Weapon inspections in Israel: Why not?


Snuggle weather rocks!
Jan 6, 2010
Monkey Island
Arab nations have urged Washington and several other nuclear powers to push for inspections of Israel's nuclear programme, diplomats have told the Associated Press news agency

Is a request from middle eastern countries which are subjected to weapons inspections to also inspect Israel unfair? I believe these countries have a valid point and seemingly justified to me. We need to stop being so blatantly bias as a nation. Either stop the inspection requests or make everyone subject to them.

The letter comes one month after Barack Obama, the US president, warned the Arab world not to use the 150-nation IAEA forum "to single out Israel."

Obama and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, agreed to work together to oppose efforts to single out Israel at the upcoming IAEA conference.

At the time, Obama suggested that such a move would undermine the possibility of breakthrough talks on a Middle East nuclear-free zone, as proposed by the NPT conference three months ago.

But the Arab League letter says they were not attempting to single out Israel.

"Singling out a state assumes that there are a number of states in the same position and only one state was singled out," the letter says.

Nuclear inspection of Israel sought | World News |Axisoflogic.com
But they are the chosen of God.
No one needs to inspect their nukes and chemical/bioweapons.

Just becuase they used US built cluster munitions on pali's....
Arab nations have urged Washington and several other nuclear powers to push for inspections of Israel's nuclear programme, diplomats have told the Associated Press news agency

Is a request from middle eastern countries which are subjected to weapons inspections to also inspect Israel unfair? I believe these countries have a valid point and seemingly justified to me. We need to stop being so blatantly bias as a nation. Either stop the inspection requests or make everyone subject to them.

The letter comes one month after Barack Obama, the US president, warned the Arab world not to use the 150-nation IAEA forum "to single out Israel."

Obama and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, agreed to work together to oppose efforts to single out Israel at the upcoming IAEA conference.

At the time, Obama suggested that such a move would undermine the possibility of breakthrough talks on a Middle East nuclear-free zone, as proposed by the NPT conference three months ago.

But the Arab League letter says they were not attempting to single out Israel.

"Singling out a state assumes that there are a number of states in the same position and only one state was singled out," the letter says.

Nuclear inspection of Israel sought | World News |Axisoflogic.com
it is my understanding that no existing power which has nukes is subject to inspections....

but...but... but... the arab league wants it.

and we know how unbiased they are.

It's really about fairness is it not? Of course they are bias but when you step back and turn your emotions off you can see how unfair things would seem if you were in their shoes.
Should a group of people, who have been induced to paranoia as part of thier basic education, be allowed to have weapons that could kill half the world?
Should a group of people, who have been induced to paranoia as part of thier basic education, be allowed to have weapons that could kill half the world?

Good point. My answer will not be popular here but I say yes. I am tired of being the world police. If we are going to be the world police we should be more aggressive rather than this tit for tat bullshit game we play. My preference would be to not have countries as allies.
Arab nations have urged Washington and several other nuclear powers to push for inspections of Israel's nuclear programme, diplomats have told the Associated Press news agency

Because idiot monkey, israel is 4 million jews surrounded by 500 million arabs and muslims, who continue to threaten and attack her. Israel also did not sign the NPT, so there are no inspections legally that can be performed.

But since when did context ever come into play in an idiot's thinking?
Arab nations have urged Washington and several other nuclear powers to push for inspections of Israel's nuclear programme, diplomats have told the Associated Press news agency

Because idiot monkey, israel is 4 million jews surrounded by 500 million arabs and muslims, who continue to threaten and attack her. Israel also did not sign the NPT, so there are no inspections legally that can be performed.

But since when did context ever come into play in an idiot's thinking?
LOL! Next!
It's really about fairness is it not? Of course they are bias but when you step back and turn your emotions off you can see how unfair things would seem if you were in their shoes.

In WHOSE shoes u fucking asshole?

If you were brooklyn surrounded by the entire US, filled with hundreds of million hostiles, firing rockets and mortars into your tiny country, conducting suicide bombings targeting your children, maintaining a cache of 50,000 rockets on your border - some of which have already been fired into your cities and population centers, and threatening your existence vocally EVERY FUCKING DAY - as israel has had to endure for 60+ YEARS, would your tiny pea brain have the slightest inkling of what it is to live in israel?
It's really about fairness is it not? Of course they are bias but when you step back and turn your emotions off you can see how unfair things would seem if you were in their shoes.

In WHOSE shoes u fucking asshole?

If you were brooklyn surrounded by the entire US, filled with hundreds of million hostiles, firing rockets and mortars into your tiny country, conducting suicide bombings targeting your children, maintaining a cache of 50,000 rockets on your border - some of which have already been fired into your cities and population centers, and threatening your existence vocally EVERY FUCKING DAY - as israel has had to endure for 60+ YEARS, would your tiny pea brain have the slightest inkling of what it is to live in israel?

This one's for you and Israel:

It's really about fairness is it not? Of course they are bias but when you step back and turn your emotions off you can see how unfair things would seem if you were in their shoes.

In WHOSE shoes u fucking asshole?

If you were brooklyn surrounded by the entire US, filled with hundreds of million hostiles, firing rockets and mortars into your tiny country, conducting suicide bombings targeting your children, maintaining a cache of 50,000 rockets on your border - some of which have already been fired into your cities and population centers, and threatening your existence vocally EVERY FUCKING DAY - as israel has had to endure for 60+ YEARS, would your tiny pea brain have the slightest inkling of what it is to live in israel?

Should a group of people, who have been induced to paranoia as part of thier basic education, be allowed to have weapons that could kill half the world?

Good point. My answer will not be popular here but I say yes. I am tired of being the world police. If we are going to be the world police we should be more aggressive rather than this tit for tat bullshit game we play. My preference would be to not have countries as allies.

many people see the US not as the world Police, but rather as their masters attack dog
This one's for you and Israel:

Good, so then STFU the next time israel wipes the floor YET AGAIN with your muslim ass, weak turd.

Thanks for trying, pusscake.

I thought poor Israel was on the verge of destruction!

You sure changed your tune quickly. :lol:

For you:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AevJuEfD50]YouTube - ‫???? ???? ????? ??????‬‎[/ame]

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