Well, 12/21/2012 is just around the Corner

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
mmm.. could it be the end of the world as we know it?

Time for you heathens to reconsider the possibilities...:thup:

...and damn, could there be a worse choice than Obama bin Dimwit as the leader of the free world at this time....:dunno:
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Why the fuck would it be the end of the world?

I swear to god...
mmm.. end of the World Parties

[ame=http://youtu.be/AzqiPvGrkTo]Rem, It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I feel fine) - YouTube[/ame]
mmm.. could it be the end of the world as we know it?

Time for you heathens to reconsider the possibilities...:thup:

...and damn, could there be a worse choice than Obama bin Dimwit as the leader of the free world at this time....:dunno:

If the world survives that'll prove that Obama is the saviour.
Prepare to be disappointed twice in one month, Republicans.
mmm.. could it be the end of the world as we know it?

Time for you heathens to reconsider the possibilities...:thup:

...and damn, could there be a worse choice than Obama bin Dimwit as the leader of the free world at this time....:dunno:

If the world survives that'll prove that Obama is the saviour.
Prepare to be disappointed twice in one month, Republicans.

Do you have a graven image, poster or chia pet Obama?
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mmm.. could it be the end of the world as we know it?

Time for you heathens to reconsider the possibilities...:thup:

...and damn, could there be a worse choice than Obama bin Dimwit as the leader of the free world at this time....:dunno:

If the world survives that'll prove that Obama is the saviour.
Prepare to be disappointed twice in one month, Republicans.

Do you have a graven image or poster of Obama?

No, are you selling some?
mmm.. could it be the end of the world as we know it?

Time for you heathens to reconsider the possibilities...:thup:

...and damn, could there be a worse choice than Obama bin Dimwit as the leader of the free world at this time....:dunno:

They're going to find life on Mars and we're going to be invaded.


ACK, ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I mis-understood...you're looking to buy.

Actually, I just have an Obama dart board.. soon, you'll want one of your very own I suspect...

They were sold out all in one day but I'm sure you could probably find one online..

You will be pretty good at darts after eight years' practice.

Well there is this end of the world thing.. :lol:
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mmm.. could it be the end of the world as we know it?

Time for you heathens to reconsider the possibilities...:thup:

...and damn, could there be a worse choice than Obama bin Dimwit as the leader of the free world at this time....:dunno:

If the world survives that'll prove that Obama is the saviour.
Prepare to be disappointed twice in one month, Republicans.


No doubt the "twinkies" of the 18,000 union workers to be laid off
must taste extra sweet for the ones that voted for Papa Obama


Twinkies are dead and Al Qaeda is alive
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Don't worry. The freaks will come up with a new date on the 22nd.

One of these times their going to be right, then, you'll be sorry for your smart-assery and be embarrassed...:lol:

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