What 18 Scientists Think About Climate Change


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This came from BuzzFeed and it's interesting to see what these people have to say about it. Every one of them expresses the belief that there is global warming. Read the piece @ 18 Scientists On What They Actually Think About Climate Change
Thank you for the article. I shared it , what is more precious than oil in the ME, ie Syria, Israel, Jordan, Iran, water. Our oceans are polluted and so are our rivers, and global warming is real. We are a wasteful society and we treat our earth like garbage as we fill it with garbage.
So, just one more time. These scientists didn't express their emotional opinion?

So, TakeALobotomy, you're still refusing to even try to state any point that you may have had when you stared spamming this thread with pointless drivel? I already answered your idiotic question in post #11 but you never manage to state any kind of a point regarding the statements by the climate scientists; statements that are supported by their education and experience in the fields of climate science, not "emotional opinion".
Let me see..

No facts were presented nor was there any scientific evidence presented.

These were well known AGW cult supporters who droned on about what they believe..

Nice feel good propaganda piece. That's about all its worth..
18 Scientists On What They Actually Think About Climate Change

Professor Steven Sherwood, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science:

We face a problem that could be addressed with relatively minor shared sacrifices, but instead there is a mass effort to ignore, defer, deny, and lie. Knowing that it will fall mostly on our own children, and their kids. On the part of people – of a generation – who are farther from hardship than almost any in history.

Global warming doesn’t bother me as much as what it is revealing about humans. Maybe I need to just grow up and get over it!

But that won’t help my kids any.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now most of these scientists have families, so when they see something that is going to negatively affect the children and grandchildren, they try to point that danger. And are being called liars, or worse, by ignorant and corrupt politicians and energy companies. That the "Conservatives" have adopted those lies and that corruption as an platform issue in the politics is something that will help destroy them in the end.
Clearly the 18 scientists were put up to this by Big Oil!!! :bye1::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies:

And OBVIOUSLY...........they are scientists that are fake scientists.........know nothing about science or the scientific method!!!:up:
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They expressed their feelings. How quaint.
You just expressed your ignorant insanity. How retarded!
Is it your contention then that they didn't express their feelings?
Is it your contention that you are not a brainwashed retard?
you have a point here, or were you just looking to name call and make yourself look like a 11th tier poster?
LOLOLOL. So ironic.

The OP cites the conclusions of 18 prominent climate scientists about the severity of the problems the world is facing, and, since you apparently disagree, instead of contesting their conclusions with any evidence that would indicate that the scientists are wrong (which you don't have) or with the contradictory testimony of other prominent climate scientists who disagree (almost entirely non-existent), you chose to attempt to idiotically denigrate their conclusions in a second grade way by referring to them as "feelings". What do you imagine that your "point" was there, bozo? I mean other than to demonstrate how extremely retarded you must be.
you crack me up. Did you even read them? If you had, I doubt you post this garbage. As always, you acting stupid again is not abnormal though, so, just more of you looking stupid. Hey, got that experiment yet?
18 Scientists On What They Actually Think About Climate Change

Professor Steven Sherwood, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science:

We face a problem that could be addressed with relatively minor shared sacrifices, but instead there is a mass effort to ignore, defer, deny, and lie. Knowing that it will fall mostly on our own children, and their kids. On the part of people – of a generation – who are farther from hardship than almost any in history.

Global warming doesn’t bother me as much as what it is revealing about humans. Maybe I need to just grow up and get over it!

But that won’t help my kids any.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now most of these scientists have families, so when they see something that is going to negatively affect the children and grandchildren, they try to point that danger. And are being called liars, or worse, by ignorant and corrupt politicians and energy companies. That the "Conservatives" have adopted those lies and that corruption as an platform issue in the politics is something that will help destroy them in the end.
and yet the stupoo hasn't got one piece of evidence to support a global warming concern. Dude, just provide the stupid experiment and let's call it a day. And by the way, what are the solutions for something no one knows what it is?
They expressed their feelings. How quaint.
You just expressed your ignorant insanity. How retarded!
Is it your contention then that they didn't express their feelings?
Is it your contention that you are not a brainwashed retard?
you have a point here, or were you just looking to name call and make yourself look like a 11th tier poster?
LOLOLOL. So ironic.

The OP cites the conclusions of 18 prominent climate scientists about the severity of the problems the world is facing, and, since you apparently disagree, instead of contesting their conclusions with any evidence that would indicate that the scientists are wrong (which you don't have) or with the contradictory testimony of other prominent climate scientists who disagree (almost entirely non-existent), you chose to attempt to idiotically denigrate their conclusions in a second grade way by referring to them as "feelings". What do you imagine that your "point" was there, bozo? I mean other than to demonstrate how extremely retarded you must be.

Wow is that an amazingly long run on sentence. So again, your contention is that these scientists didn't display their feelings?

Nope! My "contention" is that only a complete retard like you could possibly label the science based conclusions of 18 prominent climate scientists on AGW as merely "feelings", in a pathetic kindergarden-mentality attempt to denigrate their statements.

So again, retard, what is your point supposed to be? You have now been challenged again to state your point and last time you just dodged the question. Or perhaps you gave no point and you're just trolling.

Exceptionally pointless!
hahaaahahahahahaahahahahahaha, dude that stupid stick I think is embedded, you should remove it.
Well, yes, you dumb fuck. We have that experiment. Added 120 ppm CO2, over 1 ppm CH4, and various other GHGs to the atmosphere, and the planet is warming. The ice caps are melting, the glaciers are melting, the ocean is becoming more acidic, and also warming. Problem with this experiment is that we cannot go back, and it will continue to do all of these things for many, many generations of our descendents.
Well, yes, you dumb fuck. We have that experiment. Added 120 ppm CO2, over 1 ppm CH4, and various other GHGs to the atmosphere, and the planet is warming. The ice caps are melting, the glaciers are melting, the ocean is becoming more acidic, and also warming. Problem with this experiment is that we cannot go back, and it will continue to do all of these things for many, many generations of our descendents.
and yet........................................never presented!!!!! This post is witness to that!!!!!!
What a shit article. It quotes the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, a crackpot outfit on a small farm near Cave Junction, Oregon, that put out a petition in which it claims 32,000 scientists signed. A flat out lie.

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine - SourceWatch

In addition to the bulk mailing, OISM's website enables people to add their names to the petition over the Internet, and by June 2000 it claimed to have recruited more than 19,000 scientists. The institute is so lax about screening names, however, that virtually anyone can sign, including for example Al Caruba, a pesticide-industry PR man and conservative ideologue who runs his own website called the "National Anxiety Center." Caruba has no scientific credentials whatsoever, but in addition to signing the Oregon Petition he has editorialized on his own website against the science of global warming, calling it the "biggest hoax of the decade," a "genocidal" campaign by environmentalists who believe that "humanity must be destroyed to 'Save the Earth.' . . . There is no global warming, but there is a global political agenda, comparable to the failed Soviet Union experiment with Communism, being orchestrated by the United Nations, supported by its many Green NGOs, to impose international treaties of every description that would turn the institution into a global government, superceding the sovereignty of every nation in the world."

When questioned in 1998, OISM's Arthur Robinson admitted that only 2,100 signers of the Oregon Petition had identified themselves as physicists, geophysicists, climatologists, or meteorologists, "and of those the greatest number are physicists." This grouping of fields concealed the fact that only a few dozen, at most, of the signatories were drawn from the core disciplines of climate science - such as meteorology, oceanography, and glaciology - and almost none were climate specialists. The names of the signers are available on the OISM's website, but without listing any institutional affiliations or even city of residence, making it very difficult to determine their credentials or even whether they exist at all. When the Oregon Petition first circulated, in fact, environmental activists successfully added the names of several fictional characters and celebrities to the list, including John Grisham, Michael J. Fox, Drs. Frank Burns, B. J. Honeycutt, and Benjamin Pierce (from the TV show M*A*S*H), an individual by the name of "Dr. Red Wine," and Geraldine Halliwell, formerly known as pop singer Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls. Halliwell's field of scientific specialization was listed as "biology." Even in 2003, the list was loaded with misspellings, duplications, name and title fragments, and names of non-persons, such as company names. The current web page of the petition itself states "31,478 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs."[15]

OISM has refused to release info on the number of mailings it made. From comments in Nature:

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