We still have to fight them here


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
WE STILL HAVE TO FIGHT THEM HEREAfter Bush said “we have to take the fight to them so we don’t have to fight them here

Since taking the fight to them, Afghanistan and Iraq, we have spend billions we did not have, lost over 6,000 young men and women and 40,000 wounded for life, thousands of suicides, killed thousands of innocent Muslim men, women and children, misplaced millions from their homes and destroyed their country. Someone need to be held accountable for these crime against humanity. Bush and Cheney to start with. And we still have to fight them here. There have been 50 terrorist attack here since 9-11 and no sign of let up and attacks on our allies across the nation. And radical Muslim terrorist vow to keep it up until our presence in out of their land. And we call them terrorist because they are protecting their country from foreign invasion and occupation and genocide of their people?

Since we are not winning the war against terrorism there, we need to bring our troops home and let the fight the war against drug cartels smuggling drugs to our people and fight illegal aliens invasion and occupation that is killing more american then terrorist have since 9-11 and raped more children. We have been invaded by 30 million foreign invaders and they are slowly destroying our way of life by costing jobs and asking the taxpayers to foot the bill for educating and teaching their kids English, providing healthcare and incarceration for gang and other crime. Educating them is a waste of time and money since most of them drop out of school when they can legally do so and join gangs, dealing in drugs and other crimes. Spending millions on the border trying to keep them out and them we have our representatives enticing them to stay and to come with the promise of amnesty. “A rose by any other name still smell the same.”

While we are invading to middle east, people south of the border are invading and occupying our land. But our representatives want to call it a welcome mat for uninvited visitor.
If I thought that the USA were truly threatened by AFghanistan or Iraq, I'd have been calling for them to be nuked.

Bush II was full of beans, folks.

And now Obama is fiull of beans by continuing Bush II's mission.

Wasted money that's making a lot of the masters rich.

Pretty Typical of the "limited" wars this nation has been involved in ever since WWII.
You are misguided if you think the war in Afghanistn is the war against terror. Yes the initial attack was mainly to kill terrorists and that phase was over after a couple of months. The war is now about nation building not terrorism. The war against terrorism is spread across the globe, many places we hear nothing about, and yes here. But that is nothing new. We have had terrorist in this counry before the war. The revolutionary war that is! Is there is difference between Muslims or Americans who bomb public places? No, they are both terrorists and we have been dealing with them for centuries. A lot of them do not make national headlines but are couched in criminal terms and handled by the ATF or FBI or local officials.

Yes we do face a threat from foreign terrorists and we are disrupting their plans overseas. Just do not put Afghanistan down as in the war on terror.
You are misguided if you think the war in Afghanistn is the war against terror. Yes the initial attack was mainly to kill terrorists and that phase was over after a couple of months. The war is now about nation building not terrorism. The war against terrorism is spread across the globe, many places we hear nothing about, and yes here. But that is nothing new. We have had terrorist in this counry before the war. The revolutionary war that is! Is there is difference between Muslims or Americans who bomb public places? No, they are both terrorists and we have been dealing with them for centuries. A lot of them do not make national headlines but are couched in criminal terms and handled by the ATF or FBI or local officials.

Yes we do face a threat from foreign terrorists and we are disrupting their plans overseas. Just do not put Afghanistan down as in the war on terror.

Al Qaeda is gone from Afghanistan, so why are we still there? Graham say we have to build permanent military bases in Afghanistan and Iraq to keep it safe but that is a sure way for terrorism to continue against us an our allies.
Hey, just let terrorists keep on terrorizing us and the rest of the world while we just sit back and bitch. Let them come in and kill all of us while sitting in front of the computer second guessing them and bitching about Bush and the dems and the repubs. Yeah! Let's do that.
Do you realize how much of a threat terrorist would be if we had not invaded Afghanistan and Iraq? We lost more by taking the war to them then if we had let them bring their war, WAR? What war? here. Bush and Cheney were more of a threat them Al Qaeda, Taliban and Saddam. And illegal immigration is more of a threat than all of them.
If we had listened, 9-11 would never had happened.

September 11th And The Bush Administration
Compelling Evidence for Complicity

Walter E. Davis, PhD

September 11th and The Bush Administration

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