What a snuggle bug.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
My baby.

Gratuitous lovey dove photos:



My cousin's rat terrier:

Don't make me compete in this.

Lol the remote control is a size reference and also How I make her walk and do tricks. Lol
3 pounds of tasty tiny dog. Ooooo


Her name is Anne.
Klaus is not a bitch!

He is a little stubborn sometimes though.

He is kind of a pussy, but only cuz he's just so nice. If someone else wants to be boss, he wants that for them!
At lunch he likes to jump in the middle of my bed and refuse to get out of it. So if I want to lay in bed and read for a few minutes, I have to climb over him and like drape my legs over him...or I have to act like I'm leaving the house, wait for him to come out of the bedroom and then race him back to the bed.

And he usually still gets there before I do. We usually do that 3-4 times before I just give up and use him as my body pillow.
Great looking St.

Do ya carry a towel around for all the drool??

Super nice dogs and kitties. Glad folks on this board are animal lovers.
Yes, I do have towels around for the drool. Also paper towels, socks, and whatever else happens to be on hand.

The towel supply is dwindling because he grabs whatever he can find laying around and likes to chew it up and play tug of war with it. I need to make a Goodwill run.

We've taken to going to the beach in the evening.....he's looking at a seagull that flew about 8 feet over our heads, into a stiff wind that meant that it took him a long time to fly over our heads, lol.

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