"We would have taken it down."

Are you denying that we could have paid our debts without raising the debt ceiling ?

i dunno one way or the other. but i'm amazed the right would have been willing to take that risk.

edit: well, i take that back, i'm not amazed. but it definitely shows how utterly reckless the republicans are.

There was no risk for the people that inform themselves instead of putting both ears in the echo chamber.
You will have to excuse me.

but being called a terrorist by the VP shortened my tolerance level to One, having no one on the left call that phuck hole out for it, dropped it to Zero.

Didn't see it so I can't comment one way or another.

If someone says that something is a hostage worth ransoming and others feel that it's a hostage worth shooting, then that makes them hostage takers by definition.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it because that's exactly what it is.

There were many members in Congress on the Republican side who wanted no compromise whatsoever. They had a list of demands and wanted a certain number of those demands met. They were even willing to go through and "shoot" their hostage if necessary if they didn't get their way. That's what I would call a hostage taker.

It'd be no different if Democrats did the exact same tactics.
Right, as if. The hacks are the reporters that are 'reporting' cabal sessions by those bright young revolutionaries, aiming at taking down a system, then reporting their cabal meetings in direct quotes to the Post reporters.

That makes sense, ok.

Thowing in public record quotes doesn't change the fiction of the piece. But you just gain comfort where you can.

That's what real partisan scum hacks do. You are one of many.

I understand you're angry that you have nothing to refute here since all the quotes are real. However, that's no reason to personally attack me.

If you want to be mad at someone, blame Mitch McConnell. He's the one who says it's a hostage worth ransoming and that some of his members felt it was worth shooting. Blame Chaffetz and his pals who said they were willing to take it down (i.e: shoot the hostage).

Paul Ryan was trying to be the voice of reason in the GOP throughout the debt ceiling situation, telling the party they needed to raise it. He made it quite clear that some of the members didn't want to and looked for justification to not do so.

I'm not the one that started using the word 'hack' for an observation of the unbelievable quotes. Notice there's no attribution for those that are not common record? Ah, to be able to read what was public at one time on journolist.
I'm not the one that started using the word 'hack' for an observation of the unbelievable quotes. Notice there's no attribution for those that are not common record? Ah, to be able to read what was public at one time on journolist.

Again, I said it's hackish if you're randomly going to say the quotes are false without any evidence. They have been circulating for awhile now. This is not the first time the Mitch McConnell quote has been mentioned for example.
I'm not the one that started using the word 'hack' for an observation of the unbelievable quotes. Notice there's no attribution for those that are not common record? Ah, to be able to read what was public at one time on journolist.

Again, I said it's hackish if you're randomly going to say the quotes are false without any evidence. They have been circulating for awhile now. This is not the first time the Mitch McConnell quote has been mentioned for example.

and I implied from the get go the real hackery was not by you, you're just wanting your dreams to be true, but from the reporters using quote marks on items it's too far fetched to think they could get. Doesn't pass the sniff test. That it's written in chapters is too amusing by half.
and I implied from the get go the real hackery was not by you, you're just wanting your dreams to be true, but from the reporters using quote marks on items it's too far fetched to think they could get. Doesn't pass the sniff test. That it's written in chapters is too amusing by half.

Six days ago from the Washington Post:

In debt deal, the triumph of the old Washington - The Washington Post

But at the Capitol, behind the four doors and the three receptionists and the police guard, McConnell said he could imagine doing this again.

“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”

If evidence comes out that these quotes are false, I'm willing to call bullshit. However, I have yet to see it.
and I implied from the get go the real hackery was not by you, you're just wanting your dreams to be true, but from the reporters using quote marks on items it's too far fetched to think they could get. Doesn't pass the sniff test. That it's written in chapters is too amusing by half.

Six days ago from the Washington Post:

In debt deal, the triumph of the old Washington - The Washington Post

But at the Capitol, behind the four doors and the three receptionists and the police guard, McConnell said he could imagine doing this again.

“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”

If evidence comes out that these quotes are false, I'm willing to call bullshit. However, I have yet to see it.

this is an interesting phenomenon on the right. first they call themselves teabaggers, then they take umbrage when everyone else does too. now mitch mcconnell is admitting to being an economic hostage taker then the right takes umbrage at being called terrorists. taking hostages is what a terrorist does. and now, if i have twothumbs right, the cons are claiming that they would have willingly shot the hostage, but don't worry, the hostage would have been fine. :confused:
The Lamestream media is working OVERTIME trying to take the blame off the Obama and the Democrats.

wonder if it will work?
and I implied from the get go the real hackery was not by you, you're just wanting your dreams to be true, but from the reporters using quote marks on items it's too far fetched to think they could get. Doesn't pass the sniff test. That it's written in chapters is too amusing by half.

Six days ago from the Washington Post:

In debt deal, the triumph of the old Washington - The Washington Post

But at the Capitol, behind the four doors and the three receptionists and the police guard, McConnell said he could imagine doing this again.

“I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” he said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming. And it focuses the Congress on something that must be done.”

If evidence comes out that these quotes are false, I'm willing to call bullshit. However, I have yet to see it.

this is an interesting phenomenon on the right. first they call themselves teabaggers, then they take umbrage when everyone else does too. now mitch mcconnell is admitting to being an economic hostage taker then the right takes umbrage at being called terrorists. taking hostages is what a terrorist does. and now, if i have twothumbs right, the cons are claiming that they would have willingly shot the hostage, but don't worry, the hostage would have been fine. :confused:

Your focus on McConnell is fine. They could use WaPo to quote from I guess. There are chapters here, including a whole scenario of cabals forming the night of the inaugural balls. Very colorful and reminds one of the scenes right from "All The Presidents Men." Dream on that more than a bit of this isn't fiction.
I'm off to work, Robert. If you have questions for me to answer, flag them or something. Don't go hissy on me. Later, dude.
Your focus on McConnell is fine. They could use WaPo to quote from I guess. There are chapters here, including a whole scenario of cabals forming the night of the inaugural balls. Very colorful and reminds one of the scenes right from "All The Presidents Men." Dream on that more than a bit of this isn't fiction.
if the quote is fabricated, it seems like mcconnell would be pretty eager to deny it. has he?
Origins of the debt showdown - The Washington Post

The freshmen also heard from GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who offered numbers showing that a majority of Americans did not want the debt limit raised. That sparked lengthy discussions, according to several of those in attendance. The freshmen “left basically saying that if they were going to raise it, ‘We absolutely have to get something in return,’ ” FreedomWorks spokesman Adam Brandon recalled.

About that time, Rep. Jason Chaffetz went to Cantor’s office to chat. Chaffetz, a Utah sophomore, had developed a close bond with Cantor and McCarthy.

Chaffetz asked Cantor: Now that we control the House, how do we use our power?

Cantor didn’t hesitate.

“He said, ‘One of the biggest things that’s going to happen is that we have to deal with the debt ceiling,’ ” Chaffetz recalled in a recent interview. “He, in particular, knew a long time ago that that was going to be a big deal.”

That was a sharper message than Boehner’s, and it had come from his number two.

On Thursday, July 21, Obama’s senior advisers met at the White House with top aides to Boehner and Cantor. For two hours, they went line by line through the emerging agreement. It felt like they were “very close” to the promised land, a senior administration official said.

That afternoon, Obama called Boehner and gave him a choice: If you want aggressive entitlement cuts, I need more revenue. But if you can’t stomach extra revenue, we can dial back the entitlement cuts and still do something important.

The call went well, according to Democrats in the room. That evening, Obama met with Democratic leaders and told them to prepare for tough cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

Twenty-four hours later, the deal was dead. Once again, Boehner walked away. Worse, from the administration’s point of view, Boehner’s rhetoric was growing harsher, at times echoing the most uncompromising voices in his new majority.

For Republican leaders, there was pride in a hand well played. “I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming.”

Chaffetz, who voted against both Boehner’s first proposal and the final bill, said he was well aware of how the leadership had used his and others’ willingness to let a default happen as a negotiating chip, and said he didn’t mind at all. “We weren’t kidding around, either,” he said. “We would have taken it down.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd2B6SjMh_w&ob=av3n]‪Gnarls Barkley - Crazy‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Unemployment WOULD HAVE went above 8% had the stimulus package not been passed.....
funny thing

We got preatty much what the dems wanted.

An increased ceiling, and no real cuts.

the only thing they didn't get was more taxes.

Boehner: I got 98 percent of what I wanted - CBS News

Pelley: You were unable to get your own caucus behind your bill a few days ago. Do you intend to remain Speaker of the House?

Boehner: I do. When you look at this final agreement that we came to with the white House, I got 98 percent of what I wanted. I'm pretty happy.

But nice try. :thup:

I like how you ignore entirely how many Republicans were willing to bring it all down to get what they wanted. Even Mitch McConnell admitted that some members thought it was a hostage worth shooting. The fact of the matter is he's the one who referred to it as a hostage. Which makes them hostage takers.

What makes you think Boehner wanted what we want?
For Republican leaders, there was pride in a hand well played. “I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming.”

Sounds terrorist to me

if you pull your head out of your ass, your hearing will probably improve
For Republican leaders, there was pride in a hand well played. “I think some of our members may have thought the default issue was a hostage you might take a chance at shooting,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said. “Most of us didn’t think that. What we did learn is this — it’s a hostage that’s worth ransoming.”

Sounds terrorist to me

if you pull your head out of your ass, your hearing will probably improve

Hmmmm....let me try

Nope.....still sounds terrorist
Your focus on McConnell is fine. They could use WaPo to quote from I guess. There are chapters here, including a whole scenario of cabals forming the night of the inaugural balls. Very colorful and reminds one of the scenes right from "All The Presidents Men." Dream on that more than a bit of this isn't fiction.
if the quote is fabricated, it seems like mcconnell would be pretty eager to deny it. has he?

Well since you seem to have comprehension issues, McConnell isn't the only or even prime character in the 'story.' Exactly which chapters again does he appear in?

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