What are the Odds: Scott Brown's Obsession With Publicity at Any Cost

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
What are the Odds: Scott Brown's Obsession With Publicity at Any Cost...from posing in skin magazines, to offering up his own daughters availability, to revealing for no reason but yet more publicity ala Michael Creepy Reagan the idea that he went back to a child molester time and time again???

I thought of doing a flame thread, but instead decided to focus on a disturbing trend in right wing political circles...“Against All Odds: Right Wing Life of Hard-ons, Breaks for molesters, and Second Chances over and over again for admissions of creepy behavior put out into the public sphere for the purposes of what??? ”

What is wrong with conservatives today with all this talk about being repeatedly molested? Parents are sending their children off to meet with strangers or family friends who obviously have a hankering for boys and young men who like being diddled?

Is conservatism a virus?

Is it catchy?
Scott Brown Enables A Child Molester To Roam Freely « Lynnrockets' Blast-Off

interesting take on things...

All of this also reminds us of Scott Brown’s decision just last autumn to endorse a fellow Republican, state Representative Jeffrey Perry, in his bid to replace Democratic Representative William Delahunt in Congress. During the campaign, it was revealed that Perry, while he was an officer with the Wareham (MA) Police Dept., allegedly covered up the actions of a fellow officer who was eventually found guilty of conducting illegal strip searches of two teen-aged girls allegedly in the presence of Perry. The Boston Globe reported, “One victim, who allowed herself to be identified by her maiden name, Lisa Allen, said in a late-October statement opposing Perry’s election that the then-Wareham sergeant “had to hear me screaming and crying” as Officer Scott Flanagan put his hand down the 14-year-old’s pants and ordered her to lift her bra after he, Perry, and another officer came upon a group of teens suspected of using drugs near a cranberry bog in 1991. Arguing Perry lacked the character to serve in such high office, Allen said: “Perry did not care about protecting teen-aged girls in Wareham from police officer Flanagan. Jeff Perry cared only about protecting police officer Flanagan.” Perry lost the election to Democrat William Delahunt.
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