Well, we only have.....9 days left at most? Planet X (Nibiru), remember?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

The Prepper's are ready! Dammit! "I got 10,000 round of .22 long rifles ready for the Nibirus when theys land."

Is this a current event or a current conspiracy theory. Do you really believe this is real?
Will all your stuff to me.

I'll have lots of storage to fill after the event
I heard the guy on Glenn Beck today.

As usual, he's not saying what the God Hating media is telling you he "says."

He believes the Great Tribulation begins with the alignment of these stars. He makes a convincing case.

When it DOES begin, you won't be laughing. A "tithe of a tithe" of the nations of Israel will survive. This includes MUCH more than the nation we know as Israel.
He conveniently overlooked this verse...
Matthew 25:13
As you get closer to the event, the Elect know.

O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?”
The elect don't know the hour or the time. As for the tribulations, that is rather obvious for the elect.

Which has nothing to do with planet Niribu slamming into us and wiping out life on the planet this month.
Crap! Had I known that I would have partied my mortgage payment away, instead I made the payment...Maybe in the next dimension I can get it right....
Which has nothing to do with planet Niribu slamming into us and wiping out life on the planet this month.
You do know that part is the MSM talking don't you? But the guy DOES believe in this mythical planet. That part IS fantasy.

We ARE however, very near the Time of JACOB'S Trouble (The Great Tribulation). We CAN read the Signs of the Times, as our Lord prophesied.
Which has nothing to do with planet Niribu slamming into us and wiping out life on the planet this month.
You do know that part is the MSM talking don't you? But the guy DOES believe in this mythical planet. That part IS fantasy.

We ARE however, very near the Time of JACOB'S Trouble (The Great Tribulation). We CAN read the Signs of the Times, as our Lord prophesied.
It's been a sign of the times forever
Which has nothing to do with planet Niribu slamming into us and wiping out life on the planet this month.
You do know that part is the MSM talking don't you? But the guy DOES believe in this mythical planet. That part IS fantasy.

We ARE however, very near the Time of JACOB'S Trouble (The Great Tribulation). We CAN read the Signs of the Times, as our Lord prophesied.
Oh trust me, there is little to no doubt I am NOT among the elect. I trust that.

Between my immorality to my disgusting pride, to me basically doubting there is a God, along with everything I am not thinking of...

Take your pick. What I do know is we are certainly entering the day of the demon, when the great tribulations begin.

It is happening. As for some stupid planet coming to wipe us all out, well that would be an answer to my debt problems.
If there was a planet coming close, amateur astronomers would be lighting up social media
This is funny stuff. It reminds me of a video on youtube where a couple of weeks ago this guy predicted a major earthquake along the pacific ring within weeks. Of course a quick search revealed that he has been making this prediction every 6-8 weeks for years. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Which has nothing to do with planet Niribu slamming into us and wiping out life on the planet this month.
You do know that part is the MSM talking don't you? But the guy DOES believe in this mythical planet. That part IS fantasy.

We ARE however, very near the Time of JACOB'S Trouble (The Great Tribulation). We CAN read the Signs of the Times, as our Lord prophesied.
Oh trust me, there is little to no doubt I am NOT among the elect. I trust that.

Between my immorality to my disgusting pride, to me basically doubting there is a God, along with everything I am not thinking of...

Take your pick. What I do know is we are certainly entering the day of the demon, when the great tribulations begin.

It is happening. As for some stupid planet coming to wipe us all out, well that would be an answer to my debt problems.
Do you believe in this mythical planet? I haven't really been following this thread but it appears you do.
Which has nothing to do with planet Niribu slamming into us and wiping out life on the planet this month.
You do know that part is the MSM talking don't you? But the guy DOES believe in this mythical planet. That part IS fantasy.

We ARE however, very near the Time of JACOB'S Trouble (The Great Tribulation). We CAN read the Signs of the Times, as our Lord prophesied.
Oh trust me, there is little to no doubt I am NOT among the elect. I trust that.

Between my immorality to my disgusting pride, to me basically doubting there is a God, along with everything I am not thinking of...

Take your pick. What I do know is we are certainly entering the day of the demon, when the great tribulations begin.

It is happening. As for some stupid planet coming to wipe us all out, well that would be an answer to my debt problems.
theowl, humbling yourself by recognizing your own shortcomings and sins and doubts.. puts you closer to being ''the elect'' than you may think..! Those who think they are sinless and holier than thou, and think they must be ''the elect''...have a great surprise coming imho....
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Here's the interview with Meade if you really want to see how the enemies have lied about what he said. Of course those who prefer the lies won't bother to listen. They prefer their own opinions.

9/21/17 – Planet X and the end of the age (w/ David Meade) Beck Blitz Researcher David Meade is here to set the record straight on his theory that the apocalypse starts this Saturday.

Source: http://www.glennbeck.com/content/audio/92117-planet-x-and-the-end-of-the-age-w-david-meade/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link

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