What are the benefits and drawbacks of affordable care act on the economy

How does it effect the economy

ACA is worst thing since slavery as Dr. Ben Carson says. It's just another layer of socialism on top of what was already a huge mess of a socialist system. With a capitalist system prices would be about 20% of what they are now and each family would have $5000 extra to spend that would make the economy boom like never before!
Well it certainly seems to have enriched big insurance.
Edward Baiamonte, Romneycare was reluctantly supported by the then governor of Massachusetts that wished to retain some working relationship with the Democratic legislative majority and remain as governor of a Democratic state.
The state’s legislation greatly increased the proportion and the numbers of Massachusetts citizens covered by adequate medical insurance and the hospitals that were able to remain open because of additional revenue from a greater proportion of their patients covered by such medical insurance.

Romneycare has proven to be successful and it is inconceivable for any creditable Massachusetts political party would attempt repealing it; such candidates would be unelectable for any Massachusetts state-wide office.
It is impracticable to establish single state administered insurance plan in the absence (of at very least) some federal enabling legislation. That is why the drafters of Romneycare crafted Romneycare to be supportive to the medical insurance industry.

[I digress to comment upon Medicare.
Due to advancement of medical technology, our population experiences increased life spans. (Unfortunately the qualities of those increased life spans are not improved by similar extents). Along with our medical technology advancements are the increased medical costs per year per capita.

Those annual costs are much greater for infants and for the elderly segments of our population. Thus increased medical technology and increased medical insurance coverages among our surviving infants and surviving elderly are of much greater per-capita increase of our increased the non-working segments of our population. We’ve greatly increased the numbers and annual per capita costs of our population segment that’s of negative contributors to government revenues].

Is anyone explicitly proposing that due to financial expediency we should permit if not actually promote greater mortality rates among infants and/or the elderly? But wouldn’t that be the consequences of those that believe that medical treatment should be entirely determined by the individuals’ financial resources and their necessary priorities?

Social Security Retirement, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act will not be rejected by the voters until and unless the voters can be sold upon superior replacement plans.

Respectfully, Supposn
The Affordable Care Act is essential. It promotes insurance coverage for all without "forcing" anyone into a government program. If you don't want to participate in an exchange, then don't--however, don't think you can get by without paying for health care.

Many right wingers cry about having to pay a penalty for forgoing insurance. This is the deal, though--if you don't pay for health insurance, you're a liability to ME and to everyone that does purchase insurance. If you are uninsured and fall off your tricycle and break your leg, your dumb uninsured butt will leave the $20,000 medical bill for taxpayers and rate payers to pay. So, YES, the penalty you pay will help defray the cost you dumped onto everyone else.

It's not a perfect system--a single-payer system would spread risk more efficiently, but the American right wing holds up progress.

It's simple economics--I don't want to be stuck with your bill, so you have to pay for insurance coverage.
The Affordable Care Act is essential. .
100% stupid of course $10,000 per person is not affordable. Capitalism makes things affordable because people shop with their own money and providers compete on basis of price and quality. China just ended 40% of world poverty by switching to capitalism. How can liberals be so stupid??

A child can understand just not an adult liberal.

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