‘We’re coming for your guns,’ says Tallahassee columnist


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
We re coming for your guns says Tallahassee columnist - Seattle gun rights Examiner.com
A weekend column by veteran Tallahassee Democrat journalist Gerald Ensley, which he concluded by warning gun owners that, “We’re coming for your guns. And someday, we’ll take them,” has stirred up a hornet’s nest, he confirmed in a telephone conversation with Examiner this morning.

Yesterday, Dan Cannon, writing at Guns Save Lives, called it the “worst anti-gun editorial in the history of anti-gun editorials.” Ensley told this column that he has received more than 200 e-mails and more than 50 telephone calls, including a few threats. More than 700 responses have been posted on the newspaper’s website.

The 63-year-old Ensley expected a fiery reaction. He’s written about guns in the past. He’s never owned a gun, and he obviously wishes nobody else did, either.

“I'm not talking about gun control,” he wrote in a column headlined, “Stop the insanity. Ban guns.”

“I'm not talking about waiting periods and background checks,” he continued. “I’m talking about flat-out banning the possession of handguns and assault rifles by individual citizens. I’m talking about repealing or amending the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”

Not much wiggle room there. Ensley said the chance that only outlaws would have guns if guns were outlawed is “a chance worth taking.” He reasoned that, “Because if we ban guns, eventually the tide will turn.”​
When he says "we", he means "not me!!", of course.
Certifiable nutcase.

Then again maybe all he was doing was raising their hit rate so that they can keep their advertising revenue that pays his salary.

In which case he is no different to all of the other tabloids out there.

Whatever the reason he is not a threat to the 2nd Amendment or anyone's guns.
Hey Dave! LTNS.
Bless his heart
He can wish in one hand and shit in the other and watch to see which one will get filled up first.
Laugh all you want to lefties, no one is falling for your bull shit.

The end game is a total ban on guns. One would have to be a complete moron not to see the truth in that.

For you mentally challenged, here's the likely scenario:

Gun laws are passed when some crime with a gun is sensationalized by the media who wants guns banned.

This of course does nothing to stop gun violence because it isn't the gun that is the problem. So there is another heinous crime involving some psychopath with a gun.

Another law us passed to deal with the violence, which of course it totally fails to do. Then more laws, then more violence. Until guns are totally banned.

Another tactic used by the left is the courts. Victims and pretend victims will be encouraged to go to court to sue anyone connected to a gun: gun shop owners, gun manufacturers, etc, until it's impossible for someone to buy a gun.

One would have to be a complete idiot not to know that yes, the left is coming for our guns.

I say Molon Labe mother fuckers.
The unknown columnists are coming to get your guns?
Perhaps the unknown columnist is just echoing what he/she has heard politicians who make law state

This below is the sentiments of the Whacko from CA Sen. Feinstein
First, while she now contends that her intent is simply to restrict certain “bad” guns (based upon totally arbitrary criteria her staff has established), that claim doesn’t jibe with what she told CBS’s 60 Minutes. Upon seeing her Clinton gun ban enacted in 1994, she said: “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . ‘Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,’ I would have done it.”
Gun Control Misses Mark Sen. Feinstein Shoots-off Mouth Hits Foot - Forbes

To pretend there are not folks that want to ban all guns and strike down 2A is the height of dishonest debate
See, he simply made a misstatement....what anti gunners really mean is that they don't want to ban guns....they simply don't want anyone but law enforcement and the military to have them....I hope that helps....
At least the guy is honest. Most libs who talk about "more gun laws" really mean confiscation by a police state.

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