Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Coal is all but gone. Engines are small, cars are more fuel efficient, and OPEC is holding a fire sale to discourage you from abandoning them further.

I can see a dozen windmills from my second floor deck. If I walk to the river, I can see close to 100. If I lived in the country, I'd have solar or wind powered electricity, and I'd drill a gas well (there's lots of them in our area). Utilities are a huge rip-off.
Coal is all but gone. Engines are small, cars are more fuel efficient, and OPEC is holding a fire sale to discourage you from abandoning them further.

I can see a dozen windmills from my second floor deck. If I walk to the river, I can see close to 100. If I lived in the country, I'd have solar or wind powered electricity, and I'd drill a gas well (there's lots of them in our area). Utilities are a huge rip-off.

Coal is all but gone.

What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source?
In 2015, the United States generated about 4 trillion kilowatthours of electricity.1 About 67% of the electricity generated was from fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum).

Major energy sources and percent share of total U.S. electricity generation in 2015:1

  • Coal = 33%
  • Natural gas = 33%
  • Nuclear = 20%
  • Hydropower = 6%
  • Other renewables = 7%
    • Biomass = 1.6%
    • Geothermal = 0.4%
    • Solar = 0.6%
    • Wind = 4.7%
  • Petroleum = 1%
  • Other gases = <1%

Wow! It would be difficult to be more wrong than you were with that claim.

Try to top it. DERP!!!

Deny, Deny, Deny. All you Flat Earthers do is cling to false and dodgy reports spewed out by the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered unless they can convince the gullible, the greedy and the stupid, that science isn't real. I'm sure they thank you for being one of their target group.

Yes, your Pope Algore has condemned the heretics who proposed a heliocentric model. That the Sun revolves around the Earth is "settled science," there is consensus!
Coal is all but gone. Engines are small, cars are more fuel efficient, and OPEC is holding a fire sale to discourage you from abandoning them further.

Wow, literally zero truth to any of that.

You are totally unaware of the world around you, aren't you?

I can see a dozen windmills from my second floor deck.

With the remains of dozens of eagles dripping from their blades?

If I walk to the river, I can see close to 100. If I lived in the country, I'd have solar or wind powered electricity, and I'd drill a gas well (there's lots of them in our area). Utilities are a huge rip-off.

No idea where you are, but it is FAR from typical.

Wind power has such low yield that it isn't much of an energy source.
Pollution by any other name is still pollution. Why do you claim that burning coal - polluting the environment - does not have an impact on the climate?

"A team of atmospheric scientists researching pollution in China say they've cracked a 60-year-old mystery — with research that explains not only the haze over Beijing, but also the remarkably toxic Great Smog of London from 1952.

"By examining conditions in China and experimenting in a lab, the scientists suggest that a combination of weather patterns and chemistry could have caused London's fog to turn into a haze of concentrated sulfuric acid."

Research On Chinese Haze Helps Crack Mystery Of London's Deadly 1952 Fog

Even if the "suggestion" (code for zero supporting evidence) were accurate, it still has nothing to do with climate, you drooling retard.

You have literally zero grasp of the subject and no understanding of the scientific method.

the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered

Yes, only gullible, greedy and stupid people believe in using cheap, reliable fossil fuels.

Smart people today in Chicago are heating their homes with wind and solar.
We'll discover their frozen corpses in the spring.

I fully support all democrats relying 100% on wind for ALL of their energy needs!

A genius like Wry Catcher might even put a windmill on top of his car so that not only will the wind power it, but he can get more power as the car goes and it turns the windmill.
Deny, Deny, Deny. All you Flat Earthers do is cling to false and dodgy reports spewed out by the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered unless they can convince the gullible, the greedy and the stupid, that science isn't real. I'm sure they thank you for being one of their target group.

This from a sub human parrot who cannot answer the very first question of Earth climate change

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?
Deny, Deny, Deny. All you Flat Earthers do is cling to false and dodgy reports spewed out by the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered unless they can convince the gullible, the greedy and the stupid, that science isn't real. I'm sure they thank you for being one of their target group.

This from a sub human parrot who cannot answer the very first question of Earth climate change

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Have I promoted myself as an expert on climate change? No. Am I a scientist? No. But I have trusted friends who are, including two who are certified climate scientists, whose education, experience and work history leads me to believe they know what they're talking about.

I also know that virtually every study which has tried to debunk manmade climate change is funded by big oil, so that these clowns can continue to make millions.

There are many more millions to be made in alternative energy, and thousands upon thousands of jobs to be created in the new energy sectors, and in changing over from a cowboy economy to a conserver economy, but Americans are not going to be making that money, because of their denial of climate change, and undermining the teaching of science in the classroom.

Americans are falling behind in maths and sciences, because of your destruction of public education and the proliferation of religious schools which deny science. Cutting edge research which will lead to innovation and jobs, is not being done the US, and the jobs won't be there either.

Evolve or die a$$hats.

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion.”

A week after Breitbart News published a wildly inaccurate article chalking climate change up as a hoax, The Weather Channel decided to teach the hyper-conservative news outlet a thing or two about scientific fact.

In a post to its website, TWC called the Breitbart piece, which relied heavily on a story published in the Daily Mail, “a prime example of cherry picking, or pulling a single item out of context to build a misleading case.”


TWC’s scathing response features a video post in which atmospheric scientist Kait Parker breaks down each of Breitbart’s claims, including that “global land temperatures have plummeted.”

“Here’s the thing: Science doesn’t care about your opinion,” Parker says in the video. “Cherry picking and changing the facts will not change the future, not the fact ― note: fact, not opinion ― that the earth is warming.”

Here’s Parker’s full takedown:

“What’s worse” than the Breitbart story itself, Parker said, is the fact that the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology posted the story to Twitter.

That’s ridiculous but shouldn’t be surprising. The committee is chaired by Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), who has a long history of denying climate change, attacking those who accept the scientific consensus and defending the fossil fuel industry. (Also unsurprisingly, the congressman has received more than $693,000 from the oil and gas industry over the course of his career.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was among those who mocked the House science committee for circulating the story.

More: Weather Channel Destroys Breitbart Over BS Climate Change Story

Thank you, Kait, for debunking this nonsense. We are living in a sad time of dishonesty and fake news.

No one talking about "facts" and "climate change" should be taken seriously. Even if there is climate change and even if man contributes to it, science is no where near proving that.

Note even the root of the term "climate change." It used to be "global warming" and all the data so contradicted it they had to rename it. Global warming of course used to be "fact" by the same crowd that claims it for climate change now.

Fool me once ...
Deny, Deny, Deny. All you Flat Earthers do is cling to false and dodgy reports spewed out by the carbon fuel industry which knows its days are numbered unless they can convince the gullible, the greedy and the stupid, that science isn't real. I'm sure they thank you for being one of their target group.

This from a sub human parrot who cannot answer the very first question of Earth climate change

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Have I promoted myself as an expert on climate change? No. Am I a scientist? No. But I have trusted friends who are, including two who are certified climate scientists, whose education, experience and work history leads me to believe they know what they're talking about.

I also know that virtually every study which has tried to debunk manmade climate change is funded by big oil, so that these clowns can continue to make millions.

There are many more millions to be made in alternative energy, and thousands upon thousands of jobs to be created in the new energy sectors, and in changing over from a cowboy economy to a conserver economy, but Americans are not going to be making that money, because of their denial of climate change, and undermining the teaching of science in the classroom.

Americans are falling behind in maths and sciences, because of your destruction of public education and the proliferation of religious schools which deny science. Cutting edge research which will lead to innovation and jobs, is not being done the US, and the jobs won't be there either.

Evolve or die a$$hats.

LOL, thanks, always like to hear what a failure we are from a denizen of the 51st State ...

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