What a badass! Ranger Leroy Petry.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Picks up one grenade and throws it back. Picks up another and it blows off his hand. Ties a tourniquet around the stump and continues to fight.

Fuckin a..

At a White House ceremony later today, Sgt. 1st Class Leroy Petry, an Army Ranger, will become only the second living recipient of the Medal of Honor for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Petry lost his right hand while throwing a live grenade away from his fellow soldiers.

Medal of Honor Awarded to Ranger Leroy Petry - ABC News

Outstanding! :clap2:
Just watched the award ceremony.

Man..this guy is a true hero.

Hard to believe that after surviving the lose of his hand and some pretty terrible wounds he kept going.

This really speaks to the grit of Americans.

Gotta love it.
I wish we could extend that courage to the rest of our country. Do we care whether he voted for Obama? No. Or whether he's a registered Republican? No. We care only that he represents all that Americans can be. He is a real hero, not one who sits safely in an office, or carries a banner for one 'side' or the other... he recognizes one country.... our country.

He is the very best of us. And we are not fit to shine his shoes.... although I would be honored to do so.

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