What a Crock of Shit


In Memorial of 47
Apr 30, 2010
Port Charlotte, FL
“America cannot take strikes wherever we choose – our actions are bound by consultations with partners, and respect for state sovereignty,” Obama said. “America does not take strikes to punish individuals – we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the American people, and when there are no other governments capable of effectively addressing the threat.”

Just another case of this Admin getting caught and *then* using corrective action


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwmvlvPnhf8]US. Drone Use_ President Obama to Address New Drone Strike Limits - YouTube[/ame]
“America cannot take strikes wherever we choose – our actions are bound by consultations with partners, and respect for state sovereignty,” Obama said. “America does not take strikes to punish individuals – we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the American people, and when there are no other governments capable of effectively addressing the threat.”

Just another case of this Admin getting caught and *then* using corrective action


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwmvlvPnhf8]US. Drone Use_ President Obama to Address New Drone Strike Limits - YouTube[/ame]

To hortysir: Hussein pulled a fast one when he responded to a heckler:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAYtDWTCm0Y&feature=player_embedded]Obama to Heckler: 'Part of Free Speech Is ... You Listening' - YouTube[/ame]​

The Code Pink heckler was there by choice; so Hussein was correct in trying to shut her up until he finished. He pulled a swift one when he said:

Part of free speech is you listening.

Involuntary listening is not part of free speech. Liberals do everything they can possibly do to force Americans to listen to their message. The Fairness Doctrine was all about imposing liberal talking points on conservatives. Children in public schools, and young adults in higher education, are forced to listen to collectivist garbage. Television sneaks the liberal message in under the guise of “fair & balanced.” There is nothing Hussein & Company yearn for more than forcing every American to listen.
I am torn about the drone strikes
Granted, all I see is political theater (which is nothing new)
He stays on the defense
Laughable at BEST
Screw the rest of the video
The terrorists need to stay where they are
I am VERY conservative about our spending, but that is something worth all those MILLIONS of dollars it costs us.
My thoughts, anyways :)
“America cannot take strikes wherever we choose – our actions are bound by consultations with partners, and respect for state sovereignty,” Obama said. “America does not take strikes to punish individuals – we act against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the American people, and when there are no other governments capable of effectively addressing the threat.”

Just another case of this Admin getting caught and *then* using corrective action


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwmvlvPnhf8]US. Drone Use_ President Obama to Address New Drone Strike Limits - YouTube[/ame]

To hortysir: Hussein pulled a fast one when he responded to a heckler:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAYtDWTCm0Y&feature=player_embedded]Obama to Heckler: 'Part of Free Speech Is ... You Listening' - YouTube[/ame]​

The Code Pink heckler was there by choice; so Hussein was correct in trying to shut her up until he finished. He pulled a swift one when he said:

Part of free speech is you listening.

Involuntary listening is not part of free speech. Liberals do everything they can possibly do to force Americans to listen to their message. The Fairness Doctrine was all about imposing liberal talking points on conservatives. Children in public schools, and young adults in higher education, are forced to listen to collectivist garbage. Television sneaks the liberal message in under the guise of “fair & balanced.” There is nothing Hussein & Company yearn for more than forcing every American to listen. [/QUOTE]

I agree
I found it amusing that freak mentioned anything in the COTUS
Not pertaining to destroying it, anyways..
I just don't understand why ZERO hasn't resorted to taking the fifth before each press conference --- or just signed and executive order to ban press conferences at the WH all together!

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