What about The Children?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well, this sucks.

I prefer to blame Democrats and their policies of government citizenry subservience but rhino Republicans and their gutless collusion certainly play a part.


Hope for the future generation has reached an all-time low. Just 14% of Americans expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American Adults do not expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. Twenty-one percent (21%) are not sure what to expect.

New Low: Just 14% Think Today
Well, look at where the government is going. Ever raising debt and no plan to address it. Never ending war with zero plans to even slow it down. What are we supposed to be thinking?
Well, look at where the government is going. Ever raising debt and no plan to address it. Never ending war with zero plans to even slow it down. What are we supposed to be thinking?

What we should be having is the honest debate we aren't having.

Even when times were good, we were running up unacceptably high levels of debt. Not just as a government but as individuals.

Conservatives refuse to talk about raising taxes and liberals refuse to talk about cutting spending in any meaningful way.

And we won't have that discussion this time, to be sure.
Well, look at where the government is going. Ever raising debt and no plan to address it. Never ending war with zero plans to even slow it down. What are we supposed to be thinking?

What we should be having is the honest debate we aren't having.

Even when times were good, we were running up unacceptably high levels of debt. Not just as a government but as individuals.

Conservatives refuse to talk about raising taxes and liberals refuse to talk about cutting spending in any meaningful way.

And we won't have that discussion this time, to be sure.

I disagree. Conservative refuse to talk about punishing success. I certainly think we could raise taxes when we ALL pay taxes.
Thats what happens when the middle-class is outsourced for profit. It is capitalism's "race to the bottom" for the cheapest labor on the planet IOT maximize profits. Welcome to the new retail/financial *cough* "services" based economy where all we produce is paper.
Well, look at where the government is going. Ever raising debt and no plan to address it. Never ending war with zero plans to even slow it down. What are we supposed to be thinking?

Yup really, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Damn it's frustrating...:mad:
"Conservative refuse to talk about punishing success."

As if exploiting poor people and creating profits from Ponzi-scheme financial dealings can be called "success".
Too bad people aren't more concerned with being successful at being human.
Well, this sucks.

I prefer to blame Democrats and their policies of government citizenry subservience but rhino Republicans and their gutless collusion certainly play a part.


Hope for the future generation has reached an all-time low. Just 14% of Americans expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American Adults do not expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. Twenty-one percent (21%) are not sure what to expect.

New Low: Just 14% Think Today

I remember back in the 80's being in schiool and being taught that MY generation ( Gen X ) would be the first generation in American history that would not be better off than our parents.

The reason given was the national debt. It was deemed unsustainable and that bill would come due in our lifetimes.

Well, here we are...the bill is due. Just as predicted.

And instead of dealing with it, we have two parties locked in eternal gridlock pointing fingers and trying to find ways to pass the bill down to our children and grandchildren.

As a people, we like to talk about American Exceptionalism. Some call it nonsense, others worship it as if it were the Christ child. Personally, Ive always seen American Exceptionalism as a term used to describe what happens when Americans face a crisis. We tend to come together and support one another, We set aside petty differnces and join forces to tackle the problem at hand.

I remember just after 9/11 there was a picture of people in the aftermath of the fallen towers. People of all races, colors and creeds standing there covered in the grey ash/dust. They all looked exactly the same. The caption said We are America!. I turned to my President, one that I did not vote for, but would now follow into the fire willingly if he asked, because we had been attacked, the time for differences was passed. That was a time to remember our similarities and join together to take down the enemy. And my President responded...he said," Go shopping." And I, like so many others, felt the steel in our viens slip away. many of us knew then, that somehow we had lost that determined spirit that demanded we set adise all the nonsense because dammit our way of life was being threatened!!!

Now the only thing surprising that 14% of people think that the next generation will be better off is that the number is that high. 86% of people think things will be worse than now. But their minds can be changed. We need only find the courage and determination to look at the mountain in front of us and say," we will climb it. We will get to that peak. We will stand at the top and look back and know, with a certainty, we can accomplish anything when we join together." We can find a way to make things better again.

It shoudl be incumbent upon us to set everything aside, find workable solution and rebuild this once great country. I know of only one state in the union that is actively pursueing repairing or replacing its crumbling bridges, Minnesota and that only because five years ago yesterday, the 35W bridge collapsed killing 13 people. We argue about taxes while our bridges, our sewer systems our entire infrastructure crumbles. An infrastructure that WE didnt pay for, the previous generations did. And we argue that we should pay less because we dont want to pay to replace that infrastructure and pass it along to the next generation as it was given to us.

We must change and the government isnt going to change it for us. It MUST be US, the People. We must change our thinking about what is owed to US instead of what we owe to this country. We must change in order to bring about the next great period in American history, a time when future generations can look back and say,"See what great people they were? See what they did for us? THAT is what makes this country great! " We must change because it is our Patriotic and Moral duty to do so.
Well, this sucks.

I prefer to blame Democrats and their policies of government citizenry subservience but rhino Republicans and their gutless collusion certainly play a part.


Hope for the future generation has reached an all-time low. Just 14% of Americans expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American Adults do not expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. Twenty-one percent (21%) are not sure what to expect.

New Low: Just 14% Think Today

The effects of globalization and "free trade" are finally being realized by more people.
Well, look at where the government is going. Ever raising debt and no plan to address it. Never ending war with zero plans to even slow it down. What are we supposed to be thinking?

Yup really, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Damn it's frustrating...:mad:

Yes! And no budget for three years....:badgrin: And plans for more spending, rendering America a third world country, eventually. Ya know? Redistribution. The goal of our current president according to his biographer who has studied him for many years. Denesh D`Souza. The Roots of Obama's Rage and the upcoming film:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lDXvlhRuHE]2016: Obama's America - 1 Minute Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Well, this sucks.

I prefer to blame Democrats and their policies of government citizenry subservience but rhino Republicans and their gutless collusion certainly play a part.


Hope for the future generation has reached an all-time low. Just 14% of Americans expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American Adults do not expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. Twenty-one percent (21%) are not sure what to expect.

New Low: Just 14% Think Today
I'm with the 65%. Unless something is done for posterity, it tends to not happen. With Obama contemplating his navel thinking up his next feel-good fibbie, he is not taking the budget he couldn't get one person in Congress to go along with very seriously as an action he needs to get busy and make some adjustments.

Oh, wait. He has no intention of getting along with Congress. If he did, then he wouldn't have anybody to blame for the State of the Union.

If you have children who will have a future, you have to make sacrifices. Unfortunately, Obama seems to be okay with making children his sacrifice.

Thats what happens when the middle-class is outsourced for profit. It is capitalism's "race to the bottom" for the cheapest labor on the planet IOT maximize profits. Welcome to the new retail/financial *cough* "services" based economy where all we produce is paper.

GM is now outsourcing to China.

Video: GM Outsourcing to China Bigtime
Yikes, Jackson. That's a shocker. At your link was this notation "70% of GM cars and trucks now built in China."

I bought a used chevy truck about 3 years ago. I thought I was buying a car made in the USA. <gulp>
I disagree. Conservative refuse to talk about punishing success. I certainly think we could raise taxes when we ALL pay taxes.

We all do pay taxes. Stop listening to Hate Radio and apply some common sense.

Not Income Tax, and that is wrong. The Lower end needs to put out something on Federal Income Tax. Right now it's Representation with No Taxation.
You know how the lib/dems complain about the top marginal rate today, and point to the high rates back in the 50s? Well, here's what the bottom levels of income tax rates were back then. Anybody wanna go back to this?

$0 - $4,000 17.40%
$4,000 - $8,000 20.02%
$8,000 - $12,000 23.66%
$12,000 - $16,000 27.30%
$16,000 - $20,000 30.94%
I disagree. Conservative refuse to talk about punishing success. I certainly think we could raise taxes when we ALL pay taxes.

We all do pay taxes. Stop listening to Hate Radio and apply some common sense.

Not Income Tax, and that is wrong. The Lower end needs to put out something on Federal Income Tax. Right now it's Representation with No Taxation.

Income tax applies if you actually have INCOME.

WHich a lot of these people don't, being retired, unemployed, etc.

They still pay sales taxes, etc.
"Conservative refuse to talk about punishing success."

As if exploiting poor people and creating profits from Ponzi-scheme financial dealings can be called "success".
Too bad people aren't more concerned with being successful at being human.

Ponzi-scheme's are the result of liberal greed. They want to get rich without working for it, so they hand over their money to people they don't know to gamble in the Stock Market. Then they are "stunned" when the strangers take their money. And of course, rather than taking personal responsibility and doing their homework on "investing" (ie gambling), the liberal's only "solution" is more government control.

Too bad people aren't more concerned with being successful at personal responsibility....
"Conservative refuse to talk about punishing success."

As if exploiting poor people and creating profits from Ponzi-scheme financial dealings can be called "success".
Too bad people aren't more concerned with being successful at being human.

Ponzi-scheme's are the result of liberal greed. They want to get rich without working for it, so they hand over their money to people they don't know to gamble in the Stock Market. Then they are "stunned" when the strangers take their money. And of course, rather than taking personal responsibility and doing their homework on "investing" (ie gambling), the liberal's only "solution" is more government control.

Too bad people aren't more concerned with being successful at personal responsibility....

How is that any different from what Romney did at Bain.

Romney wasn't making the paper at AmPad or the medical devices at DDi Medical or the Steel Wire at GS STeel. Someone else was doing that work.

Until Romney looted their companies and loaded them down with debt to fund other projects and pay himself a profit.

Oh, wait. Or he wasn't. He was in Utah when all the bad stuff happened. Totally ignore the fact his signature was on the SEC Filings.
Income tax applies if you actually have INCOME.

WHich a lot of these people don't, being retired, unemployed, etc.

They still pay sales taxes, etc.

Which is completely unfair and yet another reason why there should be no income tax at all. The parasite class takes and contributes nothing, while the rest of us contribute endlessly and get nothing in return except more financial penalties and demonized by the parasite class.

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