Weekend snow in Detroit!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
LOL....hey you global warming guys! Whatever you say!!!:abgg2q.jpg:


Even the article's author says, "Are you kidding me?":2up:. Top story on DRUDGE right now btw!

Now heres the thing the climate k00ks don't get...…..the nation see's this shit and the perception becomes, "Gee this global warming stuff is really killing us!". The k00ks say, "Well this is weather, not climate!!!!". Doesn't work with the public asshats!:bye1::bye1::coffee:
LOL....hey you global warming guys! Whatever you say!!!:abgg2q.jpg:


Even the article's author says, "Are you kidding me?":2up:. Top story on DRUDGE right now btw!

Now heres the thing the climate k00ks don't get...…..the nation see's this shit and the perception becomes, "Gee this global warming stuff is really killing us!". The k00ks say, "Well this is weather, not climate!!!!". Doesn't work with the public asshats!:bye1::bye1::coffee:
Solar minimum 2019
In 2019, the sun will reach its solar minimum, the time when it has its lowest number of sunspots. The number of these blisters on the sun's surface will decrease until 2019 to 2020. After that, the sun will begin approaching the other side of its 11-year activity cycle, solar maximum.
Reference: www.space.com/37330-solar-minimum-coronal-holes-space-junk.html
I wonder how many libtardos are going to shut their gas heaters off this winter of 2019 because they dont want to die 11 1/2 years from now as AOC forecasts?

Oh wait, but see, since it's gonna be colder than normal, it's now "climate change" instead of "global warming"...

Maybe those people should stop making use of "evil" fuels then... They should stop using their vehicles, their lawn mowers, their electricity, their natural gas, and pretty much every technological advancement over the 20th-21st century...

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