. Better doctors and hospitals than the rest of the world have with their socialized programs but it is substandard compared to US private care.

I am a veteran and eligible to be treated there. A few years ago I had a serious problem and the VA would have treated me for free. However, I would have had to put up with government bureaucracy and take what was given to me. Instead I paid for my own treatment. There were three first rate facilities that vied for my business. I got quick and competent treatment.

My wife and I get really good health care and it cost us about 5-6% of our annual income.

This thread is not about health care so I am not going to debate it with you any more.

This thread is about what Americans are going to lose with that asshole Biden being an illegitimate President with the agenda to turn the once great US into a Socialist shithole like the rest of the pathetic world.
You got shitty healthcare, barely better than poor Cuba has. Every European country has a way better health care. Even Turkey. Why you are on rank 30 when it comes to health care?

I haven't used the US System though I had a bro attend the Mayo Clinic...........reports of its excellence were indeed first hand. I've used the one in the UK....it was OK, and Dad used the UK, French and German. UK came in third iho.

Never mind about the Eastern half of Europe; their health care was worse than the disease unless you were a commie in which case you were sent to Germany.


I spent the summer of 1967 in Germany. The place was soulless. The men were all wimps. They lost all their men with courage in WWII and did not have have anybody with good genes left. No wonder they turned to a stupid chickenshit Socialist system.

Actually Flash, I find it to be capitalistic and materialistic.

Even the government runs at a profit.
Holy crap, health care can only improve.

With all due respect, giving coverage to more people is commendable, indeed.

But knowing human nature, if doctors & nurses are merely government workers (like postal workers, cops, etc.), one can expect the same kind of treatment.

The only way to get good service from any source (be it a doctor or a supermarket) is when they are in business for themselves and have to depend on your good will for their livelihood.

(I hear that the famous socialized medicine system in England is overloaded and that many people are being forced to seek private doctors.)
Obama care did not make premiums rise.

Bullshit. You are really confused aren't you Moon Bat?

The price of premiums, co payments and deductibles were increased by the insurance companies because of all the fucking requirements contained in the Unaffordable Health Care Bill. You know, the bill that none of the stupid Democrats even bothered to read before they voted for it? Remember that? Democrats are always idiots, aren't they?

Before Obamacare my Primary Care Physician ran a one man doctor's office. Just him, a nurse and a receptionist/bookkeeper. His overhead was low and his office visit charges were low. He had tremendous latitude on his treatment.

Then came that disastrous health care bill propose by the stupid Negro and it fucked everything up. He had to join up with a major hospital group to accommodate all the onerous requirements of the filthy bill. The cost of his visits soared and the amount of money he had to bill the insurance companies soared. That is why the premiums, co payments and deductibles soared. He told me that he hated Obamacare and so did his colleagues.

You need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass. Obama fucked up this country bad and this illegitimate shithead will be as bad or worse.

Shame on you for being a Useful Idiot that helped the Chinese to fraudulently install their man in the White House. Shame, shame, shame!

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