What Are the Muslim Terrorism SURVIVORS Thinking, Right Now ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The MSM's sickening assault on President Trump (and tens of millions who voted for him) has got to be deeply disturbing to the friends and relatives of jihadist attacks. Last Saturday, a skit on Saturday Night Live minimized the threat of Muslim terrorism, by joking about it, and conveying the false notion that there hasn't been much terrorism, and that it isn't much of a threat.

Wow! Do SNL's liberal audience really think that way ? From the way they were laughing in the studio at the "jokes", it seems they really do. Maybe they wouldn't be laughing if one of their family members had been killed in any of the dozens of Muslim terrorist attacks done in America, over the past few decades. Or if they were a survivor of the many killings done by ISIS terrorists in Syria or Iraq, currently on airplanes headed for the United States.

Are these liberal media and their followers so lost in a fog of political distortion, that they don't even know the US is AT WAR with the international jihad ? Are they oblivious to the fact that we live in an extremely dangerous NUCLEAR age, together with the ominous threats of biological and EMP attacks ?

Could the recent breach of a major dam in Oroville, California have been an act of terrorism, rather than the "erosion" the media is talking about ? And if it were erosion, why hadn't that been prevented by routine maintenance, relative to such a catastrophic consequence ? What about the numerous massive fires that state battles every summer ? Are they all to be attributed to mother nature ?

It is astounding how. after all the terrorism we have endured here in the US and Europe, that so many people could be so indoctrinated, to minimize such enormous danger.

How about having SNL have, as their next guest host(s), a couple of dozen of the family members of the victims of the recent Fort Lauderdale shootings, Pulse Club, San Bernardino, Fort Hood, Beltway Sniper, LAX shooter, 9/11, Chattanooga, Moore, OK, etc, etc.

Will the airhead SNL audience laugh at them ?
We had a family of four from our neighborhood murdered by muslims in the name of islam on 9-11.
At a house party shortly after that, a hardcore lefty friend of that family confided in me, with tears in her eyes, that she is not upset with islam.
I looked at her, said nothing but thought how irresponsibly moronic she is. If that family could come back to life, I would expect they'd have a slightly different take than that friend had. If not, they deserved to die -- but not their little kids.
We had a family of four from our neighborhood murdered by muslims in the name of islam on 9-11.
At a house party shortly after that, a hardcore lefty friend of that family confided in me, with tears in her eyes, that she is not upset with islam.
I looked at her, said nothing but thought how irresponsibly moronic she is. If that family could come back to life, I would expect they'd have a slightly different take than that friend had. If not, they deserved to die -- but not their little kids.
Whatever dude. I`m still angry at the gun nuts for the Oklahoma City murders. They also share moral responsibility for the shootings at schools, churches, movie theater, etc. Why are white mass murderers given a free pass?
We had a family of four from our neighborhood murdered by muslims in the name of islam on 9-11.
At a house party shortly after that, a hardcore lefty friend of that family confided in me, with tears in her eyes, that she is not upset with islam.
I looked at her, said nothing but thought how irresponsibly moronic she is. If that family could come back to life, I would expect they'd have a slightly different take than that friend had. If not, they deserved to die -- but not their little kids.
Whatever dude. I`m still angry at the gun nuts for the Oklahoma City murders. They also share moral responsibility for the shootings at schools, churches, movie theater, etc. Why are white mass murderers given a free pass?
You obviously have a problem with sorting separate issues.
Bad things don't qualify other bad things. And Islam is a choice, an ideology. White isn't.
'What Are the Muslim Terrorism SURVIVORS Thinking, Right Now?'

Same thing the family of the 4 dead in Benghazi must have felt when Barry and Hillary lied to their faces about it all being over a video and then later after they heard how Obama released the 'mastermind' behind the attacks, so no one was punished for their loved ones' deaths.
We had a family of four from our neighborhood murdered by muslims in the name of islam on 9-11.
At a house party shortly after that, a hardcore lefty friend of that family confided in me, with tears in her eyes, that she is not upset with islam.
I looked at her, said nothing but thought how irresponsibly moronic she is. If that family could come back to life, I would expect they'd have a slightly different take than that friend had. If not, they deserved to die -- but not their little kids.
These airheads need to READ THE KORAN. The first step to their moronic deprogramming.
Whatever dude. I`m still angry at the gun nuts for the Oklahoma City murders. They also share moral responsibility for the shootings at schools, churches, movie theater, etc. Why are white mass murderers given a free pass?
Some Muslim Jihadists ARE white (ex. the Tsarneav boys)

Islam is an ideology (masquerading as a religion) - not a race.
'What Are the Muslim Terrorism SURVIVORS Thinking, Right Now?'

Same thing the family of the 4 dead in Benghazi must have felt when Barry and Hillary lied to their faces about it all being over a video and then later after they heard how Obama released the 'mastermind' behind the attacks, so no one was punished for their loved ones' deaths.
I`ll take a benghaziist seriously when they show the same concern for the 4,500 who were murdered looking for wmds. Until then you`re a joke. 9 Benghazi investigations found that there was no wrongdoing. We`re still waiting for the hearings regarding the 11 attacks during Gomer Bush`s administration when 51 were killed. Go away and come back when you grow the fuck up.
I`ll take a benghaziist seriously when they show the same concern for the 4,500 who were murdered looking for wmds. Until then you`re a joke. 9 Benghazi investigations found that there was no wrongdoing. We`re still waiting for the hearings regarding the 11 attacks during Gomer Bush`s administration when 51 were killed. Go away and come back when you grow the fuck up.
Those were Obama "investigations" (cough, cough gag)

What is your answer to the last sentence of the OP ? (without teenage profanities) >>>

"Will the airhead SNL audience laugh at them
Why are white mass murderers given a free pass?
Timothy McVeigh was executed, Manson is still in prison, Dahmer was murdered in prison, etc.
I know about the individuals but my question should have been Why are the people who brainwash people like McVeigh given a free pass? A triple cop killer in Pittsburgh ranted on Stormfront about Obama taking away his guns. Why is the group that feeds this bullshit to armed lunatics given a free pass? They share moral responsibility for every mass murder in this country and they operate not unlike the radical fake muslims who feed nonsense to mentally ill muslims.
I know about the individuals but my question should have been Why are the people who brainwash people like McVeigh given a free pass? A triple cop killer in Pittsburgh ranted on Stormfront about Obama taking away his guns. Why is the group that feeds this bullshit to armed lunatics given a free pass? They share moral responsibility for every mass murder in this country and they operate not unlike the radical fake muslims who feed nonsense to mentally ill muslims.
What makes you think that the jihadists are "fake Muslims" ????
Why are white mass murderers given a free pass?
Timothy McVeigh was executed, Manson is still in prison, Dahmer was murdered in prison, etc.
I know about the individuals but my question should have been Why are the people who brainwash people like McVeigh given a free pass? A triple cop killer in Pittsburgh ranted on Stormfront about Obama taking away his guns. Why is the group that feeds this bullshit to armed lunatics given a free pass? They share moral responsibility for every mass murder in this country and they operate not unlike the radical fake muslims who feed nonsense to mentally ill muslims.
Who are these excused brainwashers you refer to? You need to be specific.
Meanwhile, islimists have entire theocracies supporting them.
The MSM's sickening assault on President Trump

Why am I not surprised that protectionist- the brave usmb poster who pisses on the Constitution regularly- also believes that President Trump should not be criticized.

What snowflakes you right wing nut jobs are.
The MSM's sickening assault on President Trump

Why am I not surprised that protectionist- the brave usmb poster who pisses on the Constitution regularly- also believes that President Trump should not be criticized.

What snowflakes you right wing nut jobs are.
What a coincidence. I was thinking the same thing about you REAL snowflakes of the left. Just can't handle it that the Constitution doesn't allows supremacisms (Example ISLAM) other than itself, huh ? Well, there are other countries you can go to, where you wouldn't be subject to the US Constitutions's Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2, Part 1) >>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; "

I heard there's a shortage of people in Syria right now,. Bon voyage.

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