What a warm welcome for Trump in Netanyahu's home, a nice tour and conversation


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Good to see America rekindling old unions rather than disagreements and vitriol. Would be good to see if all sides can get together and find peace in the Mid East. They are joking, having a fun time and relaxed.

Of course CNN is suggesting that Trump has to explain the leak of Israel, even though it wasn't him who suggested it, that came from NYTimes and every network ran with it in an attempt to sabotage their meeting. They suggest the meeting is "scripted". Also say his visit is "clouded with controversies". LOL. As if all former presidents visit other nations heads of state on a whim. Furthermore, if there was ever a politician unscripted, Trump is that man.

CNN should just not have Trump visit anywhere or do anything and just create a running narrative for everyone about how it will go and what is going on according to their unfounded, creative story weaving. It is entertaining but there are also important issues to be addressed that some networks seem to undermine.

Get 'er done Trump!
They are joking, having a fun time and relaxed.

Yeah, everything is just fine and dandy. Stupid rube.

What is a rube? I hear it tossed around on here. Are you suggesting everything is NOT fine and dandy?

Even Wolf Blitzer just now made a very important comment worth repeating "there are very positive signs behind the scenes, not public, but behind the scenes that Israel and Arab states are making some progress on issues".

Big difference between media spin and reality. The reality is that Trump and his team are working hard and doing what is right, according to the media it's all bad news. I hear some of the members of the alt-left and I think, "if these people ran America your Republic would be something of the past"

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