What are some of your favorite albums by The Beatles?

My favorites are - 1) Rubber Soul 2) Revolver 3) Abbey Road 4) The Beatles (AKA The White Album) and 5) Let It Be
Sgt. Pepper is the finest album ever made, by the Beatles or any other musician or group. I have no issue with the rest of your list.

I was 12 with they came to America and I feel very lucky to have grown up with them.
My favorites are - 1) Rubber Soul 2) Revolver 3) Abbey Road 4) The Beatles (AKA The White Album) and 5) Let It Be
Sgt. Pepper is the finest album ever made, by the Beatles or any other musician or group. I have no issue with the rest of your list.

I was 12 with they came to America and I feel very lucky to have grown up with them.
The growth musically from Beatles '65 to Sgt Pepper was incredible. Their creativity still blows me away.
My favorites are - 1) Rubber Soul 2) Revolver 3) Abbey Road 4) The Beatles (AKA The White Album) and 5) Let It Be
Sgt. Pepper is the finest album ever made, by the Beatles or any other musician or group. I have no issue with the rest of your list.

I was 12 with they came to America and I feel very lucky to have grown up with them.
The growth musically from Beatles '65 to Sgt Pepper was incredible. Their creativity still blows me away.
What still amazes me is when I hear a cover of a Beatles tune it is usually a direct knock off and never anywhere near as good. Only a few covers stand out: Joe Cocker's a little help from my friends is one.
My favorites are - 1) Rubber Soul 2) Revolver 3) Abbey Road 4) The Beatles (AKA The White Album) and 5) Let It Be
Maybe 25 years ago but today the only old stuff I can stand are the Stones. New stuff by Mushroomhead and As I Lay Dying. Ozzy old and new is always good but the Beatles had their time and were great in their time.
My favorites are - 1) Rubber Soul 2) Revolver 3) Abbey Road 4) The Beatles (AKA The White Album) and 5) Let It Be
Maybe 25 years ago but today the only old stuff I can stand are the Stones. New stuff by Mushroomhead and As I Lay Dying. Ozzy old and new is always good but the Beatles had their time and were great in their time.
It has to say something that the Beatles are one of the few bands with their own channel on Sirius radio. The Grateful Dead, another of my favs, are the only other one I recall. They have so many concert bootlegs there must be several years of music from them so I can see why they get their own channel.
The amazing about Lennon & McCartney is that they actually threw away incredible musical hooks into songs that, in and of themselves, could have been songs.
Listen to The Beatles and there's a whole bunch in incidental melodies all over the place that any other artist could have turned into a single.
It's almost like they knew they could knock out a classic in an hour.

McCartney makes a note of this concerning the end of Ticket To Ride...they just had a little snippet of a new song that they appended onto the end...what the heck!
"My baby don't care".
Ed Sullivan said "The Beatles" better than anyone in history

he'd wind up on the "the", quickly punch and emphasize the "Beat", and then he was outta there on the "les"...every time he said it the same way...i think i'm the only one in history who noticed!
i like Meet The Beatles, because it is the greatest album cover of all time.

rock's hairy Mt Rushmore...


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