We're About Truth, Not Hate


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Islam the religion of peace B/S...
Counter-Jihad: We're About Truth, Not Hate
Eight leading Counter-Jihad activists speak out.
December 22, 2015
Danusha V. Goska


On December 2, 2015, two Muslim terrorists massacred fourteen Americans at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California. On December 6, President Obama delivered an Oval Office address. In it, he said, "We cannot turn against one another by letting this fight be defined as a war between America and Islam … It is the responsibility of all Americans to reject discrimination." Many listeners were disappointed that Obama focused so much passion on lecturing Americans.

Media reported that hostility against Muslims increased after the San Bernardino attack. Public figures including Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, filmmaker Michael Moore, and Wheaton college professor Larycia Hawkins insisted that Muslims must be protected against the bigotry, stereotyping, and violence of non-Muslim Americans.

President Obama, Zuckerberg, Moore, and Hawkins are acting on their own bigotry. In hostility and ignorance, they stereotype all Americans (except Muslims, of course) as an inherently ignorant lynch mob. That's not who we Americans are. If Americans had been hearing from their leaders what they need to hear – a passionate defense of Western Civilization and a ringing condemnation of jihad – average Americans would not feel that they themselves must take on both rhetorical tasks. Americans, as YouTube curmudgeon Pat Condell pointed out, are trying to fill a leadership vacuum and to speak and hear unspoken truths.

It is a demonstrable historical fact that Americans have traditionally not held hatred toward or stereotypes of Muslims. A hundred years ago, if Americans thought of Muslims at all, they associated Muslims with romance. Maud Hull's 1919 softcore novel The Sheik was a blockbuster bestseller. Superstar Rudolph Valentino made two Sheik films, in 1921 and 1926. They were record-breaking international hits.

It is primarily terrorists and Islam-apologists, people like Obama, Zuckerberg, Moore and Hawkins, who are in fact responsible for the current tension. Politically Correct speech codes suppress and demonize necessary conversations about Islam. Priests and rabbis, presidents and judges, journalists and college professors – the very people whose job it is to wield words to address matters of public import – are complicit. These cultural leaders are all covering their own posteriors, timidly mincing words so that no stray syllable can be used against them. Americans are frustrated and outraged at this absence of frank speech.

It is exactly because of this suppression of speech on a matter of life-and-death importance that some Americans have been pushed over the edge and are letting their fears and frustrations get the better of them. Some are using hateful neologisms that previously did not exist in the English language: "sand n - - - - -," "raghead," "koranimal," "Mudslime." Some are joking about nuking Mecca. Some say they hate all Muslims. Some act on that hate.

Clear and frank speech on Islam will alleviate, not exacerbate, anti-Muslim hostility and help, not hurt, Muslims. Such speech could ease tensions and educate and reassure the populace. Effective counter-jihad activists recognize the following two truths:

1.) Islam poses challenges to world civilization that are posed by no other belief system.

2.) Hating and stereotyping all Muslims is not only not helpful, hatred and stereotyping of all Muslims actually undermines counter-jihad.

Below you'll find my story, four reasons why hate and stereotyping are counter-productive, and eight statements by counter-jihad activists who all agree: we must fearlessly address the challenges Islam presents. We must be victorious. And we must point out why hate and stereotyping undermine our cause.


One of the biggest mistakes we make in the West is failing to separate the ideology from the people. Yes, Islam is evil. Yes, Islam is oppressive. Yes, Islam is antithetical to everything we hold dear. But Muslims are not an ideology. It is not contradictory to, on the one hand, take a firm stand against Islam as an evil ideology, while on the other hand respecting Muslims as human beings.

Counter-Jihad: We're About Truth, Not Hate
"Islam the religion of peace B/S..."

Islam, unlike Christianity, is a religion of warriors. They are allowed, even faithful, once again unlike Christianity, to kill their enemies. Exactly how long is it going to be before you learn this?
"Islam the religion of peace B/S..."

Islam, unlike Christianity, is a religion of warriors. They are allowed, even faithful, once again unlike Christianity, to kill their enemies. Exactly how long is it going to be before you learn this?
Your as dumb as a stump and you will always be...:dunno:
No, what I posted you are having trouble understanding. The author above would not approve of any reactionary faith, but she is trying to say that the faithful are not the faith, just as the Muslims are not Islam.

"One of the biggest mistakes we make in the West is failing to separate the ideology from the people. Yes, Islam is evil. Yes, Islam is oppressive. Yes, Islam is antithetical to everything we hold dear. But Muslims are not an ideology. It is not contradictory to, on the one hand, take a firm stand against Islam as an evil ideology, while on the other hand respecting Muslims as human beings."

Do you agree? Should the Muslims, but not Islam, be respected?
"Islam the religion of peace B/S..."

Islam, unlike Christianity, is a religion of warriors. They are allowed, even faithful, once again unlike Christianity, to kill their enemies. Exactly how long is it going to be before you learn this?
Your as dumb as a stump and you will always be...:dunno:

I love it when people tell others they're stupid, and make stupid and simple grammatical mistakes. Make them look REALLY INTELLIGENT.........
We are a Christian based country. Kick them all out, and if there is any room left on the bus throw some gays in there too, maybe the gay community can make the muslims understand how they need to except them for there lifestyle.
Maybe you muslim lovers should watch some YouTube videos showing these peaceful folks, might change your mind about how peaceful they realty are.

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"Islam the religion of peace B/S..."

Islam, unlike Christianity, is a religion of warriors.
Islam is just another way people worship, no different than any other religion.

They are allowed, even faithful, once again unlike Christianity, to kill their enemies. Exactly how long is it going to be before you learn this?
You got to be kidding me?

Lets not forget, it was bullshit Christians who started the immoral and illegal wars we've been fighting for the last decade.

And have you heard of the "Talmudic principle called rodef, which refers to someone pursuing another person with intent to kill, making it permissible for a bystander to kill the pursuer to save the innocent victim."

So you can't single out Islam as the only violent religion, without being a major hypocrite.
Clear and frank speech...
I've grabbed these very few words for a reason. So please hear me out...

As a college student in the 70's, I befriended my next door neighbor quite by happenstance. He knocked on my dormitory door one night, asking to borrow some rolling papers. My reply was "what makes you think we smoke"? He countered with... "dude we can smell it".

I invited him in, peeled off a few sheets of Zig Zags, and sent him along with a pinch of bud to boot.

And thus was ignited a friendship that lasted until I graduated from college.

In the ensuing years before graduation, Michael talked to me very frankly about his life in the ghettos of East St. Louis. His family's daily struggles, the pervading racial tension that permeated their lives, and the financial hardships they endured.

When he referred to me as a "corn-fed mark", I drew a total blank and asked him to explain. And he did, with a clarity that was evident to me, from his perspective. I had a gun on my back because I am White.

His words didn't frighten me because I knew that he spoke them from his heart and with the honesty of a friend.

Michael then explained to me the term "Oreo" - Black on the outside and white on the inside.

So I told him - ok, I'll be your corn-fed mark and you'll be my Oreo. We laughed so hard at that one.

Micheal invited me and my roommate to a university (EIU) basketball game. along with a few of his friends. During the National Anthem, my roommate and I stood with hands on heart in reverence to the Flag. Michael and his friends remained seated, chanting "Not 'till we're free".

And so it passed without incident. Because we were friends. And we respected each other.
We are a Christian based country. Kick them all out...
Wow, that's very Christian of you?
When they have you or your family fixing to beheaded , then will you still be showing your compassion for the all peaceful all loving killers.
Everyone wants to hold hands and sing happy love songs till someone pulls out a sword and starts slicing Americans.
And yes I am a bigot, let me tell you pansies, if I'm there when there fixing to behead you I will protect you ,2nd amendment right baby.
Now let's hear your side.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
We are a Christian based country. Kick them all out, and if there is any room left on the bus throw some gays in there too, maybe the gay community can make the muslims understand how they need to except them for there lifestyle.
Maybe you muslim lovers should watch some YouTube videos showing these peaceful folks, might change your mind about how peaceful they realty are.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

You seem like a really bright new forum member. Please except my warm welcome. You'll find agreement from me without acception.
When they have you or your family fixing to beheaded , then will you still be showing your compassion for the all peaceful all loving killers.
Everyone wants to hold hands and sing happy love songs till someone pulls out a sword and starts slicing Americans.
And yes I am a bigot, let me tell you pansies, if I'm there when there fixing to behead you I will protect you ,2nd amendment right baby.
Now let's hear your side.

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I'm not a gun guy. Never have, never will be.

But I'll tell you what, I'll fight for your 2nd amendment, if you fight for my 4th.
Clear and frank speech...
I've grabbed these very few words for a reason. So please hear me out...

As a college student in the 70's, I befriended my next door neighbor quite by happenstance. He knocked on my dormitory door one night, asking to borrow some rolling papers. My reply was "what makes you think we smoke"? He countered with... "dude we can smell it".

I invited him in, peeled off a few sheets of Zig Zags, and sent him along with a pinch of bud to boot.

And thus was ignited a friendship that lasted until I graduated from college.

In the ensuing years before graduation, Michael talked to me very frankly about his life in the ghettos of East St. Louis. His family's daily struggles, the pervading racial tension that permeated their lives, and the financial hardships they endured.

When he referred to me as a "corn-fed mark", I drew a total blank and asked him to explain. And he did, with a clarity that was evident to me, from his perspective. I had a gun on my back because I am White.

His words didn't frighten me because I knew that he spoke them from his heart and with the honesty of a friend.

Michael then explained to me the term "Oreo" - Black on the outside and white on the inside.

So I told him - ok, I'll be your corn-fed mark and you'll be my Oreo. We laughed so hard at that one.

Micheal invited me and my roommate to a university (EIU) basketball game. along with a few of his friends. During the National Anthem, my roommate and I stood with hands on heart in reverence to the Flag. Michael and his friends remained seated, chanting "Not 'till we're free".

And so it passed without incident. Because we were friends. And we respected each other.
There's much more to say, but I pretty much passed out at my desk last night LOL. :beer:

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