We should be voting for our best in government, not for what has been around for 40 years.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

Viv is a product of a 1st Gen household that demanded success. He told them what it means to be American and not the entitlement birthright which has infected the generations after WW2 who knew nothing but the easiest time to live.

Instill meritocracy, national identity, responsibility, anti-corruption in private/public institutions, and civic duty in America again with the grit of knowing what sacrifice means.

The American empire and dream has to be revitalized. This guy is worlds above all other candidates in speaking principles that are needed.

And no, he does not need to be some fossil's VP but I'd take it for a more promising future.

Compare his HS speech to that of Uncle RICO's dark lord speech.

Vivek sounds like the right kind of leader the.West needs. You defifitely want competence over "tenure". How is Feinstein still a Senator when she can't even make all of her own personal decisions now?

Viv is a product of a 1st Gen household that demanded success. He told them what it means to be American and not the entitlement birthright which has infected the generations after WW2 who knew nothing but the easiest time to live.

Instill meritocracy, national identity, responsibility, anti-corruption in private/public institutions, and civic duty in America again with the grit of knowing what sacrifice means.

The American empire and dream has to be revitalized. This guy is worlds above all other candidates in speaking principles that are needed.

And no, he does not need to be some fossil's VP but I'd take it for a more promising future.

Compare his HS speech to that of Uncle RICO's dark lord speech.

We've already had one "business leader" as President. And it was a disaster. We don't need another one...nor one as VP (which is what Viv is shooting for).
At least half of the R party won't be able to vote for a black man. He doesn't stand a chance.
Still, he can be influencial if he leads the way for the others on being the anti-Trump!

DeSantis on the other hand has condemned himself to flopping if Trumpism flops. And if Trump doesn't flops, then DeSantis is always just an also ran.

This guy? Trump wouldn't dare to make him his VP pick! He's much too uppity for the south.
Vivek sounds like the right kind of leader the.West needs. You defifitely want competence over "tenure". How is Feinstein still a Senator when she can't even make all of her own personal decisions now?
Well haven't you become the little liberal today!
Vivek sounds like the right kind of leader the.West needs. You defifitely want competence over "tenure". How is Feinstein still a Senator when she can't even make all of her own personal decisions now?
How is Feinstein still a Senator when she can't even make all of her own personal decisions now?
Same way every dem senator does.

they toe the party line.
I'm afraid Vivek doesn't really understand the people he is aspiring to lead. :omg:
I think he's trying to bring out the Trump supporters' real feelings. Many millions of working class Americans are downtrodden and being destroyed by the system.

That was behind Trump's appeal and Vivek can see ahead to the people coming to their senses and realizing that Trump isn't going to do it.

Vivek's name and skin colour has already disqualified him, but he can still represent any good that can still be claimed in America.

Maybe he's smart enough to know that's all he will ever be able to do?
I think he's trying to bring out the Trump supporters' real feelings. Many millions of working class Americans are downtrodden and being destroyed by the system.

That was behind Trump's appeal and Vivek can see ahead to the people coming to their senses and realizing that Trump isn't going to do it.

Vivek's name and skin colour has already disqualified him, but he can still represent any good that can still be claimed in America.

Maybe he's smart enough to know that's all he will ever be able to do?
Vivek would be a good leader for an intelligent, motivated citizenry. What we need now is someone who reflects today's people i.e. "of, by, and for" the people.
Vivek would be a good leader for an intelligent, motivated citizenry. What we need now is someone who reflects today's people i.e. "of, by, and for" the people.
Yes, I think so too! But the name and the colour makes it impossible.
Seems that a white Mr. Smith could win everything if he played his cards right.

Gavin Newsom might be the right guy? You think so?
If you haven't moved on from Biden, just pretend you have for a moment.
Yes, I think so too! But the name and the colour makes it impossible.
Seems that a white Mr. Smith could win everything if he played his cards right.

Gavin Newsom might be the right guy? You think so?
If you haven't moved on from Biden, just pretend you have for a moment.
I'm not too concerned about who becomes the next president. I'm more concerned about the attitude and actions of the people. I believe that the ball should be in our court. After all it's our country. People elect leaders to clean up the messes they make. Stop making messes and our elected leaders can do more productive things.
Yes, I think so too! But the name and the colour makes it impossible.
Seems that a white Mr. Smith could win everything if he played his cards right.

Gavin Newsom might be the right guy? You think so?
If you haven't moved on from Biden, just pretend you have for a moment.
That's why Gov. Youngkin is considering a late bid. ;)
Vivek would be a good leader for an intelligent, motivated citizenry. What we need now is someone who reflects today's people i.e. "of, by, and for" the people.
The "Rule of Law" Is the Law of the Rulers

The ruling class's Constitution gave us a government off the people, buy the people, and force the people. But their wholly owned Influencers on all shades of the spectrum have brainwashed us to think of that anti-democratic manifesto as some kind of divinely inspired Scripture.
Youngkin is articulate, thoughtful, and reasonable.
He'll never be elected.
The "Rule of Law" Is the Law of the Rulersq

The ruling class's Constitution gave us a government off the people, buy the people, and force the people. But their wholly owned Influencers on all shades of the spectrum have brainwashed us to think of that anti-democratic manifesto as some kind of divinely inspired Scripture.
"Off, buy, and force", I like it.

The humorous but sad irony is that we can take back our country right under the noses of those we elect.
At least half of the R party won't be able to vote for a black man. He doesn't stand a chance.
Still, he can be influencial if he leads the way for the others on being the anti-Trump!
And if we were using ranked choice voting he'd have a very good shot of winning the general election.

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