Wealth Redistribution?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
If you believe that the middle class is losing ground to the wealthy, what do you consider to be the biggest factor driving the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy? I have a theory but would like to know how others perceive things to be.
No we are losing ground to the poor who continually draw down the economy through entitlements.
I am just guessing but I think that a global economy has alot to do with it, on the grounds that a global workforce is now at our business's finger tips and this has put pressure on the middle class and incomes the companies know they don't have to pay anymore....

in addition to this, but related to this...ceo salaries have risen and they are taking more of the company's alotment for salaries and compensation for themselves, verses sharing more of it with the workers....this is happening, simply because..... it can happen with a global workforce at their fingertips...

tied in with all of this is our trade treaties that seem to be weighted in the favor of the country we have made the trade agreement with....

and, there are tax laws that put favor in the hands of businesses that do move their businesses over seas, whether just on paper or with actual plants or factories.

Add, the loose as a goose borders and illegal workers from Mexico willing to work for near nothing and ya got a diminishing middle class income standing.
Save, the facts do not support your screwy theory. The continual growth of government and fascist corporatist cooperation to transfer wealth from the middle class to the wealthy is the real reason: the killers of the middle class come from the Extremist Right.
If you believe that the middle class is losing ground to the wealthy, what do you consider to be the biggest factor driving the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy? I have a theory but would like to know how others perceive things to be.

I dont think i am losing anything to the wealthy. I am losing ground to the poor who have an eye on what i have and they don't.
I don't think I made my question clear enough. I'm looking for people's ideas on exactly HOW the wealthy are getting the money away from the middle class. The mode of transfer.
I am just guessing but I think that a global economy has alot to do with it, on the grounds that a global workforce is now at our business's finger tips and this has put pressure on the middle class and incomes the companies know they don't have to pay anymore....

in addition to this, but related to this...ceo salaries have risen and they are taking more of the company's alotment for salaries and compensation for themselves, verses sharing more of it with the workers....this is happening, simply because..... it can happen with a global workforce at their fingertips...

tied in with all of this is our trade treaties that seem to be weighted in the favor of the country we have made the trade agreement with....

and, there are tax laws that put favor in the hands of businesses that do move their businesses over seas, whether just on paper or with actual plants or factories.

Add, the loose as a goose borders and illegal workers from Mexico willing to work for near nothing and ya got a diminishing middle class income standing.

those that are wealthy or those who hold higher positions within a company, have less competition....they are not competing with a global workforce...therefore they can call for more of the compensation pie....and are getting more of the allotted compensation pie now....

regulation, trade agreements, bailouts, illegal immigration, tax laws, etc... changed over the decades have put the advantage in the very upper income's hands....it's an indirect redistribution of the country's wealth...or could be considered such, is my understanding of it.
I am just guessing but I think that a global economy has alot to do with it, on the grounds that a global workforce is now at our business's finger tips and this has put pressure on the middle class and incomes the companies know they don't have to pay anymore....

in addition to this, but related to this...ceo salaries have risen and they are taking more of the company's alotment for salaries and compensation for themselves, verses sharing more of it with the workers....this is happening, simply because..... it can happen with a global workforce at their fingertips...

tied in with all of this is our trade treaties that seem to be weighted in the favor of the country we have made the trade agreement with....

and, there are tax laws that put favor in the hands of businesses that do move their businesses over seas, whether just on paper or with actual plants or factories.

Add, the loose as a goose borders and illegal workers from Mexico willing to work for near nothing and ya got a diminishing middle class income standing.

those that are wealthy or those who hold higher positions within a company, have less competition....they are not competing with a global workforce...therefore they can call for more of the compensation pie....and are getting more of the allotted compensation pie now....

regulation, trade agreements, bailouts, illegal immigration, tax laws, etc... changed over the decades have put the advantage in the very upper income's hands....it's an indirect redistribution of the country's wealth...or could be considered such, is my understanding of it.

And it's great pie! Sometimes it even comes a la mode with stock options, restricted stock, etc. on top. Yum yum.
Save, the facts do not support your screwy theory. The continual growth of government and fascist corporatist cooperation to transfer wealth from the middle class to the wealthy is the real reason: the killers of the middle class come from the Extremist Right.

Attack the poster when you can't make a case otherwise huh Jake? No, the rich are holding on to their money and the government would like to take more. We are not transferring wealth through the governement at all. The poor on the other hand, are a continual drain on the government coffers. With such large payouts to the poor, we are slipping into more and more debt with an increasing amount going to interest. This is a GROWING transfer of wealth. It isn't a theory, but simple reality. You might want to join us.
I would say that one of the largest transfers of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy is the prevalent use of credit and debit cards. Every purchase you make or bill you pay using a card sends 2-3% of the money you spent to the banks. The wealthy are not "taking" from the middle class, the middle class is handing them the money for their own convenience.
No Liberal wants to hear what a drain on the taxpayers the poor are. They would much rather blame the rich and successfull.

The poor pay for nothing but have no problem bellying up to the trough. They have no problem taking all they can get because they will never have to pay back one dime. Believe me they don't care where the money comes from as long as it comes.
If you believe that the middle class is losing ground to the wealthy, what do you consider to be the biggest factor driving the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy? I have a theory but would like to know how others perceive things to be.

I dont think i am losing anything to the wealthy. I am losing ground to the poor who have an eye on what i have and they don't.

Its amazing that the people gaining the wealth are ignored by you and instead you spew hate on the poor.

Everyone is getting poorer other than the wealthy.

So this silly person blames the poor.
I don't think I made my question clear enough. I'm looking for people's ideas on exactly HOW the wealthy are getting the money away from the middle class. The mode of transfer.

Thru the purchase of the goods and services the wealthy (business owners) provide to those who want, need or desire said goods and services. It's called commerce.
If you believe that the middle class is losing ground to the wealthy, what do you consider to be the biggest factor driving the transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy? I have a theory but would like to know how others perceive things to be.

I dont think i am losing anything to the wealthy. I am losing ground to the poor who have an eye on what i have and they don't.

Its amazing that the people gaining the wealth are ignored by you and instead you spew hate on the poor.

Everyone is getting poorer other than the wealthy.

So this silly person blames the poor.

Why are the poor poor in America?
Save, the facts do not support your screwy theory. The continual growth of government and fascist corporatist cooperation to transfer wealth from the middle class to the wealthy is the real reason: the killers of the middle class come from the Extremist Right.

Attack the poster when you can't make a case otherwise huh Jake? No, the rich are holding on to their money and the government would like to take more. We are not transferring wealth through the governement at all. The poor on the other hand, are a continual drain on the government coffers. With such large payouts to the poor, we are slipping into more and more debt with an increasing amount going to interest. This is a GROWING transfer of wealth. It isn't a theory, but simple reality. You might want to join us.

No, I have not attacked ad hominem. I have properly defined terms and behaviors. You misjudge the role of the poor or the government. The corporations have corrupted the government and attacked the working man. Please do not protest Right Extremist fascists and corporatists when you folks improperly label moderate GOP, centrists, and mainstream Dems as leftists and liberals. That is a lie.

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