"What about the children?"


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
There are many asking, regarding the border crisis, "what about the children?"

Fair question. But these questions cannot be reduced to new obligations on the part of the people of the United States without asking the below questions to those quick to condemn the rest of us:

1. Did the parents of the migrant children ask, "what about the children", when they abandoned many of them at the border?

2. Did President Obama ask, "what about the children" of America's struggling parents just trying to survive this awful recession, before he decided to unilaterally and unconstitutionally change immigration law and divert our resources to the citizens of other countries?

3. Did congressional Democrats and Republicans ask "what about the children" of Baltimore, whose government has broken every promise to them of safety, security, and access to economic opportunity, before they sought to house illegal immigrants in their community, using their scarce tax-dollars, and against their wishes?

4. And, finally, has anyone asked "what about the children", if we continue to pretend that an open-ended welfare state without secure borders, will eventually collapse under a mountain of debt, leaving the children with nothing but a history lesson about what America once was?

Remember, immigration is a process and what is happening on the southern border is not immigration, it is policy-induced chaos.
Most of these children are full grown men. Just because they say they are 12 doesn't mean the are. Most of them are also experienced killers.
Looking at the photos of these "children", some are pretty damned big for their alleged juvenile ages.
We should be putting the whole lot right back on the buses, trains, or whatever mode of transport got them here and sending them right back.
Hell, we should be turning them back at the border, don't even let them cross.
And 'Shroom's right...no one has asked "what about my and grandchildren?"
What about children who go to sleep hungry every night?

What about children who are beaten by parents every day?

What about children who are molested?

What about children who live on the street or in a car?

What about all the children born in America? How come we can't take care of those children, but we are asked to take care of children from the rest of the world?

Charity starts at home.
There are many asking, regarding the border crisis, "what about the children?"

Fair question. But these questions cannot be reduced to new obligations on the part of the people of the United States without asking the below questions to those quick to condemn the rest of us:

1. Did the parents of the migrant children ask, "what about the children", when they abandoned many of them at the border?

2. Did President Obama ask, "what about the children" of America's struggling parents just trying to survive this awful recession, before he decided to unilaterally and unconstitutionally change immigration law and divert our resources to the citizens of other countries?

3. Did congressional Democrats and Republicans ask "what about the children" of Baltimore, whose government has broken every promise to them of safety, security, and access to economic opportunity, before they sought to house illegal immigrants in their community, using their scarce tax-dollars, and against their wishes?

4. And, finally, has anyone asked "what about the children", if we continue to pretend that an open-ended welfare state without secure borders, will eventually collapse under a mountain of debt, leaving the children with nothing but a history lesson about what America once was?

Remember, immigration is a process and what is happening on the southern border is not immigration, it is policy-induced chaos.

Looks like none of the people supporting illegal aliens, want to answer these questions... or even touch them with a ten-foot pole.

Not hard to figure out why.

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